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be my disciple.



Visions from GOD [Tuesday, January 14, 2014]


In a vision in the morning, I left my body. I found myself at the house of one brother I know, I saw him laying down in bed, then I saw his soul leaving his body, walked across the house to me, then we just walked through the wall, on the outside we saw a beautiful chariot of GOD, clear and transparent, it looked like it was made out of glass, we entered into it, it began to take off like an elevator, fly upwards at a great speed towards the sky, we passed the clouds, then into the stars, we saw shooting star, I began to scream” GOD wants to take you to heaven”, the chariot was moving at a tremendous speed, when still enjoying the ride, my spirit was brought back to my body.

In the afternoon, I was taken into a vision, while talking with some Christians, the LORD showed me some things, HE told me, “Tell those who have been blessed with material possessions and wealth to commit these things unto ME, least when I come, this things cling to them and they miss the rapture”. If you have a job, school, a house, money or any other material possession, commit them to GOD by prayer, so that they are not attached to your heart, so that they don’t become idols ,then make you miss the rapture.


1 Timothy 6:17: Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the LIVING GOD, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.


Also the LORD told me; “Many Christians love their marriages, relationships, and children more than ME, for that they are not fit to enter MY Kingdom.” Remember GOD is a jealous GOD; HE does not want any god before HIM.


Matthew 10:37: He that loveth father or mother more than ME is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than ME is not worthy of ME. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after ME, is not worthy of ME.He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for MY Sake shall find it.


Luke 14:26: If any man come to ME, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be MY Disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after ME, cannot be MY Disciple.


Many Christians will miss rapture on that day because they have made these things idols in their hearts. This is rapture readiness and holiness that JESUS requires for you to enter HIS Kingdom.



Vision of teaching about the rapture [2014]


In a vision, I was teaching people about what they need to do to prepare for the rapture, I told them that need to be born again, and from there they need to make total surrender unto the LORD JESUS CHRIST, live in absolute holiness, repentance and righteousness.

In another vision, I was in a large spacious house, then I saw an angel, We heard another angel calling us from outside the house, We walked to the outside, we met another tour guide angel who greeted me by my name, then we met several other tour guide angels, as we arrived there they were just looking at me, we then walked with them into a forest, we were busy talking amongst ourselves, after we arrived at a certain place, we came back to the house where they took me from, I saw one brother I know from Facebook, then I went where there was like a switch, I switched on the Light. The room was well lit, and then I saw the vision lifting up.

In another vision, I saw people washing their white clothes in clean water.



Trance Vision [2014]


While in a trance The HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me, HE said “You must PREACH more on the rapture of the church.”



Vision of the tribulation [Tuesday, February 18, 2014]


I just coming from a vision right now (6:05pm), the LORD took me to a part in Gaborone, Botswana, I was walking by Botswana Telecommunications Area , It looked like afternoon, I saw few people all around, there was so much loneliness, I was just wondering why, I began to see dust and something like a great storm, as I walked, I saw darkness begin to spread over the whole city and country, the darkness was becoming gross, until I couldn’t see my hands, I was running but could not see where I was running to, I couldn’t see anything, it was chaos and there were sounds of people’s screaming, I was so scared, when I was about to panic and Scream out in terror, I then felt the LORD’s hand on my right shoulder, I felt HIS presence all over me, JESUS took me out of it. The LORD made me know that this will happen in the tribulation Period.

The LORD said;”MY son, what you just witnessed is the great tribulation period, I have showed you this vision so that you can warn MY church and give them hope, I have set you as MY watchmen in your country. I JESUS, I am not willing that any man should perish, that is why I have sent them warning after warning, but MY church and pastors do not want to listen, tell them the great tribulation period is coming, tell them that the rapture is coming, and that only the saints will see ME, No one who is unholy will fly with me to the heavens when I come to get MY holy bride”

For all those who will be left behind, you will notice many people disappearing, then storms, dark clouds and thick darkness will fall all over the land, people will be running, screaming wild with so much terror in their souls. The Day of the LORD is at HAND.


Rapture vs. Second Coming Scriptural Reference:



1. The church will meet CHRIST in the air (1 Thessalonians. 4:17)

Second Coming:

The church will return to the earth with CHRIST (Zechariah 14:4)



2. The church will be taken to Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17; John 14:1-3)

Second Coming:

The church will return to the earth from Heaven (Jude 14; Matthew 25:31)



3. CHRIST will come for HIS saints (2 Thessalonians 2:1)

Second Coming:

CHRIST will come with HIS saints (Revelation 19:14)



4. CHRIST HIMSELF will gather the saints (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

Second Coming:

The angels will gather the elect (Matthew 24:31)



5. Believers will be caught up out from among unbelievers (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Second Coming:

Unbelievers (tares) will be gathered out first (Matthew 14:41-43)



6. Satan will not be bound (Revelation 13:2)

Second Coming:

Satan will be bound (Revelation 20:3)



7. The righteous will be removed (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

Second Coming:

The wicked will be removed (Matthew 25:40-41) 



My Visit to Heaven [March, 2010]


In my first visit to heaven, I had been on a three day, three nights fast and I had been enjoying The LORD and HIS Presence. Psalms 16:11: Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in THY Presence is fullness of joy; at THY Right Hand there are pleasures for evermore.

On the third morning, I woke up, never really expecting anything spectacular to happen since it was early in the morning. But suddenly, I felt a sensation in my spirit that I always feel when The LORD takes me into the spirit realm, and to my huge surprise, I saw myself together with the bed rising going through the ceiling of the house. I could feel myself and my bed moving at a phenomenal rate of speed. The earth was becoming smaller and smaller, I could see this very clearly. We passed through the clouds and I remember feeling a cold chill of the clouds in my skin and face. We went through the region of stars: millions of them in the left and right sides of different sizes and colors. Psalms 19:1: The Heavens declare the Glory of GOD; and the firmament sheweth HIS Handiwork. Then I felt my bed slow down and came to a stop, but my spirit had a sensation, an urge to go up, so I just yielded, passing many more stars, the Solar System and the planets. There are more things to say about the journey, but let me cut the long story short.


2 Corinthians 12:1: It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of The LORD. I knew a man in CHRIST about fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: GOD knoweth;) such an one caught up to the Third Heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: GOD knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.


The next thing I remember, I was standing inside Heaven. I could sense the awe and attributes of GOD’s Love, Peace, and Joy, the breath-taking beauty of Heaven, inside the New Jerusalem, the Four Square City of GOD. When I tried to look at the floor, it was clear as crystal, transparent like glass. Revelation 21:21: … and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. On my left side, I could see a huge mansion made out of crystal clear material, very high, the same thing on my right, it seemed to be endless rows of this kind of mansions: very big and high. I can't find the suitable words to describe them and how they looked in front of me. I saw numerous rows upon rows of crystal clear mansions. There could have been millions of them… John 14:2: In MY FATHER's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I am, there ye may be also.

What appeared to be the air was like little, tiny crystals floating around the atmosphere. The air was very charged with the Glory and Presence of GOD. I could see this scene of Heaven very clear, clean, and most of the buildings and walls were made out of crystal clear materials. Also, I could sense a huge noise and activity within the walls of Heaven like you were standing outside a large stadium hearing the noise of happy fans without seeing anyone. Very far away I saw a great rainbow that seemed to make a semi-circle around the Throne of GOD. The Throne looked to be in the middle of the city. It was very big

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