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how bad will it be for those who are lost to face GOD and to have trivialized the easy access they had to GOD’s Word.

NOW is the hour to get right with the LORD.

If you would like to receive a document with many of the letters translated into German, please contact Susan at , thanks to Martina; Sarah; and Sara for their hard translating work.


February 3, 2011. Letter given to Sabrina.


MY dear daughter, write it down.

I am a GOD of total control and fairness and righteousness. Therefore I will visit those who have not complied to MY Word and ordinances. They will know and feel and experience what it is to live without their GOD, their MAKER and SAVIOR. These words may sound harsh, but MY Word also is not without harshness. Those who read MY Word, know their GOD. They know and learn how I am. I have all this written down in MY Word so people would know their GOD, MY righteousness, MY holiness, MY desire for a pure and clean people. I AM is sacred. I cannot allow injustice in MY Kingdom. Therefore, I will visit the evil one on earth. They will face MY wrath.

MY Word also says that I am love. By Love, the world is created. By Love, I have sent MY SON to this soiled earth. By Love, I have abandoned MY SON temporarily on the cross. By Love, HE has offered salvation to all humanity. This was MY only eternal sacrifice. MY SON has sacrificed HIMSELF voluntarily as a substitute sacrifice for humanity. HE has shed HIS precious BLOOD for this humanity. HE left HIS Kingdom for this humanity. HE will also judge you now, based on your works and faith. These are truly MY last calls.

All HIS BLOOD shed on this soiled earth to give you salvation, even while you did not even know it. HE knew everything. HE saw everyone on that horrible wooden cross while HIS BLOOD was flowing. Nobody has ever suffered so as MY SON. Why is HE then still rejected? Why is this Sacrifice not good enough? Why is it not powerful enough? Why do many of you deny this Sacrifice? I tell you, MY people, MY Will is that everyone has eternal life in MY Kingdom. MY Will is that everyone enjoys his GOD on this earth and serves HIM in complete trust and faith. MY Will is that everyone of you be filled with MY joy. HIS Sacrifice brought you joy.

This is a love that is not known here on earth. This is a love that is pure, unselfish, and complete. The love that you call love here on earth is self-love. Nobody has ever loved as MY SON. If someone does not accept HIM as his or her SAVIOR, that person cannot enter MY Kingdom. The hell, this awful place, will be their eternal destination. MY Word is recorded and does not change.

I have sent MY SON, HE has paid the price for your salvation. HE has become to sin in your place. HE has shed HIS BLOOD in your place. HE has carried everything, your troubles, burdens, grief, and sin. It is done. It is finished..

I stand ready to give MY SON the sign to get HIS bride, HIS beautiful bride as HIS price. She will have the privilege to have an intimacy with the Godhead forever and ever. She will be so very blessed. For her, the reward is great. Today is the time to prepare you as HIS bride. Tomorrow may be too late.

MY SON looks at the heart. HE sees those who have voluntarily sacrificed themselves in this life for HIS Name. They are the bride, those who have put off their lives, some even to death. They do not need words of supplication. They know their GOD and HIS Love for them. They know what it is to serve their GOD in this life. They know HIS HOLY SPIRIT WHO is leading them through and in everything in this life. They are constantly filled with THE SPIRIT. They do not live to this earth’s standards. They live to the heavenly standards, as it should be and as I have written in MY Word. Now is the time. Tomorrow may be too late.

Letter of the Lord JESUS as told to Sabrina:

This is a word for the church.

I have placed MY Church on this earth so she would be a light in this world, a pure brilliant white light. Yet I see in many churches no white light. I only see sin: fornication, idolatry, sexual immorality, impure thoughts and fantasies, sermons that have nothing to do with MY pure Word, no more preaching of MY BLOOD, twisted words of MY Word, their own interpretations. Do you think this can be rewarded? On the contrary, woe to those who bring MY Word and twist it in MY Name. This I can not bless. Wake up church! These are the last hours. Preach about the sin in your church, preach on MY BLOOD, preach on the last days. Dare to tell the truth and not homemade sermons to please men and to keep the church full.

