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Book online «I AM COMING! Volume 2 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (most read book in the world TXT) 📖». Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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I am coming for MY bride. She is ready. She is beautiful. I am ready. The people need to be prepared. I have much to do in a little time. I want MY people to focus on ME. The hour is coming for change. There are big changes coming to the earth. I know you can feel it, MY people. If you cannot see it, you are not looking. You have allowed the world to consume your life. I cannot help you, if you do not seek help for what ails you: worldly consumption. You are consumed by the world, and I do not enter your thoughts.

I am coming for a pure, clean bride and you are wondering what that means? She must be pure in her thoughts, motives, heart toward ME, her GOD. I must be her center-focus. She cannot embrace the world and ME both. If she clutches the world close to herself, then there is no room for ME. This one cannot come with ME. I will leave her to face the darkness looming over the earth.

You think I repeat these words too much? How can I not? Soon I must remove the bride and I am swiftly approaching. Very few are ready. Very few have laid their hearts at MY Feet in complete surrender. It is rare. So many will be shocked to be left behind, to be remaining and not taken. This will jolt the religious community. Many pastors and entire congregations will remain behind, left to face the worst. Why will they be left?, because they disregard ME as their One True LORD and MASTER.

The pastors and churches who really bring ME into their planning and seek MY Face and MY Will know the meaning of MY HOLY SPIRIT Power. They experience MY Touch, MY Power through healing, through wholeness, through contentment in life and peace and love. I bring the prosperity of resources. MY people are comforted and loved. These churches understand about MY Power and life-giving strength. I am their center-focus. They won’t make a move without consulting ME. I bring them into MY Will and they serve MY Will. I bring them truth and success, not worldly success, but success in their homes; success in dealing with sin; and they have peace; and the world stresses do not affect them because I cover them with MY Wings and they are safe.

Churches that don’t operate in the Power of MY SPIRIT are open to the ways of the enemy and they are in fact lukewarm. I will spit them out. I will not receive them. Their lackluster interest in ME will bring them to MY rejection. I will not take these people with ME when I take out MY bride. These people are far from ME. They say we are wealthy, we are rich. They believe I have blessed them. They need MY eye salve to see the truth that they are far from ME and they are heading for hell. I am sorry for you, MY people. You are lost if you don’t come to ME in full surrender. I cannot be bought. I cannot be disregarded. Reject ME, reject MY Truth and be left, be lost.

MY bride, MY wife is alert to the events of the world. She knows the times. She is aware of the times. She watches ME. She looks for ME. She knows what I am doing. This is MY bride. Nothing shocks her about the times. She knows because she watches.

Dear bride, do not become discouraged. The hour approaches for MY return. I am coming. Do not be weary. Pick up your armor. Protect yourself and prepare those around you. For the event of the removal of the bride approaches and your garments cannot be soiled. You must be pure. You must have MY SPIRIT to survive the coming wave of events. Only MY children who are completely surrendered, with no reservation, will be saved.

MY children, look to ME, your LORD and SAVIOR JESUS. I am crying out to you in these closing hours. Now is the time. Now is the hour of decision. Why do you wait? Why do you hesitate and stall?

Why do you think it is wise to wait for a better time to come to ME in full surrender? What does the world bring you that you think I cannot offer you?

I am LIFE, I am LIFE ABUNDANT. There is no life apart from ME. There is only death. All paths of the world apart from a full surrender to ME lead to death. Do you not see? Do you not know? You cling to the world, but she is a cruel mistress. Many will cling to her and die with her. She will take them straight to hell. O’ so many are there now because they were too sure of their need for the world. She draws, tempts, and pulls, but in the end it is death, eternal separation from life with GOD, a loving GOD.

Your love for the world will take you right to hell. I know of what I speak. I see MY lost children suffering for all eternity in this place. They will never be released from their torture. It is an eternal choice. Choose life now. Come to MY abundant life NOW. Your waiting will be your undoing. I do not take kindly to those who tempt ME. I make MY precious offer of salvation clear, but if you continue to reject it, you may find you have rejected it one too many times. Too many who are in hell are stunned by the reality of their resistance to get right with ME. They are forever lost.

