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by the saints who take care of the holy flock of Christ, feeding it on Christ’s Body and Word, the One Who is with His church to the end of the time. Amen.


Behold what Christ in church is not. Christ is not in the church if the church does not belong to Christ. The church of the world which is today in the church is not Christ’s church; rather it belongs to the world.

Oh, you, priests of the worldly church, become My followers and then teach the world which comes to the church to be like you, and say with the apostle: «Follow me, as I follow Christ. Amen». He who does not follow Me in the spirit, soul and body, that one is not a member of My church, and you give My body to these and thus make Me a member of the fornicators. Oh, teach what Christ in church means; Christ and His church. Teach, you, priests and teachers, who stay in front of the people in My name; learn from Me and learn from My life of the Son of the Father and of the Virgin who gave Me birth as a Man, in order to come on the earth to help people and help the man who wanted and wants to become God; to help him humble himself and give glory to God, Who saves the faithful of the Lord. Christ is not in the church if the church does not belong to Christ. The world cannot belong to Christ if it does not crucify its body, lusts, desires and all its transgressions. The world is My crown of thorns, as it was two thousand years as well. Oh, priests of the church, do not have Me crucified in you, but rather have yourself crucified in you, so that you might be Mine afterwards.


I look upon the earth to see how the hooligans go to become priests and put My robe over their devilish life among the people, and the world sees what its priests do, the world perishes because of this, for it is written: «Because of this My wrath is coming upon the sons of disobedience». Who are to wake up the sons of disobedience? Who?


Oh, priests of the worldly church, let Me wake up the world from the sleep of disobedience to God if you do not wake it up; if neither you wake up from this sleep. Let the Lord do! Amen. Open the gates your church so that I, the Lord, may come in and lead you in the church. Open and let the gates open so that I may teach the people from heaven, for I will work at your church with faith and holiness in the people in order to turn them back to the way of righteousness before My great and fearful coming; because of which the heavens will pass with a great noise and the earth will burn because of the things on it, things without God, as it is written in the Scriptures. (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[13]”, r.n.). But I come to show Myself with a new heaven and a new earth and with My righteousness in them, according to My promise by the prophets. Amen.

Open your gates to enter, for I am Almighty. Whether you want it or not, whether you believe or not, open, for I have come down from heaven to search the living and dead, the righteous and sinners, and to give each one according to his deed. I am the first and the last One. Open, you, priests of the church, so that Christ may be with the church. I am the body and word and come ridding on a white horse, and My name is called the Word of God, the King of the heaven and earth, the King of glory, the Lord of the powers, the strong and mighty Lord. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.). I have Jerusalem as a people and come into it and speak with it, for it is faithful, and at My speaking with him all the faithful gather together to take My word for an everlasting life in man. Amen.


Sons of My little garden from Romania, I have spoken to the church of the world about the Christ’s church which saves, and I told it what Christ in the church means. My word blows from heaven upon you, and you should spread out his fragrance, for I give to it the fragrance bearing the gift of faith for those who seek the Lord. I come over you with the fragrance of My word so that you may be helpful to those who seek the Lord. I come down upon you with a Palm Sunday feast to urge you to rejoice with Me. Be attentive at My descent from heaven and make it an easy one and remove the spirit of oppression, which hinders Me from My coming from heaven to you. Be lovers of God, sons. Peace to you! Blessed is the One Who comes in the name of the Lord. Be an open gate for the One Who comes from heaven as a King upon the earth. Strengthen the peace of My heart, sons from the garden of My word. My peace from you will give you all that you need for My work with you, who stay in My name before me. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Lord’s Entrance Feast in Jerusalem, on 12-04-1998.



