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Susan's letter JESUS talks about the Bible as the standard against all other schools of thoughts. It also speaks of the evil nation forming and darkness coming over the earth.


November 14th, 2010.

Letter dictated to Sabrina, of Belgium, and translated from Dutch into English:

November 13, 2010.

“Write it down MY daughter. It looks like nothing is going to happen. People are not ready for MY coming. I am very sad for this fact. I have done everything to warn MY people. Yet they choose to harden their hearts. Good. With freewill I have created you, with a freewill you shall also go. The destination you choose yourself. The gospel is clearly written in MY Word. If you choose to obey this Word, you have eternal life, if not, eternal death in the scorching heat of hell.

Hell is a real place. From this also I have written in MY gospel. Yet some of you live as if this is a fable. Oh really? Come to your senses MY people. NOW is the time of conversion. Share these words with everybody you know. Share MY gospel. Share the reality of heaven and hell. Make people alert they have to choose NOW.

Oh, MY people, MY heart bleeds for you. I am coming soon for MY bride and then it is every man for himself. These words will resound bitterly for some, for others disappear forever. The taste will not be sweet, but pure horror. The reality of hell that is coming is indescribable. Are these words too hard? Too frightening? I tell you, they are more realistic then the chair you sit on now.

I God am an almighty God and I do after MY Word. I am a merciful God. I am a loving God. But I am also a holy God. I alone can save you from what is coming. I am willing. MY grace is still here. But the horror of hell is coming. She will not be long in coming any more. So how long MY people before you give attention to these words? Not many are willing to enter the narrow road. Not many are willing to live holy. Not many of MY children are willing.

I am coming for a bride without stain, spot, and wrinkle. This means no compromises with the world or MY Word! No compromises! Oh, MY Word is holy. Live after MY Word MY people! Do you still think it does not really matter? I have told you before it certainly does matter. Fine, you live after your own rules then. I have MY rules set forth in MY Word. Take it all or lose it all. No compromises. If only you were willing to set your heart on this. I work out everything in someone’s heart.

The heart is unreliable. Therefore I have told in MY Word to give your whole heart, soul, and mind to ME. All these things are unreliable. Live in MY Spirit! Live in MY Spirit and it will go well with you. Live in MY Spirit, MY people. I have sent Him to this earth to inhabit MY people. Shall you not give attention to Him? He is the most precious possession that you can have in this life. Do not throw Him away, do not grieve MY Spirit! I beg you, do not grieve MY Spirit! This is the worst that you can do. Yet many of you are doing it. Live after MY Word and be led by MY Spirit every day. Only this way you can serve a Holy God. I am holy. You also be holy. The time is up.”


Letter given to Susan, of the U.S.

Letter 36. November 12, 2010.

Susan I have words for you. Susan these are MY words. I speak with care. Write it down. MY words are different than your words. I am GOD. Susan the hour is closing in. There is precious little time left. The hour is short: little time left.

I am your LORD and SAVIOR. These days are the final days. There are only a few days more and then many things are going to change. The world is about to change dramatically. Why do you question MY Words? Why do you doubt I am GOD? These are MY Words.

Nothing I am saying here has not been said in MY Book, if you care to read it. I gave it to you as a guide book, a book to understand the things of GOD: the expectations I have for living righteously; for bringing up children; for getting along with neighbors; for managing money; for understanding GOD; for living the way I want you to live; for being intimate with ME. I have provided these guidelines, yet you do not follow them. You follow every other book written by men about living, but the one given to you by your CREATOR. Why is this?

You are sidetracked into all types of thinking of men and you go in all directions, but to the ONE Who has all your answers. You are reviled by the Word of GOD, the Sacred Words of GOD. You are disgusted with righteousness. You make fun of it like it is a disgusting, foul way of life. Anyone who remotely engages in righteousness is freakish in your minds. You have departed from the right path so far, that right, clean living seems strange to you. People who embrace holiness make no sense to you.

Have it your way. You disdain holiness so much, than you may drown in your evil. You may have a large dose of it. You will drink a cup of evil very soon and reject the ways of GOD. I cannot stop what is set in place. The evil has begun. It will not stop until I come back to end the madness. It will be so bad for those left, they will want to die to escape it.

