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2020.03.29 - The Word of God over the Romanian country

The Word of God[1] over the Romanian country, over the rulers of the country, over the church and over the Romanian people, on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the Devout Saint John of the Ladder 



With an angelic suite and with groups of saints I am descending over the earth My Spirit and Word.


Shall I say who I am? I am Who I am. I am the Son of God the Father, and I am His Word. I am Jesus Christ, the Lord, and I have been writing Myself down on the hearth of the Romanian land for more than fifty years and I have been working more and more, however, not as much as the man who opposes Me and who keeps on being confused in his language, in his blind fight and in his work, with which he tries to plunder the flock like a wolf hungry after the sheep, that has its den into the deep, in its darkness.  


I am working hard this day, I am working with the Holy Spirit and bringing the truth by My word, and I am giving each one according to his work, for this is what I have to work, for this time has come and I want to examine the Christian flock, to bind its wounds and to heal it from mistakes and then to give it comfort.


I am working for you, Christian flock of the Romanian people, and I am speaking with you with mercy and with the Holy Spirit, not by television like My adversary, the antichrist, the one with his hidden work and with guilty news and many of his lies everywhere, for I am the truth, I am the way, I too am the life, as it is written. Oh, do not entrust yourself to human help, and do not forget what I am telling you now, for man sets himself up as God; however I do not leave you, and I am coming to comfort you and to bring you word from heaven, for you do not find any mercy and care for you on earth, but I am merciful, because I laid down My life for My flock, for My church, and I will not deceive you in My love for you, for you are My inheritance through the cross and by My resurrection, and I am Master through you on earth, My love, and I have My helm in you over My creation and yours.


Oh, Romanian country, My today’s country, for more than sixty years I have been singing My love for you on earth, and you do not know it because you are not able to know what God has been doing on your hearth, that there has been a time of difficulty for My word upon you, but I have always written and taken it now over you and I have put it on the water to run; I have put it on the way so that you may find it and that it may find you too, and all the nations to be nourished from this manna, for it is written that the peoples will stream to My mountain[2] of word to learn the way of peace, the way of freedom, of salvation, the Lord’s laws, the happiness of the nations, (See Micah 4:1, 2), and many will see it, believe and head for the way of the cross, on My way with man, for blessed are those who have Me as their Savior through the fulfillment of the commandments of law, for their fulfillment brings salvation and love, for I am the man’s benefactor, I, and My holy laws for man.


Oh, pay attention, be careful, Romanian people. I am waking you up and giving you comfort in times of trial upon you, (Coronavirus pandemic, r.n.), and behold, you have to watch for My word upon you, for you have turned away from God, oh, and you have turned away a lot, for the work of antichrist has been deceiving you secretly, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) but the Scriptures of the Holy Spirit has announced[3] in time that the work of the opposing man, the antichrist, will rise to deceive the nations and to threaten My house, and he has set up false prophets (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) to strike down My church, founded from the beginning, and which walked and walks on the way and it is called the Orthodox Church, the trunk of the tree, the body from which many have stepped aside for one thousand years, (From the separation of the western church – Catholic, from the eastern one – Orthodox, r.n.), now, in the end of the time, and these have been doing the work of the false prophets (The other Protestant and neo-Protestant cults, separated, in turn, from the western church, r.n.), and they have broken the body of the church, trampled the wine, broken the branches and thrown them down to the ground, for disobedience is the work of pride and it is the antichrist’s work, the one who fights against God, whom I am announcing and telling him now this:


People know, many know, they know the Scriptures better than you; not only you know them, and people know your work and you give yourself away, antichrist man, when you try to take possession of the earth and everywhere, and you walk restlessly to place your mark on people, and even on My people under My cross, but put it on yours if you keep working so hard, that I do not let you over My inheritance, and it is written that I will come with the saints and destroy with the breath of My mouth[4], with My great word I will destroy your work and your servants as well, and what else shall I do to you if this is written to be done, if you fight against Me? Oh, deceive yours, God and Magog, not those who are shadowed by the power of My cross and by its sign, for I am God, One God, and you are My adversary, and in your fight against Me, you prove that you are My enemy, and that you try to deceive every man, that you are his benefactor; however, you are a wolf that deceives and tears down, according to your very dark work, as your black spirit is. Oh, step aside from God and from man’s way; step aside and go back to your dens and wait for Me there to bring your due reward, that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am clearly saying now so that it may be heard from margins to margins, and I am saying this:


I made the heaven and earth, not you, not you, antichrist! I made the man, not you. Be ashamed when you hear what I am saying to you, and look better into the Scriptures and see how Christ overcomes the beast, which tries to tears everything.


Oh, do no longer pretend to be a benefactor, and go back to your dens and do no longer lie to yourself that you will rule the world, for I, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father God, I am the One Who has received from the Father to rule over the earth, I, not you, and you have no shame, for you have only pride in your dough.


With all your company of servants, scattered all over the earth, I am speaking and saying now, and I am telling you that I am going to take the whip against you so that you may no longer fight against Me and against My people on earth, that it has to be on earth as in heaven, not as in your hell, hidden from the face of men. And concerning the Romanian country, you must pay great attention to know well that it is My today’s country, and I am speaking now for it, saying: May your entire work perish from My today’s country, as I have compassion on you for you are a man and have the name of a man, but you have a secret number and a secret army under your name, 666, (On the meaning of 666, see in the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) but I, the Lord, have a strong army, too, I have the whole heaven of saints and angels, as for more than a thousand years, and even for two thousand years you have been pushing the people to deny the cross so that you may be able to overcome, but the cross is the weapon that will overcome you and it will destroy you, for I, the Lord, behold, I am waking up My flock and set the weapons at work against you and you will surely be defeated. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.)


Oh, you are wretched. You pose that you are good, but you persecute God and try to give the law of debauchery (Through so-called rights of sexual minorities, r.n.) over nations to persecute them in this way, to your hell, dark of sins, for you hate man. Oh, no persecutor has done any good, any antichrist knows nothing but do only evil and to scatter it over the earth and over the people. I will make you as blind as Pharaoh and his people, when I took Israel out of Egypt, and I will make you groping in your dark, for I am going to take the whip into My hand so that you may know Me, to see how big God is and how praised He is, and that My church is My bride and you do not have any right to trample My inheritance. Therefore, go away! Go and hide into your dens, and take away your hidden work from the earth, for the Scriptures give you away even if you have dared to change in them the meaning of their writings from the beginning! Oh, no, for there are unchanging Scriptures on earth, and the time is over for you to destroy, so go away now, for the writing is that Christ, the Son of God the Father, will destroy you with the breath of His nostrils, with His word! Amen.


And you, those who rule over the Romanian country from the upper seats, pay attention for God is speaking to you. Comfort, comfort My people, and do not trouble its soul, for this is what the work the antichrist wants to do; he wants to put fear in people, and then to bring them into his submission. Oh, no! Take great and fatherly care, if you sit at the helm of My today’s country, as for tens of years I have been the word over this people, over the Romanian country. See that the people may not blame you and say that it was better and that it was more protected in the time before. (The time of the dictatorship of the communist red beast and of its followers, r.n.) You are responsible for the people before God and not before men, who want to bring My Romanian country into submission for the antichrist, and to set its sign upon My flock. Oh, no, no. Watch over that I am telling you to watch, and do not take after the mob

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