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not understand that the heavenly kingdom is not allowed to be seen by the one over which man rules. The same is with the priests of today, who settled down to rule and not in the least to give themselves as an example to the flock; they are afraid lest they lose their control over the world, lest they lose the milk sucked from the toil of the poor man on earth, for the man of today is on earth, not in heaven, and is wretched and does not want any longer to be wretched. The men have always been like that; they have been keeping on to life as if they were never to die, poor of them. The same is today and no one stops thinking at his encounter with God. The man of today turned himself into a dragon and is struggling to do and to have and he forgets what man is, for the man is only a breath. Oh, how much I have loved the man, but the man on earth has not understood, and I, son, am happy for I have you Israel, and I protect you during all the time and I keep you into My palm and I am glad for you when I see you full-hearted and with your heart in My heart.


… I told My people to set on the cross as I did, and My people did not understand this calling, he did not understand what it means to let oneself be crucified into the name of Jesus Christ, who gave himself for the man.


Behold sons, what a big difference: it is one thing that I, the Lord, to be in your heart, and another thing for you to be in My heart, a share of My heart, you son from Israel. I am in your heart, but I am not always, as your heart is keen on you as well, and is like you, and then I am left outside. But in My bodily heart it is hard for Me to be in such housing, and that is why I uttered and said: “Son, give Me your heart.” I did not say so that I may stay in it. I asked it from you to take it and hide it into My heart, where it is no longer dying as also I am not dying. Be careful, you working son, for I have taught you this mystery today. In your heart you are only yourself, but in My heart I am only Myself, the Lord.


The mystery of the word is great, church. Sons My heart is the church. This means the church and nothing else means a church. Come son into this church of which I am the head and the heart.


Behold, you working sons, I call out through you over Israel and say: Israel give Me son your heart so that I may take it and put it into My heart. I am the life, son, and I gave it to you, I gave you My Body and My Blood, My heart; I am the life without death in every day, with every day. Oh, son, how you could not let yourself kneaded by My hand so as you may be taken into My heart and to see what you did not see and to know what you did not know. Behold, you do not know what I am working today. I have spoken to you Israel of life and death and you do not know what this life is about. I have promised you for a long time to give you this gift and here you do not have it today. You have not snatched yourself from the world, you have not put yourself on the cross, you have not given yourself over to Me, the same way I gave Myself over to you, and here, you are coming to My table and do not know yet what it is on My table towards life without death and you, Israel, have not let yourself be healed at your eyes and heart. Your eye had and has to see those that are not seen. I have come with great mysteries and I cannot discover them to you, as you have not let yourself on the cross so that afterwards you may be resurrected through the cross and then to see beyond those that are seen. I have not got in you Israel but bodies, son. I also have a body, but I crucified it in the name of My Father and then I shared Myself to the poor. Those that crucified Me put Me on the cross and I stood to be put, son. But I am the one to put you on the cross and the wounds, nails and thorns are not hurting you as they hurt Me. I do not give you over to the hand of those that crucify. It is different with you, and still you do not let yourself to be like Me and with me, Israel, My people. Those that crucified Me gave Me over for the ones who believed in Me, but they did not know what they accomplished. It is the same with the priests today, to Me they are those that crucify, but they make another crucifixion, more painful for Me than the one then.


You go Christian to church and the priest is giving you My body and My blood, (Holy Communion, r.n.) and the priest is My persecutor and you do not believe what I am saying to you, and I cannot talk with you about My pain. It is one thing to take Me out from the hand of a crucified one and another thing to take Me from the hand of a persecutor, for the priests who are over the world, those are crucifying Me with their deeds and do not stand quietly as the crucified man, who, being on the cross, cannot commit adultery, cannot steal, cannot deceive, like the one that is killed, and cannot do evil. The man who says that he is hanging on the cross, that one is crucifying his body, the desires and lusts of the body; that one is crucified. Well Israel, My Body and My Blood have to come from the hand of the one like that, not from all My persecutors. My persecutors of that time did not know the Son of God, for they did not believe in him, but the priests of today, who have gone to receive the priesthood, those, even if they have not believed in Me, have gone to receive into My name, My Body in order to butcher it and to sell it to the world for money, Israel. Go to the one who confessed and the one who communed without giving the money to the priest, for he is not giving you what he has for selling. He took Me for selling and not for something else, and what is he doing with the money which he took from you for My selling? For he is not giving it to the church, because the church means you and I, I and the poor in spirit, and the one who is crying, and the one you is persecuted, and the one who is pure in heart. But the church of today is a den of thieves as then; it is the place where I am sold out for money as then, and the priest is taking money for Me and is doing the taste of his own lusts and is making his kingdom from the old beasts and from emptiness, and the priest is My persecutor; he is not crucified as I was, and the world is deceiving and enchanting itself, for it says that the priest is taking it to the grave when is dies. But he is taking it to the grave and that is all, as he cannot take it from the grave farther, for the priest is no longer a good guide. The priest has to give light with his light in Me, but not as it happens today with this hoard of crucifiers.


I, sons, always have to bring you the Scripture on the table, the one that says: «They who belong to Christ have crucified their passions and body and the lusts of the flesh and are walking in the Spirit», and only those belong to Christ. Others have nothing from Christ to work with. That is why Israel, I have prepared you and lifted you up from among the people of the world to start building a church after My likeness, for I am the head of the church, the One for living food, the One for a life without death. Those that belong to Christ do not sit at the table with the lawless ones, and in the church of the world there are gathered together all kind of bodies which, by their deeds, are crucifying on and on the Son of God, who gave his name to the people; he gave it to them so that they may carry it, as Christian means Christ, and who else is also carrying My name? Behold, Christian means Christ, sons.


Take care, you and all the appointed workers, take care of the priests who are helping for the food of the people and for the absolution of the people. Here is needed a great care for the time that still is. The priests should no longer work alone, for they know the course and state of the people. The hard Christian should not overcharge the heart of the priest and let him not steal the food. Let the Christian not be a thief of those that are holy and let the Christian be reconciled to God and to the shepherd and to the apostle and to the messenger, and let the Christian reveal his life and heart before the Lord, before the church and not by stealth, and let him not overcharge the heart of the priest.


It is only the priest, Christian, that can help you; not this way, do not do something like this. Let the priest only make your prayer of reconciliation to Me and to the people. Do you hear? The prayer for reconciliation to Me and to the people son. The one who still has something to hide, that one is a thief. For reconciling to Me you cannot come indirectly but rather on the visible way, Christian.


Be careful as the Christians go for confession; the ones who do not believe in My work, who murmur, who blaspheme, who put obstacles to those who walk, who blame you of pride. Let those sit at the left and not take from the meal of My people. Let those go and take from My persecutors who sell for money, for a multitude of Christians have hope in the priests from the world, but I have no hope in these priests since they are My crucifiers. They sit crucified with their bodies, they break My commandments and sell Me to the world for money, and with the money they meet their needs. But the priests, who remained with the holiness and this work of word, let them stay crucified on the cross and this way they should give My Body and My Blood to My Christians, for I, sons, gave My Body and My Blood to those who believed in Me on the cross, to those who believe in Me; from the cross and not from fleshly delights, but from bodily crucifixion, sons.


I proved My full deity only after the crucifixion and I displayed it to the people who believed in Me, for faith works out miracles, nothing else works out miracles. Human faith makes My work through miracles be seen, and keep into mind what I am teaching you now and what I am writing in the book now. A faithful Christian can make

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