I want you to know that I love you, but I cannot tolerate your complete and total disregard of MY Word, MY instructions to you. MY Word is sacred, holy, pure, with practical instruction and you follow after every other man-made school of thought under the sun seeking answers. I have ALL the answers you are seeking, but you won’t look. You are an ill-advised, sad people. You are dying from lack of knowledge. You are wasting away from lack of truth. You are disintegrating from a lack of holiness. You lack ME. I am the center of all things right and holy.


Words given to me 11/13/2010.

Susan Write it down.

The world is coming to an hour of change. Change is upon it. The change will be big. An evil nation is forming. Evil that will be unstoppable. This is the defining moment. Will you stay because you reject MY truth and MY offer to come away to safety or will you leave with ME when I come to retrieve MY bride, MY beautiful bride?

Here is what you need to do if you choose to come. You need to surrender all, repent and wash your robes in MY blood, yes MY precious blood. I alone can make this change in your life. There is no other way, search though you may for answers to your life. You may find answers, but they will not lead you to life. They will only lead you to your demise, to your eternal death, torment in hell.

MY Words are harsh but they are loving, truthful Words. If I did not warn you, MY Words would not be loving. I am trying to reach you in this late hour. I, JESUS am trying to get through to you. I am extending MY hand out to you. I want you to know how much I love you. How much I care for you. Do not separate yourself from ME for eternity. It will be a fatal, everlasting choice that cannot be undone once it is final. Separation from GOD for eternity is hell unending. This is not what I want for MY children, for MY creation. Please choose wisely.

I have given you this choice to make. You must choose. The world is tantalizing. Everything seems so attractive to you. You want to touch and experience it all. It is death and it masquerades as life. But reach for it and die. Embrace it and fall into its deadly trap. Follow the path of the world you long after and you will never escape it. Then you will know you have chased after the wrong answers.

Come with ME your LORD JESUS and I will bring you down the right path to truth, righteousness, purity, holiness, love, and life everlasting. These words are true. The world is rejecting ME and soon I must step back and allow the worst to happen. I must let the world embrace the lord it chooses, the evil lord it chooses to reign over it. Then the world will understand the way of evil it has embraced. It will find the true meaning of the choices it has made. Soon the world will see what it means to embrace the wrong god and reject the one true GOD.

Evil will reign and rule the earth. Truth will be forgotten and the prince of the air will be the one true god of their choice and it will be a one-way ticket to death. MY people can come to ME then, but it will be through fire, they will have to walk through fire to get to ME. And I am sorry that it must be this way, but I am being clear about MY warnings and very few will heed them in time.

I God, I JESUS, am telling you truth. The days are growing darker now. The evil is increasing. The people have become too accustom to evil. They cannot see what is coming. They lack understanding. They lack discernment about holiness and they are being entrapped into the hands of the enemy.

I am sad for them but they must choose who they want to serve. Do they want to serve an evil, ruthless master or a loving, truthful Master, the ONE, Who created them? The people need to decide whether they want to serve the CREATOR or the creation. They will serve someone. Who will it be: the one who kills and destroys or the ONE, Who loves and saves? Wake up O’ earth. Your SAVIOR is calling out to you. Turn to your SAVIOR. Let ME save you. Make peace with GOD and live in eternal bliss. Come as you are now. I do not expect you to be perfect before you surrender to ME. I am the only ONE Who can clean you up. I can clean you in MY blood. I can set you right before MY FATHER.

There is no other way. Do not be deceived. All other ways lead to death. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. Come to ME now. I am waiting for just a little longer. Don’t wait too long. Your regrets will be great if you wait too long.

I love you, but you must make ME your LORD and MASTER and surrender all to ME. Repent of your sins in front of a HOLY GOD. Accept MY terms, and I will rescue you at this late hour. The time is disappearing. Wait no longer. Soon it will be too late.

I, JESUS have spoken.

The LORD said to add this verse:

Psalm 82:1-8. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die

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