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Book online «The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast by Lord Jesus (interesting books to read for teens .TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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(By the security service of the communist dictatorship, r.n.), I sent My angels and put the persecutors away and they destroyed each other, and I took you in My arms, My little garden and protected you, and the unfaithful ones who wanted to destroy you, perished by their sword. (At the anticommunist revolution, on December 1989, r.n.)


I will not let anyone rise against you, the little garden of My people, of My word. And the witness bishop, who delivered My word for the foundation of My church, (The Bishop Ioan Irineu-Bistriţeanul, r.n.), I will lead him to the heavenly glory on earth, and I will have him sit in My seat. But I tell you that I have already had him settled, for he is the anointed one of My church; he is My anointed one and he is not the people’s anointed one, for when the great people who are standing upon the church recognized him as My bishop that My word was for him, he stood up and said to them this: “It was not you who chose me, but I chose you.” It was a great and meaningful word he delivered, and here is the meaning of this word reminded at that time. He told them: “It was not you who chose me, not you, but the Lord, and you did not choose me rather you tortured me as an evildoer. It was not you, but I who chose you. And why did I choose you and not the clean ones? I chose you so that I may make you clean and without sin by faith too. I chose you so that you may do as I did, but you did not want to believe that the Lord Was the One chosen by me, and you said that someone else was the One Who was speaking. I loved you and remained with you but you did not remain with me, and you loved lying and futility and did not love the Lord.” This is the meaning of the word that My bishop was saying for the ones who recognized it that was Mine.


Oh, you little garden of My word, I am strengthening upon you My blessing and My work, for the one who placed you from Me is pushed towards you to say that you are no longer Mine. But you are Mine, the same as the Mount Sinai is My Holy Mountain, as this is what I told Moses: «Take off your sandals from your feet for you are standing on holy ground.» No one went to sanctify this mountain. I was the holiness of the Mount Sinai where I was speaking from the burning bush with Moses, the prophet of the Lord.


I am The Holy One in you, oh, little garden of blessing, and if the unfaithful places upon you a word of estranging you from Me, (Of the curse, r.n.), then I will no longer utter upon you any word delivered by the mouth of My anointed one, whom I told to deliver the word of holiness of My little garden and of the church from it, the word chosen by Me.


Do not be afraid My people. Do not be afraid My little garden. I am the Lord and I am on your side with My glory, and I will urge to repentance the ones that do not believe the work of My word which was from the beginning, and nothing of what was made, was made without it. But with you, dear sons, let the Spirit of the One Who loves you, let the Spirit of the One loved by you, let it be seen the Spirit to Which you belong, to Whom do you belong, sons. Be in My Spirit for My Spirit is on your side, and the Holy Spirit is taking you under His wings to cover and protect you and testify about you to the One to Whom you belong, but let you be so, sons. Amen, amen I say to you: this is the little garden of My word, and the place you are staying upon is a holy place. Do not come any closer you the unfaithful ones, for this place of Mine belongs to the believers. Amen, amen, amen.


Amen, amen I say those who stumble against this rock: who is stumbling upon it will be crushed in it. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, little garden, I cry in you, through the word; I pray in you to My Father, I pray in you to the man to come back to the Father.


Oh, Father, My Father and of those that are faithful, protect they that are hostile to those You gave Me. Surround Your people with Your holy angels! Glorify Yourself in Your Son by Your sons on earth!


− Amen, amen, I glorified and I will always glorify Myself, Son Emmanuel, for You are My Son, the anointed One from Me. I glorified and I will glorify Myself in the little sons born of Your word and I will work out heavenly miracles through them, for You Spirit is in them and they turn Me and You into the word on earth. Here I send Elijah, the prophet, to prepare You way, Son, for You to come back on earth to the people and to be with the faithful ones forever. Amen.


− Glory to You, My Father, for I pray to You in the little garden of Our word. I pray for the man to come back to You, but the rulers of the church are standing against Me, Father. In all ages the antichrist had been next to Me and persecuted Me up until I Was born of the Virgin, My Mother, and even after I returned again beside You; he persecuted Me so that I may not come down from heaven to be with people; he persecuted Me through the ones close to You, Father. They were saying that they loved Me, but they were persecuting Me and always persecute Me so that I may not come down to the people.