I tell you this: Churches are run down because the truth is not preached. People yearn for the whole truth, people are longing for passion, Divine passion, honest truth, confrontation. Confront them with their sin. How can I set people free if there is no confrontation with the sin in their lives? Ask for MY SPIRIT, invite MY SPIRIT in your meetings and preach THE BLOOD! Preach THE BLOOD! Preach THE BLOOD! MY BLOOD sets anybody free, I bought you freedom. So be free and win people for MY Kingdom. Do not play church, but be the church. Put your self-righteousness and selfishness aside and come in the full truth of MY Word. This is true freedom.

MY Heart still bleeds because I still see MY Word twisted. Because, I do not hear the whole truth. There is only one truth and that's MY Word. Now therefore, proclaim MY Word! Woe to you pastors and leaders! You drag thousands of souls to hell with you this way! Be free! MY Word sets you free!

Now is the time for conversion, for true conversion. Ask ME for passion and truth. Proclaim MY truth. This alone can save you. Thousands in the church are not saved because they do not believe and act on MY Word, MY truth.

I AM a righteous GOD, so be brave and step out into this world as MY light. I AM The Light. MY question here again is: Who is willing to go? Ask ME for wisdom and I will give you MY Wisdom. Ask ME about MY Will and I will reveal MY Will to you. 

Your loving GOD, JESUS CHRIST.

1 Peter 1:16. Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

1 Peter 2:21. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

Psalm 100:2. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Isaiah 53:4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Romans 8:16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Colossians 3:5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

Galatians 5:13. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

Galatians 1:7. Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.


Letter 73. As told by Jesus Christ to Susan on February 1-2, 2011.

Yes, MY daughter, you may take these words down.

The world is changing rapidly. All is changing. Do you sense it MY people? The world is troubled, deeply troubled. All is faltering. It is going mad, sinking deeper and deeper.

Soon the world will fall to such low depths it will not be recoverable. Its moral standards are completely awry. The world has followed a path of madness. This world rejects GOD, so only madness remains. Apart from ME, there is only amoral chaos; evil unbridled; men with no conscience; men who follow any line of thinking; no moral compass; no true direction; just haphazard reasoning that leads to a decaying moral existence. Do you not see this MY people?

Can you not see that your leaders, your world leaders follow a path of darkness and are leading the world into complete moral degradation? Do you not realize that the absence of ME in the world is only leaving absolute evil. What good can come of man leading man without a GOD of truth at the helm?

Can you not see the consequence of the world that has completely and hopelessly rejected ME, its GOD? What hope do you have without GOD? You have none. You grasp at straws, you think there is enough hope left to carry on with life as it is, but soon all darkness will move in. It is closing in right now. The world wants to do as it pleases apart from ME. MY Rules, MY Book, MY Truth, MY Way is rejected.

There are few left who stand for holiness. Only MY bride still embraces holiness. This word has little meaning in the world, among the people. It is scoffed at and mocked. Even the people who call themselves by MY Name want to look and act like the world. They are afraid to appear holy for fear of insulting the world around them. This is an abomination to ME. I expect holiness from MY people.

If you are embarrassed or you shrink back from embracing holiness and purity in this world, you are rejecting ME. I am seeking those who will choose to die from their self-life and look to MY Way of holiness, purity. If you wish to engage in the ways and behaviors of the world, then know this. you will not be part of MY World in the age to come. I am coming to bring MY bride home to rule and reign together with ME for eternity.

I am seeking a pure bride without spot or wrinkle. Your dirty hands handling the world and then coming to ME will not fly. I won’t have it. It is all or nothing. You either reject the world or you reject ME. Do not think you can have us both. I share MY World with no other god. I am the One True GOD. There is no other. If you worship anyone else, or anything else, but ME you are hopelessly lost.

Soon I will make MY entrance to the world and bring the bride out. She is glorious, beautiful, and only has eyes for her LORD. Very soon, the world stage will see the calamity of what is coming. Many will die in the wake of MY fierce anger on this evil world, for this evil generation.

Anyone who wants to come with ME may do so, but the world cannot possess you. You cannot choose for ME and the world and what it stands for. We stand at the crossroads of decision as the world further deteriorates and drowns in its self-love and worldly pursuits. You will need to decide: do you run with death and MY enemy or do you choose to be MY bride with ME for eternity? Can you decide now? The time is daily closer to this event, when the world reaches the end of itself. And I come for MY bride to put her away to safety while the earth self destructs. MY wrath will be poured out. Who can withstand MY wrath?

The world will continue to tremble from earthquakes in diverse places, the world’s economy will sink, and with it the people will sink to evil depths. MY hand

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