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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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and high. It seemed you can see it from thousands of miles away. There was variety of colors, lights, and Glory from the Throne: shades of white, goldish, reddish, and the beautiful colors made it look like an earthly sunrise only far, greater, Glorious! The Throne was the centre of light. Revelation 4:2: And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a Throne was set in Heaven, and ONE sat on the Throne. And HE that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the Throne, in sight like unto an emerald. 5: And out of the Throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the Throne, which are the seven Spirits of GOD.

I remembered I was so thrilled, I shouted, “I AM IN HEAVEN!!” Then, I heard the Audible Voice of GOD The FATHER speaking to me, a very Powerful, Majestic Voice. I heard HIM clearly but I was very far from HIM. Psalms 29:4: The Voice of The LORD is Powerful; The Voice of The LORD is full of Majesty. Ezekiel 10:5: And the sound of the cherubims' wings was heard even to the outer court, as The Voice of the Almighty GOD when HE Speaketh.

HE started talking to me about my life, HE told me, “You are going to have many more spiritual experiences and visions in the future, you will visit Heaven again and again,” and many other things I can't relate here after HE finished speaking. Slowly the scene of Heaven was vanishing out of sight. Only the Glory of the Throne could be seen. I then found myself falling from Heaven to the earth, then I went into my body, I then opened my eyes! My life changed permanently after that encounter.



My Visit to Heaven [June, 2010]


In a vision, I was walking from a school. I was working on my degree at: Botswana Accountancy College and suddenly I saw a light shine from Heaven. It shone bright like the sun in its full strength. It was the multi-colored, but predominately golden light from Heaven with other colors such as red, yellow, white, and others. The earth shone, and was very illuminated by this glorious light. The light seemed to leap off flames that were consuming the air. It was pure and holy. I was immediately abducted (or raptured, if you want to call it that). I was lifted up high above the earth into the sky towards the source of light. I was traveling in a sheet or layer of light. On the way, I was continually shouting: “My JESUS has come!”

 I went into the cloud and I saw many angels within the cloud. Then The LORD HIMSELF stood there. HE was Glowing, HE said to me, “Look at what you see carefully, for this is the last time I will manifest MYSELF to you in this manner.” I so believe HE meant the nature of the vision, traveling in the layered sheet of light. Also this is one of the few visions I was allowed to see as much as I wanted. As I am documenting this, I did have several visions of The LORD, angels, and Heaven sometime later, so HE was stressing for me to take notice of events, places, and things I saw because this was a very special type of vision.

In that moment, I stood in Paradise and I saw many Heavenly saints: feminine, masculine beings, both adults and children. It was all glorious in Paradise: tall trees, grass, nature, and creation. From a distance, I saw the Beloved City, the New Jerusalem. The Glory of GOD shone from it into Paradise, the sight consumed me. I felt the pure Joy, Peace, and Love of GOD: very indescribable. The HOLY GHOST even bore witness that: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from The FATHER of Lights, with WHOM is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” When in Heaven, I try to see and absorb as many details as I can, many things I am shown there, regarding the landscape, activities, and messages, but some of the messages are concealed in my spirit for some reason and I cannot share them. Then I started hovering off the ground. I could see Paradise below me. I saw how vast and wonderfully created it is. Then after some moments, I left that place.

One time also in the afternoon, while shutting my eyes meditating, my spirit went out of my body and went out through the ceiling. I knew I was really mo ing and this time I didn’t see any stars, but on my left was a big endless high wall made up of living gold dust particles. They were like a mist of golden light floating in the air. They were moving, but you couldn’t see through them. On my left, I saw a big endless high wall made up of living silver particles, similar to the golden particles, just going high forever and ever, high and floating in the air. It was the most powerful and beautiful thing I have ever seen. I was moving high towards Heaven in between the walls. This trip was very unique, different from the other ones I have had. I came to a point I saw a tunnel of bluish and colored light. I was flying like a bird within the tunnel, after a long time, I then came to a point where the tunnel was broken into two. I mean that there were two tunnels, the other moving to the left and the other to the right. I had to choose one to go into, so I decide to check out what the right one will lead into. I continued for some time, when I finally came out of it. I saw myself flying in the midst of Heaven, and under me was what appeared to be a large ocean made out of sparkling light bluish water.

