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Book online «2020.03.29 - The Word of God over the Romanian country by Lord Jesus (best pdf ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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will bring news from heaven over it, and it will be on earth as in heaven, and all the time holy fulfillments are needed through the church, My Romanian sons, for God is very dear and there is no greater love than His love in those who love Him on earth.


Oh, sons of the Orthodoxy, keep well in mind that the false prophets, the people of the antichrist, changed the Scriptures and wrote thousands of years, and they wrote in many other places in them other things than those written in the Scriptures. Yes, and the Scriptures have also been changed on the table of the church, therefore, look for the unchanging Scriptures, for behold how much I love you, how much I teach and reveal you so that you may walk in My truth that brings you endless happiness, sons. And My voice is comforting you now, as every cloud has its silver lining, (Romanian - and all evil is for good, tr.n.) for I said that I would be with My people to the end of the ages, and behold, I am.


The greatest miracle, which God has done, is man; first man and then God born of man on earth, but birth as in heaven not as on earth, and the Holy Spirit Who completes the threefold work of the Holy Trinity, the Trinity of one and inseparable Being, the Holy Spirit, is prophesied to come, to reign and to teach the sons of the church from heaven, so that God’s sons may have from God, and that they may be God’s house on earth.  (Work threefold: From Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second - the work of the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word of God (Apoc: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, r.n.)


I still have to tell you this: Oh, do not seek to have money and keep them close and yours, Romanian sons. Put everything on the table in times of trial, and do not take from the foreigners, for the foreigners take away your freedom, your word and the rudder from over you. Oh, the country is in debt, because it has borrowed in order to give you and that you may not be deprived. However, debts must be paid. Therefore, bow with mercy and collect in one place all who have purses and pay the debts of the country and get rid of the foreign masters.


Come back to your homes, if you have left them for distant countries, Romanian sons! Even if you were to eat only onions with polenta, as your ancestors ate and were healthy and holy and did not leave the parental estate, the country and the people. Work here to have food and clothes. Do not become servants to the foreigners because it is a shame; it is shameful to become slaves for more money, and may be it cursed, for money has ruined everything, and those who have got a lot of it, have gathered it unjustly, and they want to subdue all the nations and all the souls that are in them and by so doing to be able to drive God out of the earth so that they may become great and strong gods, poor of them. Oh, and how laughable these enemies of the cross will become, for I, the Lord, will not delay to overthrow them and to thwart their pagan plans.


And as for you, priests, teachers, doctors, and you, too, good people of the Romanian nation, wake up the people to the love of God, to the happiness and holy joy of old, to the work of the fields with singing, to the spirit of contentment, for poverty and little of everything, these bring diligence and beauty of man, the holy restraining, singing, peace giving and God’s dwelling with the people on earth, the most beautiful feast, and which the sons of God know and are happy in it, the sons of the heaven on earth.


Oh, I have brought you comfort, I have descended to give you the word. I am the word; I am the Word of God (Apoc: 19/13.) and the heaven and earth flee or stand before Me.


I take you in My protection, Romanian sons, and those who oppose and seek you with pagan thoughts, these will know Me, Who I am.


I take you into My arms and I keep you tight at My bosom, because you are sad and oppressed, many, many of you, and fear has seized you, sons. Oh, not in this way. I keep you under My wings of merciful Shepherd to take care of you. Be victorious through Me and through the cross! Rejoice that you have had the opportunity to remain good as in time of feasting, submitting to the authority over you, as you have not been taught to stay and fast from the bad and guilty things before God! I am He Who guides you to My holy will. No one can stand against Me. I am at the helm all the bad time and I turn the evil into good, and the enemies will surely be put to shame.


Peace to you, Romanian sons, peace, sons!


And peace to you, all nations! Look to God and seek Him with a humble heart!


Let the antichrist work be set aside and listen to God the Word!


Peace and holy sun over the earth, and seven times brighter, as it is written!


Peace to you, church of the Romanian people! Oh, take care, take care of the holy feasts, take care of your life with the Lord. I am your Guardian, and you are My vine, and I have come to weed you and to give you the beauty from the beginning.


Let all the servants of the Orthodox Church rise from all over the earth and prepare themselves to be with God every day, for the Church is My house on earth, it is My inheritance!


The Word of God has now spoken over the earth.


I stand above with the heavenly host, with the saints and angels, and I rule the nations with a rod of iron, with the word of My mouth, as it is written.


I am Who I am. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, and I am His Word over the earth, and I am saying:


Peace, peace over the earth!


Peace, peace on earth as in heaven! Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] «And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.

And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah 4:1;2)

[3] «Children, these are the end times! As you have heard, the antichrist is coming and even now many antichrists have arisen. This is how we know that it is the final hour.

They went out from us, but they did not belong to us! If they had belonged to us, they would have continued with us. But [in fact] they left, so that it might be revealed that none of them belonged to us!» (1 John: 2/18;19)

[4] «The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! But now, there is one who restrains, until he is taken out of the way.

Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the manifestation of His coming». (2 Tess: 2/7;8)

[5] See „2016.06.09 - The word of God to the shepherds of the church at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension.”, „2016.10.27 - The Word of God to the Russian people and to the Orthodox churches in the world.” And „2017.03.05 - The Word of God to the flock of the church and to the bishops, on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith.”


Publication Date: 06-29-2020

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