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lake of fire. I GOD have warned you. Read MY Sacred Word, the Bible. MY Book is available to anyone.

Stop analyzing these words and fall on your face and repent to your GOD! There is only ONE GOD, there is only ONE ALMIGHTY, the I AM. NOW is the time, later is too late.

I JEHOVAH, GOD have spoken.

Deuteronomy 4:39. Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.

Hosea 5:14. For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear and go away; I will take away, and none shall rescue him.

Revelation 20:12. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

Revelation 20:15. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Isaiah 26:20-21. Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

Isaiah 65:17. For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.


Letter 69. Words delivered by the FATHER to Susan January 20, 2011.

Yes Susan, I do have words for you.

These are the dark days I have spoken of in the days gone by, in MY Word. I have clearly outlined how these things would play out. If you are watching, MY children, you can see the troubles coming on the world. I am holding back the flood. I am keeping it back for just a short time yet.

MY children do you not see that I am true to MY Word? Do you not see MY Word coming to pass? Are you so cold to truth that you refuse to see? Do you love engaging with this world so desperately that you choose to look the other direction when you see MY Word coming to reality? What can I do to make you see? Step away from your idols, step away from the things of the world that consumes your time, and seek MY Face, look for MY Truth. See the world for what it is. it is crumbling and decaying.

Evil men are taking charge. They plan and move with no regard for GOD. There is no mention of ME in their planning. I do not exist to those who are running the world now. MY people, do you not see what this means? Do you not understand what this will lead to? MY Name never crosses over their lips. I am a fantasy and MY Book is a book of tales to them.

Woe to the earth when evil men run the world with no regard for their MAKER. They make plans for the people of the earth and I am not consulted, even pursued. MY people do you not see what the outcome of such things will be? Men who run apart from GOD is destruction, death. You are on this course with the world if you do not release the grip you have on this world and turn your lives over to ME wholeheartedly, complete surrender.

The world is on a one way collision course and you will be caught up in this if you do not turn away from your love for and dealings with this world. It can’t be MY people. You can’t have the world and the things thereof and ME also. This cannot be.

You want it all, you think to yourself: I can enjoy the things of the world and have my relationship with MY Lord also. You are grossly misunderstanding MY expectations for MY children. I ask no less than total, complete surrender. I want everything. You must turn away from your pursuit of the world and the things therein. Stop this, it can’t be!

You can have the world if you wish, but you won’t have ME. I play second fiddle to no one. I am yours only or not at all. Think this through carefully. What do I expect of MY children? I expect obedience, humble and lowly respectfulness toward their GOD. If you cannot pay ME this homage, then I am not truly your GOD.

What does this mean you ask? It means you cannot dirty your fingers with the vile things of the world and then approach MY Throne casually. You must realize I am a HOLY GOD and I am to be respected. MY Name is to be revered and not misused, and I am to be worshipped with a humble attitude.

I will receive you unto MYSELF when you come to ME in a repentant, surrendered, child-like fashion. I am a forgiving GOD and I can forgive your sins with the Blood of MY SON, your SAVIOR, but if you persist in loving the world, engaging in the world, and the things of the world, I will not engage with you. It cannot be.

You cannot play with the things of satan, the occult, perversions, and evil lusts, and then spend time with ME. Does MY Word not say this clearly? I will not receive you if you carry on with the things of the world you prize so dearly. I will spit you out.

MY children read MY Word. You are engaging and entertaining yourselves with the things of the enemy. You are engaging in the love of witches, wizards, and the occult and MY Word is clear about this abomination. You visit MY House on Sunday and you are lukewarm and there is great danger in this place. I do not take lightly to MY children who call themselves by MY Name engaging with the things of the devil. You know of what I speak. This is pure evil and your eyes have been blinded to the Truth by the enemy. He has lured you to this and if you don’t turn around quickly, repent, and seek ME you will fall into his trap forever. You are already falling.

It is not too late, but do not delay. The hour is quickening to MY return to bring MY wrath upon the earth. What position will I find you? Will you be ready to be received from darkness or will you be so lost in the ways of the world that I must leave you? You’re choosing. Where do your allegiances lie?

I am soon to carry wrath to the earth for the evil she is engaging in. This is truth. The world has grown grossly cold. If you have MY HOLY SPIRIT you can see the evil encompassing everything. Ask for MY SPIRIT, so I can reveal this to you. Let ME open your eyes to the truth. Repent, surrender, and turn to ME.

Ask MY SPIRIT for understanding of MY Word and to see the truth about the world and the deceit of the enemy. Only MY SPIRIT can bring you to this understanding. This is the hour for discernment.

Don’t be deceived. I am your GOD. I do not deceive. I am TRUTH. MY TRUTH is in MY Word. MY TRUTH is not in the evil ways of the world.

There are many paths to death, but one true narrow path to life. This path is through the precious Blood given by MY SON, MY LAMB, MY JESUS. Get to know HIM. Read MY Book and learn about the price HE paid, the ransom HE paid for you. He died a horrible death to save you from eternal loss. The hour is waning quickly. You know it is coming.

Don’t allow cloudy thinking to deceive you. Open MY Book, spend time in the pages. Find ME in them. Find MY SON. Find MY SPIRIT. Soon these same choices will be nearly impossible for those left to face the worst.

Do not take the mark of MY enemy. It is the mark of the system of men. It is MY enemy who is really behind this vile system. Don’t be blinded. This mark will cast you straight into hell fire for everlasting torment. Heed this warning. The evil system is here. Do not be overtaken by this. It looks so tempting to partake of the fruit of this system, but MY children, it is oh so deadly. If you fold into this system because you believe your survival counts through it, you will never see the light of day again. You will never experience the bounty and spoils of MY Kingdom. You will have made your decision of whom you plan to serve, your eternal choice and it is irreversible. Even now, MY children are falling into this system, this evil trap.

Wake up ‘O Earth! Read MY Book. Seek MY Truth.

Lay your life down before the LAMB of GOD.

I AM has spoken. Beginning and Ending. Love Forever More.

This is the Scripture Section the LORD told me to add to this letter:

Matthew 18. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


PART 39: This letter has more important details about the RFID as the mark of the beast and a sign of the soon-coming return of Christ. In this letter, JESUS warns of the world system that will completely reject GOD and doom men for eternity.

The letter speaks of human time as limited so choice must be made of how time is spent, whether devoted to GOD or rejecting GOD. JESUS warns again about the mark of the beast that is already coming on the earth damning men for eternity and that soon the LORD will remove the bride to leave the world to this evil system. Detailed links about the RFID chip is included to show that the mark of the beast is already being implanted in people.


January 27th, 2011.

The letter below was received by the LORD JESUS with further warnings of the times coming ahead, please take the LORD’s Words seriously.

I, Susan, want to testify that I have been part of Christian ministry work before in which men made plans and then followed their own plans, but I have never been part of something that was exclusively planned and organized by GOD without the involvement of men, like these amazing Words from the LORD. I am in awe of the LORD’s Words and the response by the people around the world. Words cannot describe how amazing I believe this all to be.

We received word that one of our Christian friends prayed for the

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