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of people and after other countries, which Romanian is also part of, (United Nations and the European Community, r.n.) poor crowd, but if it entered, let it watch and listen to God. And you, do not listen to the foreigners who are against the people, but listen to God for the people, for the Romanian people is blessed in a special way among the nations and I have been keeping My hand over it for more than two thousand year, for seven thousand years, because this is what the Father has chosen as the country for Me for the end of the time. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) And if you do not believe, then I believe, and I keep My hand over it, I and My Virgin Mother, I and all the armies of saints and angels who stand above and protect from above, and they also protect both from below and from the sides, and you should know this from God.


It is very sick the mixture of the countries, where Romania has also been drawn, a Christian country with the cross on its forehead, and those, who have set themselves as rulers over countries, think that they are the masters, but the power is in heaven not on earth, for man is very weak before God.


Oh, those who try to rule over the world, forget that people are not animals, as I, the Lord, see, that the antichrist man treats and deals with the destiny of people. Now I am getting up with much power and breathing over the destiny of the Romanian people; I am strengthening the hope, the faith and the love over the country and I am giving it the sweet beauty, and I am giving it comfort, too, for the Romanian people is seized with fear, (Fear from coronavirus pandemic, r.n.) poor of it, for the work of the antichrist tries to deform here, too, the beauty from above of the man made by God. Oh, I see the children with the antichrist’s window in their hands; I see the little ones how they learn what is evil, not what is good, and the children forget about the fatherly God even from their infancy, from Whom come all the good and all the gifts.


You, those who want to be at the helm, the merciful and the good ones for the Romanian people, oh, do not go, do not take part in dangerous meetings, where the people of lie want to make plans for the fate of the people. These human meetings are dangerous for people and for you too before God, they are dangerous for peoples, and you should not test Me. I can stop the evil any time, but you should also want to do that and to listen to what I exhort you from heaven, for I see the evil thought of the antichrist, and I teach you to remain clean for the people and for the soul of the people.


Oh, do no longer borrow anything from the foreigners; do not sell to others the power and the people! Teach the people and I, the Lord, also teach it, and tell it that it is dangerous to be indebted to strangers. Let the people go and gather its food from God given for man, for it is written that I am the One Who covers the sky with clouds and brings rain on earth to bear grass and greenery to the service of the people and feed all the breath on earth. And, as all creatures ask Me to give them food, the same should man ask Me, for I take care of him, I, not the heathen man and enemy of God.


Let the people go, gather and eat those that God has made, healthy food and all kinds and variety, and let him also work his land as once their ancestors did, who now are the inhabitants of the heaven and who pray for the people left on earth.


Choice food grows on earth, nettles and mushrooms of all kinds, variety of greenery, seeds of all kinds, sweet, nutritious and very healthy fruit, and let the lovers of God eat this food, not with abundance of food, as the heathen without God on earth do.


And I am still saying to you, those who are at the helm of the Romanian people: If a king, if a country servant sits on the seats of the country, and if he does not speak with God for all his things and the things of the people, then can he rule over the people on his own and on behalf of the others, of the strangers? Oh, David was a king and he was speaking with Me day and night; he was fasting, praying and repenting for his sins and for the sins of his people and for God’s glory with him, and so must be he who wants to be the ruler of a people.


Oh, the foreigner is a trap for you, Romanian people, for he has got his work hidden in man, because you saw the Turk when he trampled your people and the borders of your country, but you do not see the antichrist and its dens as much as you think that you see them. Oh, take care because it is the work of antichrist, who blasphemes God, the cross and the holy way, and this enemy works stealthily and wants to put his mark and give to man from his own things in order to keep the man in bondage and to teach him paganism, the way to hell. Oh, no! The sons of Romania are full of grace, and they can do alone that what they need to do and to have what is good and peace upon them, but the foreigners are a trap, they are enemies, and they do not pay attention, as the Romanian sons may want to believe.


