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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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dealings of evil men. You cannot see the evil around you. You have become so accustom to the evil abounding that you cannot discern for yourself anymore. You watch what heathens see and you fold into the same activities and it looks all so normal to you. You have forgotten about your GOD’s Holiness and Holy Ways. You are filthy and covered in filth. What must I do, for you to see that your robes are dirtied from your love and lust of the world?

MY people, I cannot bring you into safe passage because you choose against ME. You ask, “How is that?” I know your hearts. I see within. I know your inner most thoughts. I know how you lust and engage with the world following closely after its heels. When you chase after the world and the things of the world you also run from ME. You have run so far from ME, I will lose you if you don’t turn and run back into MY arms—surrender, repent, and turn back to ME.

The enemy is clever. He awaits you at every turn to entrap you, to entice you, to ensnare you. Your foothold is loosening and soon you will fall and there will be no recovery. He wants this desperately and so many have fallen into his cleverly sprung trap and they will never return to ME. I will never see them again. Hell is eternal.

Come to your senses, MY people. See the sin you are engaging in, see the lukewarm danger you are captivated into. See that you are standing at the brink of eternity about to plunge over the edge. Please turn back. Come to ME in this late hour. Wake and see what is forming around you.

I want to speak of hell. It is a never-ending nightmare of oppression. I cannot be near you in hell. You will be without a Holy, Just GOD in this place of terror and torment. You will long to cry out for love, justice, beauty, hope, and it will never appear to you again.

So many go to hell from this life because they choose to fill the hours in this life with the things that distract them from seeking a relationship with ME and to understand and read MY Book. This time you waste with these worldly pursuits you are drawn to will lead you to hell. I am sorry to tell you this, but I must tell you the truth.

Most people will go to hell because I require a full commitment of complete and total surrender and so very few do this. Their daily hours are consumed with worldly pursuits and there is no time left for their CREATOR. This lackluster commitment and lukewarmness will lead you to hell. This eternal choice is unending and there can be no turning back. The separation from GOD is final along with love, tenderness, kindness, beauty. These things will never be experienced again.

MY Words and MY Book are clear on these matters. You choose not to see, but your refusal to look is not an excuse when you face MY judgment. Mark MY Word, you will face ME and if you make no choice or choose against ME, we will meet face to face and you will know the sorrow of your choices. It will then be the beginning as you make your first step to eternal hell, a very long existence apart from a HOLY GOD of peace and salvation, love and beauty.

You do not like these words but the truth must be told. Mankind now has a moment of decision. Come with ME, your LORD JESUS to safekeeping or stay apart from ME and face the unknown of the enemy. I am looking for hearts turned completely to ME. I want your surrender and to humble yourself before ME with true remorse over your lust and affection for evil.

I do not want your ritual cold worship of ME anymore. You come to ME and worship in a cold, rote way. You do not even know ME. You look around and see others worshipping and you follow along. But who are you worshipping? We have never met. You have never even taken time to know ME, to discover ME, and MY Ways. You follow blind sheep and you call this worship. This is a stench, it is an outrage. Stop this empty worship. Get on your hands and knees and repent for worshipping a GOD you don’t care to really know. I don’t know you. When did we meet? When have we spoken?

You play church with each other, but you are far from ME, your GOD, your CREATOR. I won’t have it. I will leave without you soon, O’ church of the lukewarm worshippers. I am a HOLY GOD and I hold no place, no time, no reverence in your heart.

Your display of worship is for each other, not ME! If it were for ME, I would know you. I would hear from you often. You would seek MY Face. But you seek the world and all it offers. You even participate in the world and use MY Holy Name to do it. You bring the world into MY Holy Sanctuary to appease the heathens and you care nothing for your LORD JESUS. I DIED FOR YOU! Who else will love you and care for you as I do?

The time is almost up, O’ church of the lukewarm. Soon you will see you have been left behind when MY bride is removed and you will be in shock. Then you will seek MY Face, but the door will be shut. It is written. This is not a new word. Open MY Book—I do not change. I am TRUTH. TRUTH is about to come for HIS beloved. You have precious moments remaining to seek TRUTH. Come to ME, JESUS. I am the only TRUTH. I will save you with MY Blood Covering.