Oh, where else is the Lord on the earth as He is with you? Sons, sons, take always care of Me to have broadness on you for all the doors on the earth have shrunk for Me and I no longer fit on them with My greatness. There is everywhere only earthly, human, fleshly and worldly greatness. I no longer have room anywhere as I am. My door is narrow to the world for the world is having its feast not My feast. I look into the churches and fill up with mourning. Everywhere I am spoken of and sung with the mouth, but the hearts of those that gather together have no love for heaven and for the everlasting ones. The priests strive after the money which they sell Me on. The people crowd to take from the Passover meal and they do not know what they are doing, poor of them, for they do not grow in the holy ones if they take from the consecrated things. They take only grief and groaning from everywhere My name of spoken of through the mouth of the church’s servants who read Me from books and that is all.


The day of My resurrection is not received and is not lived by holiness and love of God. The churches are filling with licentious people, sick in their souls and not healed, and then they go to look for their own things and have their feast on the day of My resurrection. It hurts Me and it hurts Me again of the groaning that is gathering upon Me, for My name which is spoken of into all the churches of the world is slandered, not honored, and my holydays became for people a worldly not heavenly joy.


Sons, it hurts Me. What is the man doing when something hurts him? He goes to seek healing. I will do the same too. I will seek to heal Myself of the pain crushing the hypocrisy on the earth, for the people’s hypocrisy, and especially of the servants of the church who serve Me, as they say; the hypocrisy is the heaviest sin by which the people fall into their sins. There is on earth only hypocrisy and chasing after the wind. Nothing is true anymore on earth but My people.


Oh, My people, I make a stronghold of My word around you, so that you may not falter when the people work out the Christ’s coming from a lie, for they will work with a lie. However truthful the lie would seem to the lying man, you watch out with Me, holy Jerusalem, for I said: «There will rise false Christs and will give great signs and miracles to deceive even My elected»,  but the fall of My sons on the earth will not be possible to happen for behold, I am among you and you are My sons and I keep close to you, as a shepherd among the sheep, and you will not fall under the delusion of the lying ones who will think of Me out of the work of their lie. My coming will not be sensed by the lying ones but you will feel it and will stand to welcome Me as the Holy Spirit will tell you from the Father not from an angel.

He who is coming ahead of Me is a thief and a robber to rip off My sheep, not his sheep, but I will make My heavenly sign, for after the pressure of those days of the lying about Christ’s coming, the son will be turned into darkness and the moon will not give its light anymore, and the stars will fall down from heaven and the powers of strength will be shaken out and then the sign of the Son of man Will be seen on heaven. Then the people on earth, who allowed themselves to be deceived, will beat their chest as they will see Christ coming as the Son of man on the clouds of heaven with much power and glory. Amen. I descend the same as I ascended, and not otherwise, but I will be with much power and glory in My next coming, for the first time I came and let Myself into the hands of the unfaithful as a helpless man so that the men may be judged by their deed and to humble themselves as God did, the One Who came to humble Himself for the salvation of the faithful.


Jerusalem, the one who is coming ahead of Me is a thief and a robber of sheep; he is not Christ. Let all the earth hear those that I speak about the liars who work out the lying of their imagination about My coming; but this lie will be the reward of those who want Christ without following Him, without resembling Him for their living.


The man of science, the man of earthly pride stands in front of the people with an image of the world, with an image of the antichrist, for the television became a god for man, and the lying man comes to this window to make the man believe those which belong to lie, and the man cannot separate himself from the lie. The servants of the church believe in the miracle of the lying man and say that they there are more earths beside our earth and by saying this, they denigrate the name of God among the people. If the servants of the church stayed with the truth against the lying of the man of science on earth, the people would no longer wander away from the truth. But look what happened: the true Antichrists are in the church and because of this the lie has power over people, and the people of the lie sing in churches: “Christ is risen!” 


Oh, you who sing the song of My resurrection, why do you not look into the Scriptures to see what I told the faithful man to do? So that you may see what I said about the heaven and the earth, about My second coming on earth and about the payment that I will give each one according to one’s own deed? Why do you not live the truth for which many saints died in their bodies so that they may not lose My life from them? Why do you not believe in

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