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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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hosts is HIS Name:


Revelation 2:7: He that hath an ear, let him hear what The SPIRIT saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of GOD.


Revelation 22:1: And he shewed me a Pure River of Water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of GOD and of the LAMB.


Isaiah 66:12: For thus saith The LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees.


Revelation 4:5: And out of the Throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of GOD.


Isaiah 35:9: No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:


Revelation 10:9: And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.



My Visit to Heaven [October, 2012]


In the night, I felt a sensation in my spirit that indicates something spectacular is about to happen. Then, I leaped out of my body, I was flying up through the ceiling, and I could see the beautiful starry night: it was very quiet and peaceful. These were the same procedures when The LORD takes me to Heaven, but this time something was different, as I went into the sky, I could see the stars shining bright as usual, but I started to spin, like getting very dizzy. It was like the universe was turning around and around. Anyway, I continued deep in the big expanse! I went higher and higher, then I came to a stop, and then amazing things began to happen. Until this time, I didn’t know that Heaven is in the seventh dimension: the highest dimension in the Spiritual Universe of GOD. No wonder some call it the “Heaven of Heavens.” They are just referring to the Dimensions, that’s all. 

I saw the first layer tearing apart. It’s like a paper was being severed, and both pieces were moved to either directions. The second layer did the same, it was very fast, it seemed the entire sky in the spirit realm is made out of these layers; however they are invisible to the naked eye. The more they parted, the more glorious the next became. It’s like the sky was being parted into two to reveal a more glorious layer. Then the next one was also parted, and revealed another much more glorious, this happened for a while. I heard the Voice of GOD say, “I AM opening the Heavens for you.” There was a prophetic message directed to my life that was encrypted in that statement and the scene happening before my eyes. It seems it was communicated to my spirit. I can’t even place it in words, when the seventh layer was broken apart, then the big, glorious city where GOD dwells was seen from where I was.

The first thing I noticed was the Glory of The LORD flowing out of Heaven. It was such an intense yellowish, golden living light that carries the Presence of GOD billowing out and very beautiful. Then I saw the structure of the City. I could see the outlines of houses and mansions, and the wall! This time, the buildings, houses, and wall seemed to be rather golden in color, (one of the pre-dominate colors of Heaven is pure gold. It’s used in decorations, clothing, and equipments. The Throne itself is golden. Then the issue is this: this gold of Heaven is clear and seems transparent at times, but it becomes yellowish gold. We know when the Golden Light of GOD is in manifestation: the streets of Heaven are transparent like glass but when this Golden Light of GOD reflects on them, they seem golden in color. The Glory of The LORD takes a variety of dazzling colors that vary from time to time, to present different themes and settings in Heaven). So the buildings, mansions, and houses seemed golden in color because of the Golden Glory of GOD that was in manifestation at that time. The City was very splendid, decked, and arrayed with the Glory of GOD all round about!

For awhile, I was filled with such joy, peace, and the love of GOD! I rolled my eyes all over in admiration of what I saw. The City was radiating and reflecting the light that was emanating from GOD. It was very holy and pure. My soul longed to get inside the City, but for some reason GOD wouldn’t let me. HE wanted me to enjoy HIS Presence and the scenery outside looking at that City with the magnificent skyline. I don’t know why GOD did it like that, maybe it’s to cause ariation and different scenery in the visions HE gives me.

I tell you even if you are standing outside the gate of the City as I was, no being can be outside near Heaven without seeing and sensing the Awe of GOD’s Glory, Power, and Majesty. Truly Heaven is a wonderful place. I was there for sometime ‘checking’ that City out, then I looked toward the earth. In my room, I could see a lady, one who looked like a witch coming in, towards where my body was laying. I don’t know how I saw that because I was by Heaven, but it seems in the spirit realm your senses, such as sight, are much enhanced and keener. So I said to myself, I have to get into my room before she gets to my body. I left where I was coming towards my house, and then I started doing battle with the witch. I was calling “Fire” on her, holding her by the hands. She was manifesting and she fell down under the “Fire of The HOLY SPIRIT,” just vibrating as if she was dying. I knew it was over and I had won the battle. I then went inside my body. Please don’t ask me why such things happen the way they do. Only GOD knows. I only narrate what I saw and experienced! If any man considers himself a prophet or spiritual, let him understand that these are Revelations from the Almighty GOD! Maranatha, Come LORD JESUS!


