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Book online «Encounter With Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings (Completed) by Regina Clarinda (grave mercy txt) 📖». Author Regina Clarinda

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must be on their way out.

Then one by one the musicians began to appear. They were angels with wings. Gracefully they flew out the door.

The angels streaked high into the air until about 40 feet from the ground, and they stopped there. They kept playing their instruments while hovering in the air.

Some were playing harps, while some were playing flutes, tambourines, and other instruments I wasn’t familiar with. There were about 20 angels up there.

It was spectacular watching the angels playing beautiful music in the air.

"Hosanna Hosanna to the Most High, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord… “

The angels at the gate started singing again, now accompanied by beautiful music.

All of them were staring at the gate as they were singing, as if waiting for it to be opened.

Will it be opened now? I wondered.

The two enormous gatekeepers began to open the gate. They pushed the heavy gate with might and main. It took them some time to open it completely.

I ran to the opened gate to see what was out there.

A glowing white road stretched outside the gate. The road was sloping down, it was sloping downhill. From a distance, faintly I heard the sound of a crowd singing.

"Glory glory glory to the Lamb, Hosanna to the Most High, we give our everything to the Lamb, our souls and our lives to the Most High. Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive our highest honor, for You have laid down Your life for us. Glory glory glory to the Lamb, Hosanna to the Most High... "

The song sounded familiar. It was sang by the martyrs! This road must be the Martyr Road, the uphill road I saw earlier that led to none other than this Palace.

The martyrs were near as I could hear them.

Jesus, who stood by my side all the time, looked at me and gave me a big smile. "Yes, they are near and will be here soon."

"Hallelujah!" I praised God. The special guests were arriving at last! The angels had been waiting for them.

Their voices could be heard louder and louder. The martyrs were getting closer. All the angels were shouting aloud for joy and praising God with a louder voice. They were happy the martyrs were near!

Chants, cheers, praises, and music filled the air so loudly. The atmosphere was joyously loud and hectic! It was spectacular. Every creature in heaven rejoicing!

The martyrs were seen at last.

Blood still dripped down their robes but their faces looked radiant with joy.

An angel rolled out a carpet on the road when the martyrs were only about twenty yards away from the Palace.

The carpet was gorgeous. Magenta colored, intricate patterned embroidery adorned its entire surface. The carpet was about fifteen meters long.

It was rolled out to welcome all the martyrs. Like heroes, they were given a rousing welcome.

Something happened when their feet touched the carpet. All of a sudden their blood-drenched robes turned clean white, and glowing too. Not a speck of blood dripped onto the carpet.

A beautiful crown appeared on their heads. It was no ordinary crown. The crown was “alive”, as it consisted of active colorful lights glowing gracefully. It was really unique. The martyrs were really pleased with it!

In unison they praised God with a loud voice, “How great are you God, You bring us comfort, You wipe away every tear and You crown us with the crown of life. You are the Giver of victory. You are our joy!"

They shouted aloud for great joy. God is truly our joy!

Jesus’s face was beaming, He then turned to me and said, "He who is bent on saving his life, shall lose it. And he who loses his life for My sake, shall find it.”

“My daughter,” He said again, “these people do not have the mark of the beast on them. Neither did they worship the beast. They did not disown Me and that is why they were killed.

“I love them so. I will make them happy and bless them forever.”

The Blinding Light

After being crowned with the crown of life, everyone headed to the banquet hall to start the party. I headed there along with them.

But before anyone reached the door, something happened.

All of a sudden the atmosphere changed. It became completely silent.

My legs started to feel strange. They started shaking and the shaking spread over my entire body. And next thing I knew, I fell prostrate on the floor!

An unexplainable, unusual great fear filling my heart. I was trembling in fear in a prostrate position. My entire body was shaking, mainly my hands.

The dread was so immense that I became rigid. I did not dare to move my body or try to get up.

I was too frightened to turn my head to look to the side to find out what was happening. So I just glanced, and out of the tail of my eye, I saw everyone had fallen prostrate too.

Not one person was still standing. All the martyrs and all the angels had fallen prostrate on the floor. They were trembling in fear as well.

It was silent and tense. No one made a sound.

What is happening? Why, all of a sudden, had I fallen prostrate and trembling in great fear? It was really strange. I tried to stop the shaking but it was useless.

A minute later, a dazzling white light appeared and shone all over the place.

The light was coming from the front, near the entrance to the banquet hall. It was so bright and blinding.

Then the light got brighter and brighter. How extremely dazzling it became.

I could no longer see anything but dazzling white light. Everything else seemed to vanish. The light flooded over the place and “devoured” everything.

