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you do, if you had to go and again, to go through hardships and troubles of all sorts, as My disciples on earth, so as to sow all over Me and My kingdom of heavens among the people? What would you do, son? Would really go? You would not go son, for you are poorly of everything; of gold and power, of bag and staff, even of faith son, or even of courage, for today the kings of the earth are devoid of wisdom and no one would receive you with the tidings of new age. Today satan is walking on earth son, dressed in a dyed garment on which it is written “God”; he is walking with his pockets full of gold and silver and is interfering in everything, even in the places sanctified for Me, sanctified by the saints and parents, and the desolation of abomination in the holy place, proclaimed by the prophets, is greater than what is written in the Scriptures, for the man of today is a master with a high education and is smart in the opposing work to God, and he deceives the weak one and draws him to the work without God.


Oh My people flee from the man full of school, full of riches, full of his wisdom, who wants to tell you something about God. Flee and flee far away from the man wrapped in vein glory, in human glory. Flee away son, flee and stay poor in spirit before Me and love just one Spirit, the Spirit of God; the one who makes you to be like Abraham, Moses and Me, son.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Peter and Paul, the apostles, from 12-07-1996.



Blessed be the kingdom of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. Peace to you son, son, Israel, My loved people, My white horse, the faithful son! (See the selection topic: ”The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.) Oh, with whom shall I speak such a word on this earth any more, well, well, Israel, My white horse, the white horse on which the Lord sits to come, as it is written in the Scriptures? Open the Scripture, Israel, so that I may come and speak to you from the Scripture: «The voice of a thunder who says: “Hallelujah! The Almighty Lord is King! Glory to Him and to his wedding, for the bride has prepared herself; a bride with a clean and white garment, a garment of fine linen, a sanctified life. Blessed are those called to the wedding of the Lamb, for these are the words of God! And the heaven stands open and here, the Faithful and Truthful One, Who judges with justice, sits on the white horse. His eyes are as a flame of fire; His head full of crowns, and His written name no one understands but Him, The Lord, clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His name is called the Word of God, and He has hosts from heaven, riding on white horses. Out of His mouth a sharp sword comes out and He strikes with it the pagans and the unfaithful ones and He shepherds them with an iron staff, and He presses on the wine press of His wrath. His name is written on His garment and His thighs: the King of kings and the Lord of lords! And an angel in the sun cries out: “Let the birds of the highest sky come to the Lord’s supper!” And the beast with the kings of the earth who are waging war against the One who sits on a white horse and with His host, was slain with all those who carried its marks worshiping its image and they are thrown into the fire and brimstone which is burning.»


Israel, Israel, today these Scriptures are fulfilled under your own eyes, you faithful sons, as My written name no one understands it. This Scripture is true for all those written in it have been fulfilled. Amen. My name is the Word of God, as it is written in these Scriptures; and the beast and false prophet, who were lying against the truth of these Scripture, were thrown into the fire and into the burning brimstone. The Word of God is a fire which is burning, son, Israel, but with whom shall I speak such a word on earth anymore? The word of the Scripture is being fulfilled, Israel. That is why I needed you, son, Israel, for look, the Scriptures, fulfilled and proclaimed from old times, a long while ago, are speaking once again, Israel. They are written since then when the antichrist was born on earth to kill the Child Who Was being born. The Child, hidden into the manger of the faithful hearts, Was being born again in the faithful ones. The antichrist was born at the same time with Me, for it is against Me that he always has something, and he discovered himself, as he has put his name next to Mine, against My name.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Entrance in the church of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1996.



Israel, My little child, I have in heaven a saint who goes on earth and in heaven. He also goes on earth where he still finds a true prayer and he takes it and brings it to Me and goes across the heaven with it, to pay Me with its payment and its fruit from Me for the man who is praying to Me through him: Spiridon, (Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, r.n.) the hierarch according to the order of Melchisedec and according to My glory, put on earth over My speaking flock.