Let these words stun you. Let them stun you to the core. Make no mistake, I am not a GOD to be trifled with. I will not tolerate rejection from MY people. Be warned. Time is running out for you. I am giving out final warnings, final pleas. These are MY warnings. If you trivialize them, I cannot help you if you wait too long. You can never say you were not given warning.

Be careful in these choices you make. The hour of decision is at hand. Choose wisely. MY hand is about to pull away from this earth. I will take with ME MY bride and I will leave the earth to fend for itself amidst chaos and reigning evil. Don’t be left behind.

You have been warned. I, JESUS have spoken.

The LORD said to add Psalm 81 to this letter:

Psalm 81 .

1 Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.

2 Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery.

3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.

4 For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.

5 This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.

6 I removed his shoulder from the burden: his hands were delivered from the pots.

7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah.

8 Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me;

9 There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.

10 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

11 But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me.

12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!

14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.

15 The haters of the LORD should have submitted themselves unto him: but their time should have endured for ever.

16 He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.


Letter received from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina on February 7, 2011.

Write MY words down MY daughter.

Many think they are ready, but they are not. Many think they are blessed in their church, but they are not. Their blessings are not always MY blessings.

Listen pastors of MY church:

This is MY church. These are MY children. These are MY sheep. On which way do you lead the sheep?, A road of prosperity, a path of ease, a path of complacency, a path of lukewarmness? This is the way that pleases the flesh and that I spit out of MY Mouth. This is the way to eternal destruction and death. Her place is hell, a terrible judgment.

Listen to ME, MY children. MY Word says if you remain in ME and follow, all MY Commandments with your whole heart, soul, and mind, it will be well with you. I am a GOD of blessings and prosperity. But if you do not first seek the Kingdom and MY Roads and MY Regulations, then MY Blessings will not come.

Listen, MY children: MY Way is a path of prosperity, a path of abundance. I have come to give you life in abundance. The road is free. There is however one condition: live at MY Word. Search MY Kingdom first and everything else will be given to you.

I see however very many live with compromises, compromises with MY Word and the world. Does not MY Word say: Convert and repent of your sins? This is daily conversion. I search for children who pour out and expose their whole heart, soul, and spirit for their GOD. I search for children with total surrender and devotion: hearts that bleed for ME; hearts moaning for ME; hearts only crying to ME. This is the worship and devotion that I search for.

MY children, many of you live with compromises. ‘Everything is grace’ I hear. Only MY sacrifice was grace. Your dispensation of the curse was grace. This is an eternal sacrifice. Why deprive you than MY Word of power? MY Word is complete and cannot be used in pieces and partially when it suits you. MY Word is complete and cannot be applied when it suits your flesh.

Many live carnally and not in the SPIRIT. They concede to the demands from their own fleshly thoughts and compress in this way with the world. Did I not say: You cannot serve two masters? MY Word is correct and complete. Know that every choice is an eternal choice and shall have eternal consequences, if you do not repent.

Get off the wide road that leads to destruction and death and come to the narrow road that leads to eternal life in MY Kingdom. The road is narrow, this I have told you, but the reward for following this path is very large. I accept no compromises with the world, MY children.

I am a loving GOD. I have put out MY Life for all of you. I have gone into death for all of you. I am risen so you would have free access to MY Kingdom, a Kingdom that I would like to share with you. O’ how MY Heart longs to rapture you into MY Kingdom, in MY eternal Kingdom, where I have put away so much for MY children, blessing upon blessing, delight after delight.

I give you many warnings, MY children and I show you the way. The choice is yours. Choose the narrow path and come into complete surrender to ME.

Where are the worshippers? Where are those who worship ME in MY SPIRIT? Where is the power of MY SPIRIT? Where is the power of MY Word? I see dead churches, empty, bereft of power. I see no revival and power of MY HOLY

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