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1997.06.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the holy fathers from the council of Nicaea

The word of God[1] on the Sunday of the holy fathers from the council of Nicaea[2]



The heaven is with you, people with the name of Jerusalem. The Lord is with you as word on the earth. I want to make with you and upon you everything that will remain forever. I want you, My people, to be forever. Amen, amen, amen.


I come to My people on the thread of your book, Verginica. I speak with the people and with you. I speak with the man on the earth. My word speaks from heaven on earth, that the Lord is holiness over the earth. Amen.


In the beginning I created the light first, and then I created everything that I made; I created them in the light, at the light, and I could do nothing in the darkness, because I am the Lord of the day, and I divided everything that I created; I divided them in seven days, as I made the seventh day My rest. Each work of the seven days was created in one day. I looked on everything that I created and I made them by the word, and I said: «All are very good», and I made the seventh day My rest.


Oh, Verginica[3], I speak with you the same way I was speaking when you were in your body on the earth among the people. I was speaking with you as I spoke with Moses in the beginning and I was dictating the Scriptures of creation, Verginica. I want the man from the earth to understand the word of My Scriptures, as I dictated to the man of God from the earth, and the man of God accomplished the word of God on the earth; however, the man of this age has been unfaithful to My work through the man of God among the people. The man of this age believes in those that are worked and spoken by him. He does not believe in those that are worked and spoken by Me, because he does not see and does not hear those that are made and declared by Me. I told Moses this: «I am Who I am. I will open up your mouth and I will teach you what to speak». I have been working with you, Verginica, the same way. I am working more wonderfully with My sons of today; the sons, who bring Me on the earth as the word from the Father. Why do I work more wonderfully? Because I went to My Father; because you went the same way from them to Me and to the Father, and they work even more wonderfully. I was working the miracles of My Father before My disciples, and I was speaking to them that they would do even greater miracles after I would go to My Father and that I would be with them from the Father and with the Father.


Oh, the man does not know what My day of rest is. If I cannot rest in the man, the man does not know to understand those from the Lord. I worked during the six days of creation, and I made them all well, and looking upon them I rested with thankfulness on the seventh day. My days are Mine, and the day of rest is Mine. The days of the man are man’s, and his seventh day is his. The man works his things on six days, those for him, and on the seventh day he rests from those of his, saying that on the seventh day he honors Me. In the seventh day I enjoyed of all the good things that I created, which I made for the man in six days, but can the man make everything that I had made during the six days until the seventh day? The man works six days for himself, not for Me, and the seventh day he says that he gives it to Me and that he sanctifies it. Not even the people of Israel understood My days and their honoring, and the honoring of the seventh day, for he had done only what was evil on his way. And I was speaking to Moses: «Go and take the people into Canaan, but I will not go up in the midst of you, lest I consume you in the way, for you are a stiff-necked people. If I were to go up into your midst, I would consume you in one moment», and the Lord was coming to the tent of meeting, outside of the camp of the Israel’s tents, and there He would spoke with Moses face to face, as someone speaks with his friend, and Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord, because the Lord told him so: «Write these for a memorial in a book».


Israel did not understand what the Lord’s rest was, because he was a stiff-necked people, and the Lord could not rest in him. But God made of Moses His rest, and He taught him what to speak over Israel and He opened Moses’ mouth. When Moses went up the second time on the Mount of Sinai, so that the Lord may give him ordinances over Israel, for Israel to observe them and so that the Lord may rest in Israel from His work upon him, when Moses reached up in the mountain, the cloud of the Lord’s glory came down, covering the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day, the Lord called Moses out of the midst of the cloud, and Moses had been standing in the midst of the cloud for forty days and forty nights, and the Lord gave him ordinances over Israel. The seventh day was lengthened to forty days and the Lord had rested over Moses forty days and forty nights, and the man does not know what the day of the Lord’s rest means. I was resting over Moses with those good of Mine that I wanted to do and to put over Israel, and I was looking over them and all were very good; however, when Moses was coming to put them over Israel, so that I may rest from those of Mine upon him, Israel remained a stiff-necked people, and I was not able to rest upon him. Israel did not receive Me to rest upon him, and he kept saying to Moses: «Go and speak with the Lord, and speak with us yourself what the Lord is speaking upon us». And I said this: «Israel, remember the day of the Lord to keep it holy», for I worked six days for you to make your happiness, and rested on the seventh day. I made the heaven and earth and everything that I made for the man, and then I rested the seventh day and I blessed it, as the man blesses a church and sanctifies it after he makes it.


The man should make a church of him within six days, and make the seventh day holy and bless it, as I did. The church means the heaven and earth of God among the people, the word and the Lord’s body, the new man’s creation. (See the selection topic: „The true church[4]”, r.n.) I made the heaven and earth in six days, but what has the man made in six days? I said among My commandments: «Man, remember the day of the Lord to make it holy». But I also said this in My commandments: «Man, you shall not murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor; you shall not be greedy». Oh, he, who violates these, also violates the day of the Lord by these.


I hear the words of those who talk tall that they keep the seventh day; I hear them when they say that if a commandment is violated you become guilty of all, and you violate them all by the one violated. Oh, if you, who say that you are afraid not to break this commandment of the day of the Lord, so that you may not become guilty of all the other commandments, why are you really not afraid of breaking the other commandments which say: «You shall not murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall lie; you shall not be greedy, and to love God by not doing these and not taking in vain His word and His name, and by honoring Him as your Father and mother?» No man can boast that he keeps all My commandments, and how comes that you can boast that you keep them? You, who boast about My commandments, why do you break them by dishonoring them? But did My Holy Spirit not tell you by Paul’s Scriptures; did he not tell that you, who boast about the law and the commandments, you also break and dishonor them? My commandments come one by one as a chain, and each one of them comes from the one before it, and all come from the first one, not from the forth one, and the fourth one, which you keep as your foundation, is broken off from the first one, and not the first one is broken off from the fourth one.


I speak with you Verginica, and I speak with you, My people, so that the one, who has to hear, may hear. But he does not hear, as neither Israel heard My ordinances upon him; he did not hear, and he broke My commandments one by one, and he called himself „the Lord’s people”, the same as those of today, who keep the seventh day and call themselves „the Lord’s people” and say that they are „Adventists”. This name means „came the second time”, and for these it means that Christ came for the second time; it means His second coming. But how He, Who did not come first, can come the second time?


Oh, you, who hear not hearing! You should know that the people of Israel, which did not recognize that Christ came of the Virgin then, and Who will come, as they say, will be happier; they are happier than you, who say that Christ came then, and that He also came the second time, or that he is coming. I came then and I have come now, and I have been since then and until now, and I am, but I am not for you. I am not for you; I do not want to be for you, those who do not know to understand God, as He tells you to understand. You understand the Lord in vain the way you want to understand. The Lord has to be understood, as He wants, not how it comes to the man to understand Him. Behold, I open My mouth against you, and say: when Israel was sinning and venomous snakes were coming against him and killing his sons by deathly bites, I said to Moses to make a bronze snake. I wanted to stop Israel’s condemnation and not die any more, and I wanted to make Israel wise, and once with that trial over his power for his sins, I was preparing his salvation from death, and in My compassion I told Moses: «I saw Israel’s repentance, and the one, who is bitten by a serpent and will look at the bronze snake, will no longer die and will live». I was the One, Who spoke that a bronze serpent to be made;

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