I am the ALPHA and OMEGA

I am the I AM









Coordinating Scripture: Micah 6:8 (KJV) He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?



December 18-19, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

Yes Susan I have words. Copy this down:

I want to tell you about this new phase the world is going into. The world is approaching a time of evil that is unrivaled by any other time known to mankind. The people slumber, they are snoozing. The world is falling into complete disaster while the world around sleeps. Leaders have no idea how to cope. They see it coming, but they keep their thoughts silent while their people are dying from not having the truth. I am sad for their loss. 

The day is closing in and the people will be amazed at the nearness of MY coming. I am very near. MY people who are watching now, MY sheep hear MY voice. They know I am close. They see the signs. They are watching. These are the children who will be taken. If you are not watching, your lamp is not full. You will be left to face the worst. I cannot save you if you cannot be interested enough to watch for MY coming.

I am looking for those who are anxiously awaiting MY return. If the cares of this world captivate you so and you cannot see the signs of MY coming and watch for ME even, I cannot bring you out to safety. I have made MYSELF clear in MY Book to watch for MY coming and to be vigilant in being ready when the signs that have been foretold unfold before you. The hour is now. You are either not watching or you see it, but want to deny what is happening around you. You think if you can deny what you see then perhaps this will all go away. You watch all the people around you who are also not watching or not caring and you follow suit. You are looking in the wrong direction for your salvation. Your family, friends, neighbors cannot save you. I am your only SAVIOR. Keep your eyes fixed on ME.

How can you keep your eyes fixed on ME when you are caught up in all your worldly planning and programs? I am not in your thoughts. You are going to miss it. I am your safe passage. If you do not find ME in your daily activities…if I do not come up in your mind, you will not know what is coming and the future will blindside you as the unexpected is about to happen.

MY people will know and not be surprised because I am close and they are watching. They are ready and so their escape is assured. I am that narrow escape. I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, I am the LIFE. I am pulling MY people out of the line of fire very soon and taking them to safe keeping while the world sinks to an all-time low and the enemy takes over the planet. Avoid disaster MY people. I am your SAVIOR, RESCUER. I will keep you safe.

You do not have to go this alone. I will bring you into MY safe secure arms, cover you with MY loving wings and we will fly away to everlasting safety. I am the RESCUER. I am the One who will bring the salvation. I will bring you to MY home and put you in a secure eternal place.

Choose for ME and avoid pain and suffering. I long to rescue and keep you safe. I have a beautiful life planned for you. You cannot comprehend it. It is great spectacular beauty. This vocabulary lacks the words to describe your home. MY FATHER waits to greet the bride and the banquet is prepared, a large banquet set and ready for your presence. I have brought together a magnificent offering of food and place settings for MY children and to share together at this lovely table. We will celebrate our marriage and our everlasting life together. It will be the greatest celebration ever held.


Susan, yes I have words.

Tomorrow is coming fast.

My world is one of everlasting untold beauty. Marvelous and lovely is the world I have prepared for those who truly love and seek ME in this world. MY sheep, this is not your world. You are made for another life, a better eternal life. I am coming soon to put you in safe keeping apart from the evil of this world. You must wash yourself clean in MY Blood and through MY Word in MY Book. Surrender and turn your life over to ME. Repent of your sins. I am waiting MY people, MY sheep, the hour is closing in.

Very soon, I am coming to get the people. I will bring them out. I have planned this for a very long time and the hour is approaching. I am coming to that point and I will snatch the people out of the grasp of MY enemy. I know who is coming.

You must choose. The choice is yours. I cannot do this choosing for you. I am clear about the choices. I have made it very clear. The masses will refuse MY offer of escape. They will remain to face an evil that is beyond anything man has witnessed or encountered before. I want MY people to avoid the terror coming, but they cannot imagine how bad it will be. The suffering will be immense for the ones who choose against MY enemy. He will punish those who choose against him and the choosing for ME will be a difficult one. Now is the time to choose for ME. Come to ME now and be part of MY bride and I will make you ready to be received into MY beautiful Kingdom. If you choose for

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