Its brightness increased every second. I had to close my eyes as the light started hurting them. But the glare of it penetrated my closed eyelids; I had to cover my eyes with my hands.

I was trembling more than ever. The fear was unbearable, I felt like dying! I wanted to cry out to Jesus for help yet I could not even open my mouth. Besides, Jesus wasn’t by my side anymore. I didn’t know where He went.

I could only wait to see what would happen next.

As I laid there on the floor, I sensed that there was something with this light that made everyone tremble. There were holiness and purity in it.

Something struck my mind. I realized something. Suddenly I realized that the dazzling white Light was Jesus Himself! It was Jesus, the everlasting Light!

Jesus was showing Himself in His glory as God and King. He was at the entrance to welcome the martyrs before they entered the hall.

How to be feared and reverenced is the manifestation of His power and glory! Jesus has the glory of a King of all kings. He is the everlasting God, the everlasting Light!

In His presence as King of all kings, every creature trembled and prostrated in great fear.

“Blessed are You Lord, our God and our King,” in unison we cried out with a loud voice. “Sovereign of the universe, You are exalted among the nations, You are exalted above the heavens and above all the earth, You are exalted forevermore!”

After praising Jesus, we went silent again.

I ventured to look to the Light to see His face, because I was curious to see how the Lord looked like in His great glory and power.

But it was impossible to see it. I could not see His face, nor His shape or form. It was too dazzling to see anything. All I saw was a huge mass of blinding light that was shining in all directions. Quickly I covered my eyes with my hands again.

Out of the blue, a sudden heartbrokenness hit me. I began to cry.

Tears just streamed down my cheeks. All of a sudden I felt so unworthy and this just broke my heart to pieces.

"I am so unworthy my Lord,” I cried, “I am a sinner. I am so unworthy, so unworthy…”

I felt so unworthy. So unworthy to be here. So unworthy to be in His presence.

His Divine holiness made ​​me realize how helpless I was. How unworthy I was. How weak I was. How I was truly nothing before Him.

My heart was shattered. "I’m so unworthy to be here… I am so unworthy… "

I cried and I cried.

The others were crying too. We all felt unworthy, and fearful. It was unbearable to face His glory and divine holiness.

And I realized, that if all this time I could talk to Jesus, embraced Him, or held His hand, it was because He appeared to me in the form of Son of Man. It would not be possible for me to see His face, or to hold Him, if He appeared to me in His glory as the almighty God.

Jesus had taken the humble position of a slave, and appeared in human form, so that He can embrace you and me.

“Peace be upon you, fear not, for I love you so."

A reassuring voice was heard, echoing everywhere throughout the place, while at the same time it sounded so close, as if it was whispered in my ear.

It was Jesus’ loving voice.

"Come, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Peace be upon you forever!"

This time the Lord’s voice sounded like the roar of the waves rolling on the ocean.

The light vanished from our sight. Jesus went into the banquet hall.

All at once I felt like water was being poured out over my head.

It flowed and filled me completely. Next thing I knew, I was praising the Lord as my heart was overflowing with joy and love.

All of the others were praising the Lord too. His love was overwhelming, and now we just couldn’t stop praising His holy name! That “water” had brought us such enormous joy!

As we kept praising Jesus, we got up and began walking to the entrance to enter the banquet hall.

* * *

“Though He was God,
He did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
Instead, He gave up His divine privileges;
He took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When He appeared in human form,
He humbled Himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
Therefore, God elevated Him to the place of highest honor
and gave Him the name above all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.”
(Phillippians 2:6-11 – New Living Translation)

* Note:

The revelation about the thousands of martyrs walking down the Martyr road has a symbolic meaning.

I’d like to make clear that the martyrs, after their deaths, are not gathered first into one large group of martyrs in a certain place or road in the spiritual realm. But when they die, their spirits go straight to Father’s house.

The Martyr Road I saw, is not a real road or place in the spirit realm, but it is symbolic with a simple meaning. The Martyr Road symbolized the suffering, persecution, and death of a martyr.

Anyone who dies for Christ is declared as a martyr. They are given a place in heaven.

Broadly speaking, the meaning of this revelation is: There will be a lot of Christians’ blood poured out in the end of the world. But those who lose their lives for Jesus’ sake shall receive a great reward, which is to enter into the joy of the Lord and receive eternal life.

God loves the martyrs; they are given a special welcome in heaven. And they receive life, love and joy that will never end.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

I could hardly believe what I saw when I entered the hall. The place was already full of people!

Countless numbers of people were already sitting down at tables. This enormous, immeasurable hall was filled with a sea of people!

Never had

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