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its law. And who does not trample upon this law? No man is clean in his marriage anymore. Not even the priests wanted not to trample on the law of their marriage. But even more, by their marriage they trample on God’s law, the law of holiness of a servant of the heaven. And behold that your church, you, man of the church, is not My church, but yours; it is not My flock, but yours, for if it were Mine, it would do My will, not yours. I did not separate the married ones, but I united them both with Me; I made them both a body with Me, and I told them not to be separated from My Body and Blood, for it is written: «Who does not eat and drink My Body and Blood, has no life in him».

Oh, how much do you give to say, you man of the church that got up to stand against the slaughter, which is My word and which became the word before you! You say that the sons born of My word, which is coming today with me on earth, are false prophets. But what is the false prophet? I tell you again and again what I have told you, men of the church. The false prophet is the one who speaks into the name of God and does not do the deeds of the Lord’s justice, but rather helps the hands of evil doers, so that no one may come back from their disbelief. (See selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism[12]”, r.n.) Ask the Scriptures and see from them what the false prophet, who relates his heart’s imaginations and nothing of the Lord’s, and thus lying to My people. And here is what I still tell you: the false prophet is the one who does not want Me to come as written into the Scriptures that I would come; it is that one who lies and hides the truth of the Scriptures about the Son of the man Who is coming again, for this is what I said: «I come soon, be ready, I come soon! Watch out for My coming!».

Oh, people of the church, you, who do not believe or pretend that you do not believe that I am this word; you do not believe that I am not ready to come. You do not believe because you do not like to fulfill My word which says: «Watch!». You do not prepare for My coming, and that is why it is better for you to say that you do not believe that I come as a word on earth, as the lightning which travels from east to west, (Published on the internet - like lightning, and can be seen from east to west, r.n.) not as the false prophets say: „Behold, He is in the wilderness; behold, He is into the rooms!” Not this way, but rather I cross the air like the lightning and proclaim the eternal Gospel to all the creature as it is written and cry: «Fear God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth!», for I come soon. (See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.)


Oh, man of the church, do not call sect the one who lives by My holy word. What does the word sect mean? But what sect does not mean for you, man of the church, who call sect the sons of My church? Is the one, who is not a sect, really that one who lives worldly and comes to your church? Really, the woman, who has her head uncovered and with make-up and a naked body and ornaments, who comes to your church only to drive you and those in your church crazy, does she not really mean a sect for you? But what does not mean sect if the right one, who does My will, is sect?


I said, and fulfilled and sent you a letter, man of the church, and tell you that the Holy Scripture is not eating and drinking; it is not marriage and given in marriage and lawlessness. The Scripture is the kingdom of heaven for they who take it in them. The Scripture is the word of life for they who seek the everlasting life in it. The Scripture is not flesh and meat as you want to say. The Scripture is the Spirit of the Truth, as My today’s book, which I am writing Myself in with the believers, but even with you as well, the unbeliever, my today’s book is Spirit and Truth. The Scripture means my word, the word of my Holy Spirit, which is writing himself in heaven and on earth.


Oh, you man of the church that make the man of the world sharpen his weapons and strike into My word and in the sons of My word! It is written in the Scriptures that I will turn the weapons of the wicked into plough shares and do My work and you will not be able to fight against God, who speaks and fulfills. Behold, I sent you a letter. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm and say: “I am rich and I lack nothing”, but you are blind, naked and pitiful and I come to give you a golden word to be rich and dress in white garment, so that the shame of your nakedness may not be seen. I come and give you word. My word is salve for eyes, for everybody that I love, I rebuke for repentance. I stand at the door and knock, so that you may hear and I may have dinner of word with you. He who has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. After that repent; if not I will soon come to you and move your lamp stand out of its place and put Mine instead. Amen.

Oh, I came to water My garden with heavenly water as the gardener comes out to search his field and work over it. I came to search My flock and to pasture it. I came to take the fruit of My vineyard, and the vinedressers want to disinherit Me and to be the masters of My vineyard.


I am the One Who made the heaven and earth and the man as well, and I am the One Who founded My church. I and not you man of the worldly church. If you do not know the One Whom you say that you serve, then who are you, man of the today’s church? I am God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Say who you are too, the same as I come too and say who I am, and help the faithful one to know Me and to do My will. I am the way, the truth and the life. Say who you are, man of today, who sit on the seat of Christ’s church. I am Who I am, but who are you? I am. Open for Me, so that I may know who you are and so that I may help you to be. Amen.

I am Who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, on 18-05-1997.



Oh, the man does not know what My resting day is. If I cannot rest in him, the man does not know to perceive those from the Lord. I worked in the six days of creation, and I did everything well, and looking upon them I rested with satisfaction on the seventh day. My days are Mine and My resting day is also Mine. The days of the man belong to him, and his resting day is his. The man works his six days, those that are his, and on the seventh day he rests from those of him, saying that on the seventh day he honors Me. On the seventh day I rejoiced of all the good ones that I did for the man in six days, but can the man do, on the seventh day, what I did in six days? The man works for him six days, not for Me, and he says that he sanctifies and gives Me the seventh day. Not even the Israel people understood My days and their holiness and the holiness of the seventh day, for he had done only what was evil in his way.

I was speaking to Moses: «Go ahead and lead the people into Canaan, but I shall not go among you, so that I may not punish the people on the way, for this people is stubborn. If I go among it, I will lose it in a moment». And the Lord was coming at the tent of meeting, outside the tent camp of Israel, and there He spoke to Moses face to face, as someone speaks with his friend, and Moses was writing all the words of the Lord, because the Lord told him so: «Write these in the book for a memorial».


Israel did not understand what the Lord’s rest is, for it was a stubborn people, and the Lord could not rest in him. But God made with Moses His rest, and he was opening and teaching him to speak upon Israel. When Moses climbed up the second time on the Mount Sinai, for the Lord to give him ordinances for Israel to be fulfilled, so that the Lord may rest in Israel from His work upon it, when Moses arrived on the mountain, the cloud of the Lord’s glory came down covering the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day the Lord called Moses out of the middle of the cloud; and Moses stayed in the middle of the cloud for forty days and forty nights, and God gave him ordinances upon Israel. The seven day dragged out up to forty days and the Lord rested upon Moses for forty days and forty nights; and the man does not know what the Lord’s resting day means. I was resting upon Moses with all My good ones which I wanted to do and put on Israel, and I was looking upon them and all were very good, but when Moses was coming with them to Israel to put them upon it and that I may rest from those of Mine upon it, Israel remained a stiff-necked people, and I could not rest upon it. Israel did not receive Me to rest upon it, and was telling to Moses: «Go you and speak with the Lord and you let us know what the Lord is speaking upon us!» I said this: «Israel, remember the day of the Lord and make it holy», for I worked six days for you to give you happiness, and I rested on the seventh day. I worked the heaven and the earth and all that I made for man and then I rested and made the seventh day holy and blessed it, as a man blesses and consecrates a church after he builds it.


The man should become a church in six days, and bless and make the seventh day holy, as I worked. To be a church means the heaven and the earth of God among the people, the word and body of the Lord, making a new man. I made the heaven and the earth in six days, but what does the man make in six days? I said among the prophets: «You man, remember the day of the Lord and make it holy». But I also said in the prophets: «Oh, man, you should not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not give false testimony; do not be greedy». Oh, he who breaks these, he breaks

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