Oh, My pleasant one, bishop of the anointing from above! You are in Me with a celebration in Israel, and I give you not perishable footwear so that you may always take after My people, and to walk for it and help Me to have him in bad time, for you did not receive the glory from men, and did not eat the bread from people rather the man ate it from you. And the one who asked from you, and the one who did not ask, ate from the bread earned by you on earth. Oh, My pleasant one, strengthen My children with the grace of My word in you, for I have anointed sons on earth, and their anointing is holy in this bad time, and they are feeble in Me, for the man of nowadays is unfaithful, and the antichrist persecutes the life on earth, he persecutes My word which has life into it. I am the life of the word which comes out of My mouth, but no one gives up his rank for Me, no one makes a rank for Me, and I am no longer food for the man on earth, and I call out over the earth and cry over the man, and I cry.


− Oh, do not cry any more, do not cry Lord, You Who are so good. Let us, your saints, cry, for You are God. Do not cry, Lord. Let the people cry after You, for because You are so good to the people, the people forgot You, they forgot You and us, Your saints. I will still go on more, oh, Lord, and I will make myself known to the people wherever I will go and I will make them wise by those which belong to righteousness, for look, mercy triumphs over judgment, and the people are no longer afraid of You, the One Who judges with justice. People do not know what the mercy which triumphs over judgment is. Your mercy is for the one who repents looking for You as a Savior, but people misinterpret the Scripture for their human and earthly benefit, against the Holy Spirit of the Scriptures, Lord. People love the praise of men, not Yours, Lord. But I have loved You in my glory of Your bishop and I have not loved hierarchical adornment with which those at the head of the church cover today. I have grazed the sheep that do not speak and I have been a worker on earth to do mercifulness with You, Lord, and to give You to the not speaking sheep, so that they may have God in them. And I have been afraid of the bright garment and I have put on the top of my head a humble mitre, a braided reed, and I have sanctified it by the word of the prayer with which I asked You, the One Who are sanctifying the humbled, and I have worn a garment of little shepherd, Your singer over not speaking and speaking sheep. I have been singing, singing to the sheep, playing by oat and singing Your humble word like You, Lord, and I have been humbling myself through it and giving You all my glory which was Yours, as I have also been totally Yours. I have been Yours and I have loved You, praised You and shared You to the hungry and to the full, so that they may have You as food and richness, gift from gift from some to others, in order that they may give You as a gift to one another.


But where is on earth a bishop of Yours anymore? All belong to the people and they give themselves over to people and not to You, Lord, so that they may have You and give You and not themselves to the people, Lord. But they give what they have, as also we, Your saints were giving what we had, for not even we, were given ourselves over to You in order to have You and to give You as a gift to those that did not have You. But do not cry anymore, do not cry Lord, for there are many, many among them who did not bow their hearts to Baal, to the antichrist, the one with a name dyed by his times. There are many in Romania who eat, Lord, your word shared by you through the sons of your word, and their masters on earth do not know that they feed on you gladly and with great faith, singing in their hearts to the manger of your word, the same as your little angels were singing at your birth as a child in Bethlehem. The faithful priests sing into their hearts and say: «Blessed is the One who comes into the name of the Lord in Romania!»


Do not cry any longer, oh, Lord! Your word brings joy and faith on earth and many of the priests and bishops of the time will take and eat, and Your wisdom will increase, and Your law will live in them, and they will understand Your mystery all the more, and will testify it on earth, more than in the time of the apostles, who are sitting now on the twelve seats for the former Israel, asking for Your mercy for it, for the one who crucified you, Lord; as You were crucified for Israel instead of being crucified for those who did not know You, so that they may know a resurrected Lord, a true Lord of Israel.


The twelve apostles are praying for Israel; they are praying for the remnant of Israel, Lord. But today You also have a great remnant which has not worshipped in its heart the antichrist, the one with a hidden face under the garment of priest and of Your bishop, but he belongs to the time, Lord. And those of them who are with their hearts for You and for Your clean and exalted word, which comes with You from Your highest, they will rise and exalt You in Your word, that which is exalting itself with Your glory in it, and You Will comfort Yourself with the sons of the

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