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say again and again: one another not one with another or each with others, but each other as I loved all of you, who were at that time and are now with Me, loving each other. Love one another as I loved you, and if you do not know how, ask My love, My love which loves you all, and it will answer you loving you with its answer, and you will be carried at its bosom as a mother caresses her babies comforting them. This way you will be comforted in Jerusalem, in Me your Jerusalem, your place of joy. You in Me and I in you, a New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem from above on earth, a holy city, and countless multitudes will understand what the Scriptures which says: «And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down out from heaven, from God», for I said so: «I will prepare a place for you, as where I am you may be there also».  And I went so that I may come back again from the Father a dwelling for you and for those of that time that I was spoken these words upon; to come as a holy city, to come and be as a New Jerusalem, so that where I am you may also be. That is why I have always said that I come to embody you in My holy body, in the dwelling which came down from the Father, as I said: «I go to My Father to prepare a place for you and to come back as a place from the Father for you». I said that in My Father’s house are many places, but I prepared a place for you to be together with Me. What kind of places has My Father among the many which I spoke about? Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, of God’s making, dear sons, who stay under My wisdom. There are dwellings for thrones, principalities, rulers, beginners, powers, dwellings of the archangels, of angels, of seraphim, of cherubim; dwelling of ghosts who serve the word of God: rain, wind, blizzard, hail, dew, ice, snow, clouds, haze, fog, heat; wrath with its instruments, lightning, fire, brimstone; the dwellings of blessing: sun, moon, and light; the places of my Father’s house, which are many and countless, for He said and they came into being; He commanded and they were built and are being built at His command, and He set and is setting the forever and ever, and He gave and is giving them a law and they will not overlook it, and they will praise Him on earth and heaven. Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, but I came from My Father and went to Him, so that I may come again, to come as a place for you, who are given to Me by My Father to be for you a dwelling into My Father’s house; you in Me and I in you; I with My saints and you with joy, as it is written: «Rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!» for the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool, and this way the man was made. Amen. I prepared a place for you in Me, that where I am you shall also be, and everyone who is mine to be with Me, and I with Mine, and all those of My Father’s places to serve God, to the word of God. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.)


… Verginica, this is what I said to My people today: oh, children and little children of the Spirit and of My body, I would stay with you forever. I would make day from night, I would stop the time; I would always stayed with you and love you, and I would love you and would make love to you until I make you love Me as much as I am in love with you, as My Father loves you and He is in love with you in Me, and the lovers would never separate again, for they feel how the eternity seizes them and feel the joy seizing them. This is how the Father is in love with you, and I am the eternity and the joy of My Father. I am the One Who embraces you making My Father to rejoice in Me. From cradle to cradle I swing with you between heaven and earth and I want to make from you Prince Charming and fairies and to show you the true story, and to be with you, power and love not fairy story, but rather to be the truth in you. I have been taking care of you from cradle to cradle; I have written Myself with you from book to book, so that the times may look to this time, at My time with you. You are My last church, My house of guests on the earth. You are those comforted in Jerusalem, in Me, your Jerusalem, your place of comforting; you in Me, and I in you, New Jerusalem from heaven on earth, for there where I am you also may be, for the place of the man made by God is in God, the One Who made man according to His image and likeness, a dwelling of the Lord in man, and of the man in God. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, on 04-12-1996.



I, sons, have no peace in heaven and on earth without you. You are My peace and I comfort Myself with you; I rejoice with you in the longing of My coming, for I miss the work of your hands, I miss the man, My sons. I long to the man to come to Me, for there is no greater joy in heaven as when a man without God comes to Me to find Me and follow Me. I established you as a path on the earth leading to God. I chose you as a support, sons. I, sons, have no peace in heaven and on earth without you. And why do I have no peace? I have no peace until I come visibly, for behold, I have always called the man. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.). I have always made My way to the people with you.


You are My hands and feet; I walk with you; I spend time with you; I write Myself with you in heaven and on earth, and I have no peace until I find My rest. My rest is the man, and I miss the work of My hands, I miss the man to come and follow Me as you followed Me, the little children of the garden of My word. Oh, how could I have peace without you anymore? No one wants to deny himself and follow Me. People want to be with Me, but they do not know what it means for man to be with God. No man knows how to be with God anymore? My longing is full, My spirit longs crying for the man made after the image and likeness of God. My crying is hurt, My longing is crying for the man, but I find comfort with you and I find comfort comforting you and rising you in My longing. Oh, who has mercy on Me any longer to give Me to the people, so that I may find My lost comfort in them, My first rest? I miss all human kind, but I lose Myself in you, I hide in you with My longing, as I do not have where to bow down mMy head; I have not. The man is no longer My house. The man sold the house and garden, his body and happiness. The man was My house, and I did not need a house made by the people. What kind of a house the people who spoiled My house and My rest should build Me? The man was to be My house and My glory after My image and My rest.

Oh, sons, how can I have peace without you any longer? Where should I find My comfort, where? Who shall hear Me? Who shall know Me? Who should I complain Myself on earth to? The man’s life had to My life; his body, My house; his work, My work. Oh, sons take My word, take My comfort and give it to the people so that they may also feel My comforting and know My voice.


Let the saints find comfort in you, Israel, for they miss them, dear son. The saints come with Me to you. Be careful to what I say, for I tell you those that are prophesied in the Scriptures. I come with My saints to you. Your Lord comes with thousands of saints to you, and all this glory will soon be seen. His glory will be seen soon, soon, as the lightning which rises from the east and shines up to the sunset; soon, soon it will show, it will show soon, soon. Amen. (See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.)


The kingdom of heaven is like you, dear Israel, faithful servant, for the Master will come and find you watching and will tell you: «Come into the joy of your Lord!». Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Hierarch Nicolae, (Nicholas) on 19-12-1996.



Oh, what kind of house shall man build to Me? Did I not really make the heaven and the earth into My house, My throne and My bed? I am the One Who builds. My hands laid down your foundation, Jerusalem of My glory, and My hands will finish it until of glorifying of the visible one in it, for I come on the clouds, Jerusalem, and I will let Myself be seen while coming to you and all the nations will walk into My and your brightness, My city of sons, the city of My love, the living temple from Romania. I come with saints in you and have a celebration of saints, and I comfort you, Jerusalem, My comforting. We comfort each other, son. The spirit of comfort is the spirit who wraps us in a single body, Bridegroom and bride on the earth, for it is written: «The two shall be one flesh».

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the St. Hierarch Basil the Great, on 14-01-1997.


Peace to the little garden of My word! Amen. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come into Verginica’s book. I become a word and come on the clouds, and I come with Verginica.


I come into you with, Verginica; I come in your book and become the word and book of My word. Today is a day of St. John. We come to Israel with John, My godfather and celebrate a heavenly day with Israel. We pass from book to book and write down in the books, Verginica, for these books are those prophesied about in the word of the Scriptures, which say: «And the books were open and there was open another book», The Book of Life, Verginica: all the books of God, all, from all the times, and with them, The Book of Life. (See the selection topic: „The Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.).


Does really Israel know what the Book of Life is, Verginica? It is written: «Anyone who is not found written in the book of the Life will be cast into the fire». Let us work sons, for there are many to be learned over Israel and over the nations, and all

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