Let me throw this in for interest sake: there are many seas in Heaven, and there is Crystal Sea that is before the Throne of GOD. It is more stationary unlike the River of Life. It takes variety of colors, sometimes like blue sapphire, sometimes like reddish, yellowish fire, just different colors. This sea I saw was very deep, I could tell. First I asked myself, “Why did GOD take me that way?” I felt a bit scared in case I landed on water. The sea was just an endless body of water as far as an eye could see. I thank GOD HE didn’t let me land on it. In my Heavenly spirit world tours I have been myself, like I am afraid of heights and big bodies of water, and for some reason I had retained my own personality. Only GOD knows why.

So as I flew across it, I could see some trees approaching. I later discovered that the area was just a very big forest or jungle similar to the earth, endless area of huge trees and vegetation. As I came and landed on shore of the island, I saw a big country mansion, then a something that looked like a city before my eyes. In Heaven, there are many villages especially in Paradise, also there are also other cities used for different purposes, so I assume this city in this island of Heaven is one of those. This was not explained to me why I went to the island. Also the angel guide, who travels with me, seems to be invisible to my eyes most of the times (except on a few occasions when I see his golden light escaping through the window going back to Heaven or when he explains something to me), but I know he is there all the time. I can see his effects around me.

On these tours one thing is certain: you cannot make it to Heaven without the help of angels, because satan and his uncountable number of demons rule the second Heaven, by which you will have to go through before going to Heaven. The angels will have to fight to make a way for you to pass through, unless if you travel by Heavenly chariots of light, by instant travel or through the dimension wall and roadway under special protection of The HOLY SPIRIT, which manifests as an invisible shield around the highway to the third Heaven, and it passes though the second Heaven. Only authorized spirits can travel on it, no demon is permitted. In my travels to Heaven I have never actually seen the wars happening, because I believe GOD shuts my eyes to it, so I will not have to be terrified, but one thing I see is absolute darkness and fear in that realm. Then, I lose consciousness a bit, the next minute BOOM!!! I am right in Heaven. So after observing the beautiful city in the island, I opened my eyes in my room. I knew that I had just come from another world. Maranatha, The SPIRIT and the bride say: “Come, let him who hears say: ‘Come LORD JESUS!’”

Coordinating Scriptures


Acts 9:3: And as HE Journeyed, HE came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about HIM a light from Heaven:


Acts 12:7: And, behold, the angel of The LORD came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.


1 Thessalonians 4:17: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet The LORD in the air: and so shall we ever be with The LORD.


 1 Corinthians 15:51: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.


Revelation 21:6: And HE said unto me, It is done. I AM ALPHA and OMEGA, The BEGINNING and The END. I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely.


Ephesians 2:2: Wherein in time past, ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worked in the children of disobedience:


Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the Heavenly places.


Daniel 10:13: But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia… Then said he, “knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? And now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. 


2 Corinthians 4:4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the Glorious Gospel of CHRIST, WHO is the Image of GOD, should shine unto them.



My Visit to Heaven (February 2012)



Prophecy from The LORD JESUS CHRIST by a Message in Tongues and Interpretation: “I bring increase in your life. Even today you shall see it. Some people are against you, but everything is going to work out okay. I have called you. I am going to use you in the words of knowledge, area of angels. The angel of The LORD will bring the materials and finances that you need. I know what is happening in your life. Don’t be discouraged. I have put MY Anointing on you.”


The same day during the night, I felt a tremendous wind blowing in my room! I looked at my room. I saw

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