Oh, Father, send Elijah, send him on and on, for it is written about him that he will prepare My way to the people, the way of My day, the perfect day of My coming to be forever with the faithful. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Elijah, the saint prophet, from 02-08-1997.



I have changed the sadness of My apostles into joy. I have changed their sight to see Me in glory and to have joy, and I told them not to tell anyone about their good sight until I it is glorified by My Father through My resurrection. I ate then the Passover with them and said to them: «I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before My passion and resurrection, for I will no longer by any means eat of this until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.»


Oh, weak and little children, I want to fulfill with you this Scripture so that it may be fulfilled in the kingdom of God, and so that you may be the kingdom of God in which the Passover may be fulfilled, sons. I have always wanted Myself to be fulfilled in you, and to help you also be fulfilled in Me, and both of us to want, from both sides, that My new Passover to be fulfilled in you, before and in the hearts of many nations, sons. But be cautious, and in your weaknesses seek to be strong into the Mystery of My kingdom in you, so that My Scripture may be fulfilled, sons; to have someone to fulfill them with, as I fulfilled them through My prophets. I come to you to clothe you with the strength of the Holy Spirit and that to stand well for My name against anyone who calls you to account for your faith, for look, the priests want to come to you to deceive you with their empty words, as because of this the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. How comes that, sons? Be careful for I told the faithful ones: «Watch out so that no one may deceive you, for many will come into My name saying: “I am Christ”, and shall deceive many. Do not follow them». I have also said this by the Spirit: «Let no one deceive you by any means, for I will not come to those who were supposed to believe until the cup of disbelief is filled; I will not come unless the denial of faith comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the adversary of My Christians, exalting himself against all that is called God or that which is made to be worshipped; so that he sits as God in the church of God, setting himself up as God, and to put Me to silence».


My adversary is in the church, sons, and he is bigger than I am in the church, and he does not ask Me about his works and gives My sheep and turns them into a sect. These call the worldly ones, Christians, and the Christians they call sect. These fill the place made for worship with people who do not do My will, and the faithful Christians by their hearts and deed, they call wandered away and sect, the same as My adversary did in My time; who exalted himself against all that is called God or against all that is made for worship, who exalted himself so high until he crucified, by unbelief, the Son of God, the Son of the vineyard’s Master. But I took from them the vineyard of My Father and I gave it to others who worked upon it with My word, not with their word. And the same I have done it today too with the adversary, the man of lawlessness, who is sitting over the church; and the vineyard is Mine, and I shepherd it, and I prevent him from grazing My flock any longer, for My word is a shepherd and is an iron staff, and I shepherd the nations of the earth with it, and the adversary who hid in the church wriggles and seeks to put My word under a bushel. When they too were persecuted, they were believed by the Christians, but now they escaped, they said this, and now they persecute the Christians as well, for fear that their vineyard may not be taken by someone else; but the vineyard is Mine, not theirs.


Now Caesar is running to God and he is no longer mean towards Christians. (It is about the former supporters of the communist dictatorship and a part of them are still the present governors, r.n.) Now the priests denigrate the good faithful, for the priests have exalted against all that is called God or what is made to be worshipped, for they sit in the church and set themselves down as God, since they do not receive Me in word. But they had to be only servants who listen to Me doing the will of My word which has eternal life in it.


Christ, the Great Bishop, blesses you, oh little garden, and He will soon change your face so that the people may see My glory from you, o little garden, sanctified by My word which runs from Me upon you. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-1997.



Oh sons, there is no one on earth to understand where is the place of the kingdom of heavens, and behold, great is the mystery of the holy faith, a great gift from God has the man who has the holy faith. (See the selection topic: ”The kingdom of heaven does not come in a visible way”, r.n.) Who does not have the holy faith do not understand the mystery of the kingdom of heaven, its place and

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