Coordinating Scriptures


Psalms 19:1: The Heavens declare the Glory of GOD; and the firmament sheweth HIS Handiwork


Psalms 104:2: WHO Coverest THYSELF with light as with a garment: WHO Stretchest out the Heavens like a curtain:


Job 9:8: Which alone spreadeth out the Heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.


Exodus 40:34: Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the Glory of The LORD filled the tabernacle.


Isaiah 6:3: And one cried unto another, and said, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is The LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of HIS Glory.


Isaiah 28:5: In that day shall The LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a Diadem of beauty, unto the residue of HIS people.


Isaiah 60:14: The sons also of them that afflicted THEE shall come bending unto THEE; and all they that despised THEE shall bow themselves down at The Soles of THY Feet; and they shall call THEE, The City of The LORD, The Zion of The HOLY ONE of Israel


Hebrews 11:10: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose BUILDER and MAKER is GOD. John 14:2: In MY FATHER's House are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


Luke 3:16: John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but ONE Mightier than I Cometh, the latchet of WHOSE Shoes I am not worthy to unloose: HE shall baptize you with The HOLY GHOST and with fire:


Hebrews 12:29: For our GOD is a CONSUMING FIRE.



My Visit to Heaven [2012]


In the night, as I was lying in my bed, my spiritual eyes were opened. I then felt the Wind of the SPIRIT Blowing all over me especially in my ears! It was very sweet, gentle, and I knew that it was SPIRTUAL Wind!

Then an Audible Voice was speaking to me, about my calling. The things I will have to do. I asked many questions, including, the most frequently asked question: “Why do other people have spectacular experiences with GOD like angelic visits, Heaven tours etc, while others don’t?” The Voice said, “You are chosen as well for that kind of ministry” and several other things. From the way the Voice said, I really understood the Callings of GOD, why GOD chooses people for different things and purposes, (if we are all eyes in the Body of CHRIST, then where will be the hearing and smelling?). It really made sense to me that night.

As the Wind began to blow intensely, my spirit began to burn with a great amount of the Presence of GOD. I was vibrating and shaking. Then the sensation to leap out of my body began to surface. The Voice said, “You are being energized and you should remain faithful to the Calling of GOD!” And it mentioned several other things. I started shaking profusely, immediately I left my body. I came unto a very beautiful garden in The Kingdom of Heaven. I was floating (in Heaven we don’t do pedestrian walking, but we move gracefully, though I know that in Heaven visions people mention walking with JESUS, or the angels etc. It’s just for the lack of a better term also we don’t need to verbalize anything in order to communicate, but it’s like we project our thoughts on thought waves then get answers the same way, telepathically).

It felt like I was being driven by The SPIRIT of GOD, moving and swaying sideways, the trees were of oval shape structures with long stems. There were also well-tended orchards and very beautiful. Vegetation was of different, well-blended colors and all I can say is, “WOW!” What a fantastic design. I have never seen such kind of beauty. The garden was well taken care of and it was an endless big garden, going toward the east where the Source of Light and the Capital City of Heaven are. I was taken in the middle of them. My eyes would zoom in and out of specific features of the trees. The light wasn’t that bright, as in the City, howe er I could see stars on top of the garden. There was no litter or dirt on the ground: very clean. I spent some time hovering over them, very amazed, after I had enjoyed the scenery of this garden of superb vegetation.

I then came straight into my body, left it again, and this time I was ascending into the starry night. It was the most peaceful and beautiful night I have ever seen. The stars were shining much more brightly this time. I could see it clearly. I was going up at a constant speed this time, as I went into the stars of Heaven. I stopped for no reason. I was sent back into my body. Sometime later, as I was on my bed, I felt a sensation of my spirit getting torn from my body. I was passing into another sphere of existence. I went right through the ceiling of the house, accelerating at a phenomenal rate of speed towards the third Heaven, where The LORD JESUS dwells, where there is no pain or sorrow. I was passing through space with millions of square miles of stars. I shut my eyes because I knew I was deep in space. No matter

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