2020.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension by Lord Jesus (novels for beginners .TXT) 📖

- Author: Lord Jesus
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The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension
Arise to meet Me, you, those who watch in the citadel of My word, to put My word into the book! Peace to you! It is a day of holy feast, sons. Oh, peace to the people of My word during this time, too, and I am setting the table of word in the citadel and I am coming down to give it to the people so that it may learn from God the work of holiness, the sign of those who are with God on earth, the carried cross, oh, sons, the sign of the Son of Man, with whom, I, the Lord appear over the earth as it is written[2]. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)
Oh, how beautiful it is among those in heaven when I come to you with My word, how beautiful, what great joy, what great comfort, sons! My love for you is everything that comforts Us in heaven; it is a comforting hope, it is the Lord in a council with man on earth, and there cannot be greater comfort than this, for not even in heaven, where I brought the man, built by My hand and Spirit, to stay with him and to comfort Myself with him, oh, not even at that time did I get more comforted as now, when I am staying with you so much, such a long time, but still very little in comparison with how much time I want to spend with you, oh, and the heaven is greatly rejoicing because of the joy that I have when I am with you as word on earth, sons, and it means so much for God My way with you during this time, so much waited to come and to be.
Oh, dear sons, however rich the heaven of saints may be in the miracles and powers from above, it still lacks the comfort that was meant even from the beginning to be for the heavenly conditions, for the heavenly dwellings, and behold, that is why God made man, for He made him to be comfort for the heavenly mysteries, for the Father, for the Son and for the Holy Spirit, oh, and how much pain and search among those in heaven, after that the man, who was meant for comfort, did no longer stay near God with his being, with his life, and with his love!
Oh, how much My cross and My sufferance from the time of the cross comforted Me, sons! This was My love for man, and I got comforted because I could show My love and its wound, My longing after the one who was lost in paradise, My forgiveness for him so that he may be able to turn back to Me, forgiven and cleansed from his guilt. I was divested of man, I was completely deprived of My comfort, and only My love strengthened My steps and soul under the cross, and the cross was My comfort; it was the confession of My love, and since that time and up to this day the cross has been confessing Me and showing Me loving and suffering in love, and the whole heaven has always suffered for My wound, and this suffering has been long, starting even from the moment when I lost the man and up to this very day and until tomorrow, as well.
Two thousand years ago, I said: «If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself,» (Matt: 16/24), let him deny himself to be able to suffer with Me and after Me with his love, as I have been suffering after man with My love, and I have had nothing dearer than man in heaven and on earth, neither I, nor the Father, that is the man, whom We built in Our image and after Our likeness to comfort Ourselves with him, to have consolation after that, for when you lose comfort, pain replaces it and the longing after the lost comfort, and because man has not denied himself as God did, oh, he cannot become comfort for Us, he cannot take after God through the cross, for I came with the cross and on the cross, and man can come in this way, too, if he comes back to God, especially now that I have cleared his steps, that I paid for his life and for his return, only for him to learn and to understand well the way he can come back and what his coming back to Me means.
Oh, son, oh, son of God, be careful, for you have to live your life with God dearly, and you should love your life for His sake and rejoice greatly because you came into the world and that you have the chance to love the Lord your God with your being, with your love for Him. Oh, and you should do nothing else with your life except to rejoice over it for God, not for you, and you should live gladly and happily because you are with God and for God with your life.
I said that I would give your great words today, sons, oh, and I love to speak very much, and how well and dearly was for Me to set you before Me and to be able to speak on earth in My time with you! Man is used to speeches and talks, even when he is alone, for he turns on the radio and hears the spoken words of the people, and his search for talks has not been finished, oh, and he is not in Christ with his love and search, he does not come to My right side, and he lives with the spirit of the world in his ear, and the one who was once with his hearing near this word and who, after that, in his disobedience, has neglected it, then one like that has no peace anymore, and he keeps on looking for his soul and does not find any rest for the soul.
Oh, sons, My love for you is great. I have from you the consolation that is coming to Me from My speaking today over the earth in order to call the man to his mercy for Me, for My wound has been great because I lost him. I instituted the power of the sign of the cross through My nailing on the cross and I gave it a great name and I said: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and this name should be proclaimed by all those who worship with the sign of the holy cross, (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) and those who throw away the sign of the holy cross from their body, from their house, they throw away the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the name of the Father is on top, the sign of the Son is in the middle and the sign of the Holy Spirit is on both sides; it is the whole God that is thrown away by the man together with the cross on which I was nailed while I was in My body, and the Father and the Holy Spirit were also there in the Spirit, and the man cannot see this with his cold eyes.
Oh, Christian son, do not run away from the cross, do not run from love! This is how I loved you - on the cross, sons. I loved most, and on the cross I asked your forgiveness from the Father; My love for you cried on the cross, and if you cannot do this, oh, how can you love God otherwise with your love? He showed you how His love for you was and what it did for your life, and your cross means your life, and if you do not know how to carry your cross towards Christ, then you want to get rid of it; it seems heavy to you and you want to make it easier; you always want to make it easier, but without a cross, a man decides to go on the way of the world, where all leave off their cross and run away from burdens, looking for happiness, not for the cross, and that is why a man stays in the world, and not because of something else; and he stays there because he does not want to have a cross, he does not want God to be his Master, rather he wants to be his own master to do whatever he wants. However, the world and its spirit are also a cross, but this cross is more shameful; it is dirtier, more divested of glory and full of the shame of life, dirty with rust and moth, as it is written[3], (Matt: 6/19-21; Luke: 12/33, 34) for when a man dies and his wealth remains on earth then his descendants fight for it, therefore, the cross of the man without God is shameful among other men on earth.
Oh, how much, how much the people of Israel wanted to be with God in Egypt! They were under a burden, under oppression, and they were sacrificing the power of their body and were working very much, for because they were slaves they were required to work much; however, when the time for their visitation came to be taken out from Egypt and from slavery, they all came out, and there was no one sick in all their seed, oh, there was none; instead all of them were healthy and were working being helped by their health, and this is how anyone can protect his health, by dedicating himself with self-denial, or by breaking his own will, and if someone protects himself then he is no longer healthy, because health is good only if you are useful with it, and otherwise you do not need it; on the contrary, it harms your soul, which remains without great works, without any earnings for it in heaven.
Oh, who can understand this word, this mystery of the carried cross? Salvation came and took all of them out of bondage, out of sufferance; it took out all the sons of Israel, and not even Joseph remained with his bones there, oh, and it will be the same when I will separate My bride in order to give her salvation, (See the selection topic: „The rapture (the abduction) of the Church”, r.n.) for behold, I have always come after her, and I want to prepare a beautiful bride for Me, and this is the work that I have to do on earth today.
Oh, people of Israel, you had forgotten My love at that time for you and you departed from your God with your life then, and when I came from the Father to bring and to give your forgiveness and repentance, oh, only a small remnant of you sided with My coming to you when you did not receive and did not open for Me. My Father had sent Me from heaven to come to you, but you did not receive Me. You thought that I would take your house and your possessions, but I was not of this world to need your things. I had nothing in this world but you alone and I came to you, but you hated Me, you did not love Me as I loved
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