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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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ME after I remove MY bride your choices will be most difficult. The world will go on, but if you want to choose for ME you won’t be able to join back into the world. The alternative will be suffering and death. It will be hard to face. If you join in the world system, you will see eternal suffering. Many will lose their lives after I come for MY bride.

I am coming for a pure bride. One who loves ME before anything else—above all others, above all things. I am sorry, but these are MY stipulations. I have made this clear in MY Word, MY Holy Word. I do not deviate from MY Word. MY Word is clear and uncomplicated. Love ME above all else. I did not create you to put ME in second or third position in your heart. If you believe this, you are mistaken. You have heard this from someone other than ME. I am a jealous GOD. I do not create MY people to follow after other gods, other lowly, worthless gods.

If you want to be with ME in MY Holy Home in Heaven, you must count the cost in this life. You must evaluate your position and decide for yourself what direction you want to move in. You either come with ME and understand that I, GOD want nothing but first place in your heart or choose to put ME in an inferior place in your heart and I will allow you to live out the consequences of your choice for eternity and without a loving, divine GOD. It will be a bleak eternity. You decide.

You put all your life interests before ME your GOD. You spend no time communing with your GOD. I long for relationship with you. I long to share conversations with you, to hear your heartfelt words toward ME, your GOD. I am remote to you. You seek ME when you are in dire circumstances. Suddenly you remember MY Name and call out to ME. After your crisis is over, I go to the bottom shelf of your heart. You remember ME not, as if I don’t exist. Why do you suppose I will want you in MY eternal home when you have no regard for ME at all? I will spit you out. What, this shocks you? Read MY Word. Your love for ME is lukewarm and when you come to ME in the next hour, if you do not embrace ME now, I will not know you or acknowledge you to MY FATHER and HIS Holy Angels.  

What has MY sacrifice at Calvary meant to you? Do you not care what I, GOD did to save you from eternal hell? I, GOD, I, JESUS was humbled in a violent way to bring you life eternal and you reject MY work on the cross to save you. I do not take this rejection lightly. This is a serious matter. Your lack of regard for MY sacrifice is belittling of MY Holy Name and MY Work on the cross. I endured evil men to save all men, but I will not force this salvation. I only make it available to all who want it. If you do not care for MY sacrifice, MY ransom than you can reject ME, but know this…MY FATHER will reject you. You will stand before MY FATHER and HE will not accept your explanation for this sinful way you have led your life and you will receive eternal punishment. You will have nothing to say apart from MY sacrifice. There is no atonement for your evil works. You will be sent to hell for the evil you have done against a HOLY GOD.

Accept MY free gift of salvation. Surrender all and repent to your GOD and live.

Your time is running out. You have moments left on the clock. Choose salvation through ME or lose your life to the enemy who is ruthless.  

Follow ME, 




December 21, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

I have words.

I have a message for the world.

Soon, I will be coming to earth to get MY bride. The hour is approaching quickly. The people remain in denial. This is not MY plan for them, but I cannot change their hearts. They must choose ME over the enemy. If they turn to ME and I receive permission through their surrender to ME, I can send MY SPIRIT to them and HE can prepare them to be ready for the escape from the evil coming to the earth.

I am a compassionate GOD. I want to save MY people. I long to save MY people. I want MY people to come to ME in this late hour. I know their hearts. They cannot believe that the hour is almost up. They cannot see what is right before them because they are not watching. They are too captivated by the things of the world, everything before ME, their GOD.

I am a patient GOD. I wait patiently. I see evil at every turn. The earth has grown cold toward its GOD. What do the people expect from ME their GOD? Do they expect endless tolerance of their evil running amok? This evil has been building up for many years and it is cresting to its peak. The enemy reigns in the hearts of the people supreme. They wish to serve a different master than I, their CREATOR. They have chosen to serve the creation: an inferior choice to their one true GOD. I offer love and peace, security, salvation. I offer an escape route to beauty ever-lasting.

The world is coming to a halt. All is going black, complete darkness, a world without its MAKER, its GOD. You have seconds on the clock. I am giving you these warnings, so that you can know and prepare your heart for ME. I am taking only a pure bride with ME to MY Home in heaven. If you are unprepared, I cannot remove you from the dark world ahead.

