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horrible death because I did not want to lose you for eternity. Why do you refuse ME? If you are not watching, you will miss it. MY faithful who watch will be taken. This is your LORD speaking. Consider these words carefully.

I, JESUS have spoken.


Letter dictated to “Mary of Texas” by JESUS. November 16, 2010.

The enemy is blaspheming MY Name. This is why you have heard, “You have been tried and found guilty of treason by the Most High God.” There is no time to delay. Take up your cross and Follow ME, Yeshua. All your sins are forgiven you. When a thought comes to mind, evaluate it, discern it, check it with your soul. Take out the trash – remember it no more. I know you are deeply hurting about these thoughts and it’s MY purpose that you experience this. I am making you a soldier and teaching you MY armor. You are in the army of the Most High God. All of MY people are in MY army. Now you must fight.

The evil one is strong and wants to destroy MY Kingdom. MY soldiers are ready for battle. Wait for the battle cry. I will send you out. You will know what to do. No harm will come to you. Shout for MY people. Get their attention. Offer MY Word as your sword. MY breastplate of righteousness will keep you standing. Your shield of faith is strong. Your belt of truth takes pleasure in exposing other’s wrong doing. Stop doing that. That is not what it’s for. Stand yourself for truth. Work on your own words, kindness. These are MY words. Your helmet is lop-sided and confused. I AM straightening it. This will gird your mind and ease your soul of unwanted despair. Guard your eyes and ears in this dark world. Take “cover” in MY Word.

MY hope is yours. MY salvation is yours. Take cover. Take out the trash and take cover. I AM trying to tell you once and for all that you are Mine, that you are to be a soldier. This is a battle we are in. I AM your commander. You listen well or you would not be writing this down. Your boots are worn out. I will restore them. You have been in battle without full protection. This is why you suffer. You are awake now in this battle. Your eyes and ears now tell you the truth. Feelings are without reproach. Take them. Use them lightly. don’t disregard them, but don’t use them all.

Now walk in MY spirit. This armor is not heavy as metal is heavy. This armor is light – like MY yoke is light and not a heavy burden. I AM working. I AM the One giving the orders while you are ready for battle in MY spirit – or you are not going to hear MY orders because the dark world is very LOUD. All MY people line up now! Hold your shields tightly. Make your swords ready. Hold on. Gird your thoughts and stand firm. Tighten your belt. Be in your breastplate at all times. MY shout is at the door. I AM waiting for MY Father’s hand. I keep His commands. The retrieval time is here. Gird up! Stand and wait with ME. You have nothing to fear. All is well.

MY Kingdom is ready for you now. All the rooms are complete. I have made beautiful rooms for MY beautiful Bride. She is worth it. Joy comes in the morning. In MY Kingdom – joy IS – and IS forever. Oh how I love MY Bride!

Get ready to depart. I need you to be ready now. Don’t delay.

Detach from the sights and sounds of the dark world and be ready at all times. Stand and be ready. Yes, look up. I see you. I see MY Bride waiting, yearning, even despairing. I am ready to take you into MY arms, into MY Kingdom. We will live together forever. All of MY words are true. I love you. MY love is deep. MY love is everlasting. MY love wants you. MY love sees you and nurtures you. MY love is everlasting. It does not waiver. It cannot waiver. It doesn’t know how. MY love IS, and is forever.

Overwhelmed children follow me. I have rest for you. Let me nourish you. Don’t turn from ME in your tears. I am holding you and you will make it. I know all of your tears. I know all of your turns while you search. But, I am with you. Just turn to ME. I am here. Gird up. Breathe deep. Gird up and stand. Now compose yourself in MY Spirit, MY direction. We will all be together soon. The world is Mine. The Universe is Mine. Everything that IS – is Mine.

You have made the right choice to follow ME. The world will burn and bleed and cry and scream. It will be strong horror. Many will suffer. Many will fall.

Keep writing. All MY territories you see will be destroyed, looking at maps inside MY Bible. All of that is Mine and will be restored, looking at Israel. It will be beautiful – no longer desolate – no longer barren. All will be taken and restored. All will know MY Name. The battle is Mine. I know who is in it. Some of MY people will suffer. I know this full well as I wait for MY Father’s hand.