However, you, Romanian people, have been the only Christian people for two thousand years because this is what the Father has wanted you to be for Me. But where, son, where is your little cross from your neck? It is the weapon that defends you, Romanian sons and which mark you as Mine. Oh, wear the cross at your neck, but one like Mine, made of wood, and you be My gold, My possession. Oh, do not be afraid of poverty; do not be afraid of it for I am the One Who feeds. Keep through the church the faith from the beginning and received from the saints, and not from anyone who speaks about God, as do so many people who are deceived by false prophets and pulled out from the ancestral church, for the apostles, who gave to the world the book of My Gospel and theirs, wrote that false prophets would arise to draw the Christians away from them and that the Christians would no longer listen to the Holy Spirit of My church, because the false prophets serve the antichrist, and put aside My Mother Virgin, the one who surpassed the heavenly powers with the birth of God among people, and these liken her to any man, while she stands guard and protection over the Romanian land with open arms above, and she is served by cherubim and seraphim, and it shall be seen how she ministers from the sky like Me, like the saints, like the angels, and how she puts to shame all those who liken her to the insignificant.


You, Romanian sons, fulfill the commandments of life and of the Scriptures! Do not sell and do not buy on Sundays. Put myrrh and holy water on your forehead and on the soles of your feet which carry you through the places full of sin, and let the cross be your seal, a heavenly sign upon you and defense before antichrist, whom the cross frightens and kills, and it will overcome him fully, for he wanted and wants to make people forget about God’s commandments, which say: you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor, you shall not murder, you shall not covet, but to love only God and His house, and those who serve in it for God’s people. And when a church or flock minister does not speak with God about all his things, and about those of the church over which he watches and serves with his life, then can he himself protect the people and the Spirit of God on the table of the church he serves? Oh, definitely no, but all have to be done with God and nothing without God through My church and over it.


Let the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah come out of the Romanians, and keep your country without sin, Romanian sons, for the wages of sin is death, oh, and the Romanian country has painfully gone wrong that it let itself drawn by the mixture without God. The church of the Romanian people have gone wrong that it too let itself be drawn by the mixture without God and with the name of a church, (The ecumenism, r.n.) but I, the Lord, am going to wipe out its mistake now, for I love it with great love, and I love it as My hope, and I ask it for the love of God over it.


I forgive your mistake, oh, My church of Romanians. I am now forgiving the ministers that have gone wrong against Me and against your head, when they went to the meeting which serves the mixture of the antichrist, (They participated in the “Ecumenical Synod of Crete,” r.n.) because they did not listen when I told them not to go. The Russian church obeyed and received[5] with faith the word and remained far from this sin of mixture with a hidden face under the name of the Orthodoxy; however, I, the Lord, am coming now and wiping out the guilt and at the same time, I am exhorting the priests and the bishops to stand up by My grace and receive comfort over the flock and repentance together with the flock, and to bring before Me the prayer from the book of the churchly service, the prayer for the calling of God’s mercy at every religious service and for His mercy on the people’s weaknesses, for in this holy prayer there is also repentance; it is a calling and it is My compassion as well. And the law of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah must be put away from the country through the church, for these sins incur wrath, the devils work and therefore punishment for all.


The Christian people know the Scriptures; not only antichrist knows them, and he also knows that the sign of the Christians is the cross, and the man with the heart of a beast will be destroyed by the breath of My mouth, as it is written in the Scriptures, and here I am against him, and I will strike him with darkness, I will strike with blindness the one who does not receive the work from God, and My church will be built and it will be sanctified, on the forehead with its weapon, with the cross, and the saints will overcome and will judge the world with mercy, as it is written, and My Christians pray to the heaven and do the sign of the holy cross over them, over their houses, over all their things and over their Orthodox country.


Now, stand up all the Orthodox countries and hold the cross up, up, for with it you will overcome and strengthen yourselves, and it will keep on protecting My country, for I will always be as word over it, and the Holy Spirit will take from what is Mine and He

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