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to prepare. I cannot take them with ME to MY World in the heavenlies if they are not pure of heart. They must wash themselves in MY precious Blood, repent for their evil and turn their lives over to ME willingly.

The people hesitate to prepare to know ME in a relational way. They do not want to enter into a relationship of deep intimacy with ME and without this closeness, I will be far from them, eternally far.

Their choice to be distant to ME and caught up in the things of this world will be a costly choice. They will buy into the world. They will buy death everlasting, torment, torture, suffering unending.

I am clear about this in MY Word, yet the people want to believe whatever they are told that suits their fancy. MY people you engage in the things of the world and justify it in multiple ways. You say that you cannot be effective for MY Kingdom if you embrace it too heartily and separate yourself from the dealings of the world. Well this couldn’t be furthest from the truth. This is a satanic lie, a deception. It is the enemy’s tactic to lure you into the world away from MY Truth.

MY Word says to be holy even as I am holy. How can you live holy lives when you are engaging so thoroughly with the things of the world, the unclean things? You know what I speak of, you know exactly. You make excuses for watching, speaking, hearing the things of the world as if a little contamination will not hurt your soul. Do you not know that it only takes a little leaven to spoil the whole batch?

I do not know what I must do to show you that you are blinded by the enemy, lost to truth, ruled by sin, and greatly deceived. You dabble with the world, its ways, and excuse this as being effective for MY Kingdom as MY representative. You only bring evil on yourself. MY Truth says: keep yourself separate, set apart. What, you don’t believe this? It is in MY Word and MY Word never lies. In MY Word is truth. In the world is deception.

You must keep your eyes fixed on ME if you want to find and stay on the narrow path. You must seek ME for truth and MY SPIRIT will guide you. The world only brings confusion. If you go to the world for answers, you will receive many answers and you can choose the ones that suit your fancy and give you permission to continue on the pathway of destruction, the ways of the flesh and lusting after the world. But truth is found only in ME, your LORD JESUS and MY Book.

The hour is closing in. Man has chosen against ME, its MAKER, CREATOR. I must take MY bride with ME to safe keeping and allow the world to carry on into its path of chosen self destruction. When evil is followed so completely, it will lead to ultimate death and destruction. Man cannot function successfully without the overseeing, love, protection of a HOLY GOD. So the world is on a steady course of demise by rejecting the pure, love, and holiness of I, GOD, I, JESUS.

It is hard to notice the change coming. It seems so subtle. But this is because the people engage so intently with the world that they cannot see their distance from holy living. Holiness is a bizarre concept to this dying, corrupt generation. Holiness does not make sense to the people. They reject what is holy, pure, lovely, and embrace evil, horror, foul things. You know what I speak of MY people.

The truth is light that is hard to hide from. Come to ME, lay at MY Feet, repent for your lust for evil and the world and I will receive you. I will wash you clean in MY precious Blood and you may escape the coming wrath of MY FATHER toward a world that rejects its GOD.

Please consider this offer. The times are changing. Soon they will change greatly and your desire to escape will be a thing of the past if you do not turn to ME NOW. I am calling you out. Come out of the world, come out of the lukewarm church, come out of the evil, come out of your walk with MY enemy. Embrace ME as your LORD and I will give you eyes to see, spiritual eyes. You will see truth. You will see the world and enemy for what it is, you will see its deception and the trap you have fallen into.

Let ME save you from eternal damnation. These days are short. Time is swift. You will choose. No choice is a choice against ME. Come with ME. I wait, but all too soon you will have tempted your wait too long, grasping for the world too long, and than she will be yours, but I will not. Don’t deceive yourself. I will not wait on MY people long.

Seek ME, save yourself. Run from the enemy. His design for you is death. When you play with the world you are only playing into the hands of your enemy.


Philippians 4:8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

The significance of GOD choosing to use two witnesses is Biblical:

Deuteronomy 17:6. At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.

Deuteronomy 19:15. One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

Matthew 18:16. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1. This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

1 Timothy 5:19. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.

Luke 10:1. After these things the LORD appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.


The Lord has asked us to include the following message written by Choo Thomas. Choo Thomas, author of the book ‘Heaven is so real’ has written a word on Facebook, which we are to share as an encouragement and because of the important message:

9 January 2011.

The year 2010 was a year of testing for those who are Chosen for the Rapture. Praise our Lord! The afternoon of 1 January 2011, the Lord told me He tested many Christians in 2010 for the Rapture. He also knew so many of those who were ready for the Rapture were very disappointed because it did not happen in 2010, especially those who are anointed and can hear His voice.

Since the Rapture did not happen and so many were very disappointed, but some of those who were tested during that year quickly overcame all the tests, but those who were weak turn back to their old sinful ways and are not happy with the Lord and also now they do not even want to believe if there is a Rapture or how soon it will be. Those who truly believe the Rapture is soon endured their hardships, they are still continually waiting for the soon coming of our Lord and are still living holy lives.

I believe last year’s testing made the Lord know who can truly be His Bride and those who couldn’t endure the testing cannot really be the Bride of the Lord even if they are Raptured. I believe special Chosen ones were tested by the Lord much intensely than the rest. I can imagine how holy our lives have to be in order for us to be the Bride of Christ. We take it so lightly, but it is really a scary thing to be really ready as the Bride of Christ. This is the reason why God said anyone who comes to Him have to die from the world and live totally for Him. Read 1 John 2:15-17. I pray for whoever reads this message no matter what hardships we will go through we have to endure until the end and never give up waiting for the Rapture. Jesus gave up everything for us and we also have to give up everything, the world and anything/anyone that interferes with our relationship with Him, to be HIS BRIDE TOO. May God’s favor be on you all as we await His Son, our Lord and Savior, soon coming. - Choo Thomas.


PART 37: This message begins with a letter from our FATHER of JESUS given to Sabrina and the second part of the same letter was dictated to Susan by our LORD JESUS.

There is an additional letter dictated to Susan by our FATHER of JESUS. The FATHER describes the extent of JESUS' sacrifice of GOD as a human suffering on the cross for mankind. HE continues about the importance of not rejecting HIS SON's incredible sacrifice salvation. The letter to Susan from JESUS speaks of the horribleness of HIS death on the cross and the price HE paid. Then the FATHER gives a letter to Susan about the horrible death HIS SON JESUS endured for mankind and the significance of what HE went through to save men.


January 18th, 2011.

This message begins with a letter from our FATHER of JESUS given to Sabrina and the second part of the same letter was dictated to Susan by our LORD JESUS. There is an additional letter dictated to Susan by our FATHER of JESUS. Please take time to read these letters and share your witness of JESUS’ Salvation with others and the importance of staying in the WORD of GOD, the HOLY BIBLE. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to come into your life and to reveal the meaning of the LORD’s Words to your heart.


January 17, 2011. Words given by JESUS and from paragraph 5 by THE FATHER to Sabrina.

‘MY dear children, I love your heart. Those who really love ME taste MY LOVE and MY PRESENCE in their lives. They hear MY VOICE and experience MY DIRECTION. They know what it is to worship their GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. They never give up and obey MY WORD in everything. They listen to MY VOICE and are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.

HE is the one leading them in everything and they obey to HIS WIND. As the wind blows from east to west, so are MY children moving with MY SPIRIT. They don’t see HIM, but experience HIM in everything they do. They are filled with MY JOY, MY JOY gives them strength. It is their passion to follow and obey HIM and ME in everything.

They realize that

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