There is little time left before it all becomes dark. Woe is this time. I am serious about MY instructions to MY people – who aren’t listening. They will be caught by surprise – as by a thief. The roof’s of your houses won’t save you. Many will perish in fear. This is a time of woe, intense woe. All MY words are true and absolute. These people who will not turn but remain in the stubbornness of their hearts will melt like wax as they burn. MY warning is strong. You must share this. Even if it only saves and warns a few, it would be better than if no one hears it and is not warned. Woe is this time! The manner in which they refer to ME, is detestable and it must stop and it will. Their houses are covered with hyssop and barley and will burn with a mighty burn.

I am the Most High God. Even their children are detestable to ME. I AM angry about this. They have no reason to live any longer and I want them out of MY sight! These are harsh, but true words. Their rejection of ME runs deep for many generations. I will cause them great fear and they will still reject ME. Because I know this, I will blow MY fire on them as a torch as they are an abomination to ME.

I am a jealous God. I know whom I have created. Man’s armor will do them NO good. They are like toy soldiers – these unbelievers, these apostates that pretend, on purpose, to know ME and are using ME as a device for the enemy. I will not stand for such trickery. This battle is not finished. I call all MY soldiers to battle. Stay girded. I will pull you out of the trenches before the great explosion. You will be with ME long before the earth and the ones left behind start total destruction and annihilating themselves. This is the final war. Gird yourself and be ever ready. When you hear MY command – look up- then leave ALL behind.

End of His words. November 16, 2010.


I had to look up the word reproach, referring to feelings, to see why they would be “without” reproach. I’ve always been told not to trust feelings, however, He tells me they are without disappointment. “now” being the operative word in this case,

I looked up hyssop and barley. I’m not an herb person really, but it said barley was used in beer and hyssop was referred to as a “holy” herb and used to brush the blood of the lamb on doorposts during Passover. MY impression is that these people have offensive items as well as holy items, mixed up or lukewarm, not serious about Him, in their households.

Overall, MY impression while writing was that He wants us ready as an army would be ready to obey any command while we wait for His return, and is about to happen – that many are getting weak and becoming vulnerable to attack, which is the need for our “armor.”


PART 18: This message has three parts. First a letter Susan received from the LORD JESUS, then second a letter Sabrina received from the LORD JESUS, and finally a word from a young 10- year-old girl who had communicated with Sabrina.

The messages from the LORD are stressing the importance of following the commandments of GOD. The commandments are not obsolete as so many seem to think by their disregard of them. It is clear in this verse Revelation 12:17, a New Testament verse, that GOD's commandments are not obsolete for this generation. JESUS speaks in His letter about the many roles He can play in a person's life. Also in this letter to Sabrina, JESUS warns about not keeping His commandments including keeping the Sabbath holy.


November 23rd, 2010.

These messages from the LORD JESUS are stressing the importance of following the commandments of GOD. The commandments are not obsolete for this era. It is even clear in this verse found in Revelation 12:17, a New Testament verse, that GOD’s commandments are not obsolete for this generation:

Revelation 12:17. Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.


Letter 41. November 21, 2010. letter dictated by Jesus Christ to Susan.

Susan, write it down. These are MY words your LORD JESUS.

Today is a new day. Tomorrow will be another day. Day after day, the days go by. People think nothing new is going on. “Same today as yesterday, each day folds into the next,” they say. But, let ME tell you the time is running out. The hour is waning, precious moments disappearing. Time is dwindling away. The hour is closing in. Each moment is precious is now. These moments are precious.  

Please consider what I am about to say. Your life here is in the balance, hanging in the balance. Your hour is dwindling away. You are running out of time to decide whether you are going to choose ME your LORD JESUS or to go with the enemy. He is waiting to see what you will do. The hour is closing in. There is a battle ensuing for your soul, your very soul. You have no idea what is going on around you. The enemy is a raging force, a raging lion waiting to devour you.

It is true, the hour is at hand. Men are asleep. They cannot see the condition of their hearts. They are far from their CREATOR. They are miserably far. They are far from reason. They have lost their minds. They are losing their souls.

MY pleas are desperate. The hour is waning. closing in. Time is

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