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ME in everything will be raptured.

Only those who do not twist MY WORD and make and use it to their own gospel, will be raptured.

Those who take MY WORD seriously in everything, will be raptured.

I see many of MY children still sin. They do not take MY WORD for true and therefore not serious. These people think they are ‘good christians’ of themselves. They come to me in worship, go to church and do their good deeds. Deceived they will come out. This is a stench under MY NOSE! I have no delight in sacrifices, but in pure obedience. I was GOD and I have learned pure obedience and walked in it to obey and please MY FATHER in all things. I have humiliated MYSELF for humanity, so I would be raised in Glory and Honor. I see many bring "sacrifices" that are not pleasing to ME. I see many not bring sacrifices that is not pleasing to ME. I desire complete obedience to MY WORD, because it is the only path to a pure and chaste bride. Anything outside that, is carnal and I cannot accept. I come for a pure and chaste bride. Search your hearts and see what is not of ME. Listen to MY prophets. Listen to the Words that I sent in the world today. Listen to ME! Do not be haughty and proud. If you do not want to listen to MY prophets, then listen to MY WORD. Then live according to MY WORD! Read MY WORD and see if you obey ME in everything. Otherwise, I cannot come for you as MY bride. The time is up and is now very close for MY coming.

MY HEART is joyful and MY HEART is burdened, because many of MY children will be left behind. MY WORD is true and the same for everyone, I regard not the person of man. I do not make exceptions. Ask ME for anything and in everything. Do not be proud people who take their own choices and decisions, for that you cannot. I want you to ask ME in everything. I AM GOD. I AM the I AM. I AM have not changed. I AM am the GOD of the old and the GOD of the new. I tolerate no contradiction or disobedience. You have a privilege because you can always call on ME, this is called grace, but know that I see everyone's heart and know what is in your hearts. I judge righteously. It is extremely important to obey ME in everything and immediately. These are MY Words. You better give heed. I am here to receive you. Who will come? Whose tears can I catch? Whose hearts can I convert and circumcise? Who is worthy to climb MY HOLY MOUNTAIN? Who is worthy to receive ME? I AM that I AM! Know that I am GOD and holy.”

Dear people, I want to ask you not to bombard me with emails regarding this matter, go to GOD and ask HIM in everything, HE has all the answers. This is what I do also. I have given my short testimony because GOD has asked me. God bless you all, Sabrina.



Chapter 2: Hell Testimony By Carmelo Brenes

"Rescued From Hell"

Pastor and Evangelist Carmelo Brenes Our Church of God of the Full Gospel has the honor to present the testimony: "Rescued from Hell," with pastor and evangelist Carmelo Brenes.

In 1982, I had an accident in which I died. In the moment that all my existence ended, I felt everything become dark, and I began to walk through a dark tunnel. I saw a being that was taking me and began to hear screams and moans. I understood that my life had been taken from me; I ceased to live on the earth. But the most terrible thing was that as we were going through the tunnel, the fear inside of me was increasing more and more. I knew that, although my body was already dead, I was alive in some place. We walked for a while inside that tunnel. Suddenly, I heard groans and moans that I had never heard before. As we continued walking inside that cold and dark tunnel, I began to see big, gigantic snakes that moved from one place to another and to hear different moans and groans. There was something very peculiar about that place: almost all the people in that place had something in common. They were all thinking about and crying out for water at that moment. We continued going until we arrived at an open place like a plateau with many chambers and divisions that contained different people.

I began to cry out with terror and beg God for mercy. I began to tell Him, “Lord, remember my life! Have mercy!” In those moments, a feeling of terror invaded my soul. I felt like my whole life was passing before my eyes once more. I was walking with the being that took me. As we approached a door, I shouted, “Have mercy on me my Lord; have mercy on me! I beg you to help me! Help me Lord!!”

Suddenly there was a silence, and I heard a voice saying, “Stop!” Because of that voice, all of Hell shook. The being that was taking me by the hand released me, but I did not fall to the ground. Instead, I remained hovering in one place and heard that voice once more that said, “I am not the God of adulterers, I am not the God of fornicators, I am not the God of liars. Why do you call me Lord if I am not a God of those who boast and are proud?” I felt for a moment that my whole being was going to be destroyed, but as the moments passed the being’s voice became softer and told me, “Come and I will show you the things going on in this place that are waiting for all who haven’t been willing to follow my way and have walked after the imaginations of their own hearts.” I began to walk in that place, while listening to all those moans that crushed my very soul. Suddenly, we stopped at the head of a cell where a woman was sitting in a rocking chair. At first, it seemed like nothing was happening to her, but suddenly her body transformed because she was a witch. She screamed with such groans and moans, and asked for help because her whole being was burning in flames. She began to scream horrifying screams, begging for someone to please help her.

The Lord spoke to me and said, “The wages of sin is death, and those who arrive in this place will never get out again.” He also showed me places down in the earth, like openings in the earth, that had some kind of boiling oil where there were also beings that were burning in flames--“ human beings, that were in that place of suffering. When they tried to go out, a demon came at once to put them inside that place again.

The Lord showed me that because of the disobedience of men, many people that had once been a part of Christian and Evangelic churches, found themselves in that place crying out and begging for mercy over their lives, which could not be found anymore because mercy can only be found when we are still alive on this earth. Once a man is dead, mercy can not be reached anymore, as the Lord says in His word, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

We continued walking and arrived at a very special place where there were people that had once listened to the word of God, but never wanted to repent. I noticed a woman with two children who were pleading with their mother and asked her: “Why? Why didn’t you take us to Sunday school? Why didn’t you allow us to go to church?” And they cursed her because they once wanted to go to church to hear the word of God, but their mother never allowed them to go to church to hear the gospel. He also took me by a place where there were pastors, evangelists, and missionaries and many believers who were there for different causes. I saw a pastor that especially caught my attention. This man had never believed in the power of the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues, or the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He also never believed in the healings of the Lord. Now however, he was begging for mercy, and for one more chance to go out and tell the world that speaking in tongues is real, that that the Holy Ghost is real, and that there is real freedom in the gospel of the Lord. But it was too late for him; he could not leave that place because his time to repent of his evil was while he was on earth.

Even when he was a member of the Christian evangelical church and a pastor, however, he had not reached mercy. There was also a missionary there because he asked for money to open a mission in Africa, but he only used half of the money. The rest of the money he took it for himself, and now he begs for mercy in that place and for another chance to deliver back the money that was not his. He remembers how he lied to take that money that was not his and begs for mercy and forgiveness. But when he sees that mercy can not be granted to him, he curses Jesus Christ.

I want to tell you, it is not the same at all, when you live life here as when you are in that place of torment. In Hell, you hear the shouts and groans of terror and pain in the throat of those that were once inside the church praising the name of Jesus. Now in that place they cry out and beg for mercy for their sins, but once on this earth they had that chance. Now, they are just waiting for the eternal and Last Judgment. There were also pastors there because they robbed tithes and offerings from their churches. Now, they want just one more chance that can not be granted any more, “one more chance that can only be found on this earth. They spend day and night crying out without ceasing to undo all their bad works. The opportunity to repent is while you are alive on earth because after this life there are no more chances. Those who die without Jesus Christ go to Hell, and those who die with Jesus Christ receive eternal life in heaven with Him.

Many people believe that dying is just stopping this existence and that their bodies will go into the earth. At death, real life begins and the real personality of the believer or the sinner shows up and begins to live; either in the glory of God or in condemnation and eternal shame. That choice you make it today and now; right at this moment is when you can think over and meditate on where you want to spend your eternity. Do

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