Do you want this purity? Do you want this larger measure of oil? You must be humble toward ME; surrender to ME; repent of your sin to ME; lay your life down before ME. I will accept these and MY HOLY SPIRIT will come into your life and prepare you to come with ME, your BRIDEGROOM. I will embrace you, call you MY own, and care for you always.

These are MY Terms. You refuse to believe MY Warnings. You reject MY Truth. I am closing in on the hour of MY return. These are precious moments. Open your eyes. Back away from your worldly pursuits and love affair. You are hypnotized by evil. Your passion for ME is lukewarm. Your passion for the world exceeds your needs for ME. You are lost. You are gravitating to outer darkness. You are moving away from ME. I cannot pull you back, if you never turn to ME.

The path to ME is narrow. Why do you refuse to believe this? You think otherwise, but this is not so. Many believe they are on the correct path. They delude themselves. The enemy has deceived them greatly. I am the ONE TRUE NARROW PATH. The deception about what I expect of MY followers is great. I ask for complete surrender, so many do not grasp this. They believe to have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof.

MY people if you choose to be part in the world, consumed by the cares of the world and partially following ME—we have no relationship at all. Halfway is no way. You are in a dangerous position. You want ME a little when MY Presence pleases you—but this is no relationship. I cannot take you when I come. You will miss the narrow way, the narrow escape that is about to happen. It will come quickly and then you will realize you missed it. The second I remove MY children to safety will be the beginning of a new way of life on earth. Darkness will consume and the bride will not be on earth.

MY people, this brief moment is about to happen. In your heart you know this, but I am sorry you refuse to believe. You knew the day would arrive. MY Book and the signs I have given have been described and clear to you. Think about what keeps you from realizing this. What comes to mind first when you hear these warnings? Is it your future plans? Is it your pursuit of worldly possessions? Is it your ministry planning? What do you have as an idol that is blinding your ability to see truth? Your anger rises up when people speak of MY soon coming to you. Why? Will you be angry when you find out you have been left behind or will you be sad and filled with great sorrow? What causes you to be so resistant to MY pleadings and how the signs in the world are actually described in MY Book coming into reality?

Soon MY patience with you, MY people will be done. I cannot wait on you MY people forever. I must remove MY bride to safety as she waits patiently while you persist in handling the evil things of the world and refuse to return to your first LOVE your LORD JESUS. I am your first LOVE. I brought you into this world. I give you life every second of the day. I preserve your life while you reject ME. I bring the rain down for all. I bring the sunlight down for all. MY Love is toward all peoples. But very soon I must leave those who choose against ME to face the outcome of their choosing.

This has happened before and has been described in MY Book to happen again.  I am a GOD of light. I am completely honest to MY people and true to MY Word. What do you need to see truth? I am taking the remnant home who are clean and prepared for MY retrieval.

The hour is closing in.

The warnings are clear.

The path is narrow.

 My Hand is extended. Grasp it and I will lead you out to safety. I want to do this for you, I long to do this. My sadness is great that you will not come with ME, MY people.

Your BRIDEGROOM waiteth. Only seconds to go. Seek MY beautiful Face. MY Love is pure and perfect. You will never know anything more satisfying than ME, JESUS.

 Turn to ME quickly,



Charles Spurgeon writes about "The Form of Godliness Without the Power"

"Having a form of godliness but denying its power."

A mere form of godliness joined to an unholy heart is of no value to God.

The swan, although its feathers are as white as snow, yet its skin is black.

God will not accept that 'external morality' which conceals 'internal which conceals 'internal impurity'. There must be a pure heart as well as a clean life.

The power of godliness must work within, or else God will not accept our offering.

There is no value to man or to God in a religion which is a dead form.

Sad is that man's plight who wears the name of Christian but has never been quickened by the Holy Spirit.

There is no use in a mere formal religion. If your religion is without spiritual life, what is the use of it? Could you ride home on a dead horse? Would you hunt with dead dogs?

Is false religion any better?

In the depth of winter, can you warm yourself before a 'painted fire'?

Could you dine off the 'picture of a feast' when you are hungry?

There must be vitality and substantiality, or else the form is utterly worthless; and worse than worthless, for it may flatter you into deadly self conceit.

How shameful will such a fruitless, lifeless professor be in eternity, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed! What shame and everlasting contempt will await him when his falsehood shall be detected, and his baseness shall fill all holy minds with horror!

What will be the hell

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