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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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of the seven candlesticks ONE like unto the SON of man, clothed with a garment down to the Foot, and girt about the Paps with a golden girdle. HIS Head and HIS Hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and HIS Eyes were as a flame of fire; And HIS Feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His Voice as the sound of many waters. And HE had in HIS Right Hand seven stars: and out of HIS Mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and HIS Countenance was as the sun shineth in HIS Strength. And when I saw HIM, I fell at HIS Feet as dead. And HE laid HIS Right Hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am The FIRST and The LAST:


Romans 8:16: The SPRIRIT itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of GOD:


Revelation 22:7: Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.


2 Thessalonians 1:10: When HE shall come to be glorified in HIS saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.


Acts 1:11: Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? This same JESUS, which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into Heaven.


Psalms 119:105: THY Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.


Psalms 119:89: Forever, O LORD, THY Word is settled in Heaven.




My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, January 23, 2013]


I was walking out of the room, when I received a “Word of Wisdom” (a revelation of certain facts in the Mind of GOD pertaining to future purposes and plans of GOD) through an inward intuition. It was revealed to me, “You are going to have a glimpse of Heaven this night!” While in my room, my spiritual eyes were opened, then when I looked far into the spirit realm. I saw the dragon, the devil. As I laid there in bed, I saw my room very clearly. I then heard a roar as if from a lion.

Then a scripture came to me, 1 Peter 5:8: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walked about, seeking whom he may devour. Then it seemed as if he came into my room, just on my left side, I could hear another roar just by the wall robe. The LORD had allowed me to see satan three times in my spiritual visions, but never have I gotten afraid like I was here.

Then I heard the Voice of GOD, speak to me: “MY Son, be careful of him, he is very cunning and tricky.” When GOD Speaks, it seems every word HE utters carries with it a series of complex meanings and revelations. It was revealed to me that satan is so deceptive that he can deceive both young and mature belie ers if they allow him. That it’s dangerous to rebuke him, while you are out of GOD’s Will. You cannot defeat him without GOD on your side and also that many people are saying many things about him, but he’s got them right where he wants them. GOD was warning me against such. Satan this time didn’t come like that young man he always is disguised as, but as a beast: something very terrifying to put fear in me. I had to think of angels very fast when satan jumped onto my bed.

The same night I left my body twice flying at a great speed, faster than any sun-up or sun-down, into the spirit realm. I was told about where I was going to be positioned in Heaven amongst the saints of GOD. Then I was given a vision of imminent rapture. I saw my friends, some people I know, as I walked past the living room, I saw a flash of lightning then I saw them disappear in mille-seconds. The other one was praying in the bedroom, others bathing, others just in the li ing room, just like that they were gone. So I asked myself, “ Have I remained behind?” But I was given an understanding that it was just a vision. The emphasis was on the speed at which the rapture will occur and also the people that I know who will be raptured!

Then next, I saw myself hovering in space. I don’t know how I got there, but I was very deep in outer space. Where I was I saw planets around about with stars far below. I was looking at someone sitting on a chair wearing a glistening robe also with a glowing wooden desk/holder before him. His chair was resting on a solid rock. This Rock was just cut out from something and hanging on nothing but air. There was another rock under him separated by space. He was speaking something.

For awhile I was listening. I heard every word! GOD was giving me a powerful revelation here. I was hovering just about him, trying to find out why this set up, as if I was inspecting something, after I passed him and that’s when I saw a Heaven. The whole Planet of Heaven was perfectly round. It was ery huge and ery close to us. This planet was rotating slowly, as if it’s in orbit. What I know about Heaven is this: all creation moves in Heaven except for GOD The FATHER and HE is UNMOVABLE. HIS Throne is solid and stationary, yet it turns around on its own axis in the center and the middle of Heaven.

I saw The Capital City of Heaven: the Heavenly Jerusalem. It’s like I was on a high mountain or altitude, to have a different view of the city than I had on previous visits. It’s like it was suspended in space and also it was brought out of Heaven a bit toward me or the “zoom in” effect. I saw that the City of GOD is a four-square City.

I am going to use something you can understand to describe it to you. First, it was very big, massive, and colossal in size (according to Revelation 21 it is 1,500-miles high, 1,500-miles long, and 1,500 miles wide, so I am not surprised why it was huge). The whole city was transparent and translucent like glass. The luster of it resembled a rare and most precious gem or jewel, shining clear as crystal. It looked more like unto a pure, solid diamond sparkling. The walls are made from jasper.

As I was looking at that City, I saw that there is concentration of Light from it, spreading into different and distant parts of Heaven. The reason is of the presence of the FATHER at His Throne, where all authority, governance, and instructions are taken from to all parts of the Heavenly Kingdom as well as the entire universe. Yet in three parts of each: East or West, South, and North walls there are shining white parts, which are the gates made out of a pearl. The wall also had very sharp edges and corners. The look-alike structures were in perfect symmetry. I could see the buildings, mansions, houses, and streets. Some of the mansions looked like they were tall skyscrapers going high on the skyline of Heaven. Yet you can see through them, that’s how transparent it is: it was the most pure and beautiful scene I have ever seen, (in my first visit, I was stationed inside the pearly gates between rows of crystal clear mansions, you could see through them, the city was too smooth and clear as glass: the streets, mansions, walls, and floor).

The more you go to the Throne, the brighter and the more glorious it becomes because GOD the FATHER is Absolute Pure Light. So you really need to be made pure and ready to approach HIM. Even when you get to Heaven, you don’t immediately go to the Throne. You ha e to get prepared, spending time in Paradise eating fruits and drinking the crystal water which enhances your spiritual senses to be able to bare the Glory of GOD.

GOD allowed me to see it clearly so that I can share it in detail. Also in Heaven things change. There are times when it’s so bright like the sun and there is huge activity going on all over. Then sometimes, it becomes less bright, very still, and saints go into their mansions or to the River of Life to rest. Then the Glory of GOD takes variety of colors. This creates different themes and settings in Heaven from time to time. Also there are “days” when saints and angels are to attend pubic worship at the Central Throne of GOD. I just stood there in wonder, looking at the splendid city with the magnificent skyline, majestic wall, and stunning design.

I could clearly see why nothing that is defiled could enter and also why we need to wear pure white garments inside. There is absolutely no word in the dictionary that I can use to adequately describe this thing to you. You will have to see it for yourself. That city is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. The Great ARCHITECT is The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. After GOD decided that I saw as much as needed, I was taken back to the earth.

Flying from space, I was given a vision where I saw some posts pasted all over where people were gathering with many messages. The one I saw clearly was: “AS THE FATHER SENT ME, SO SEND I, YOU.” I saw many people in stadiums and public places running towards the posts, but then some hesitated, because of demons of guilt. But, then I saw an angel show up covered with golden light. He stretched forth his hand. I saw Light go out and choke the demons to set people free. There is a message hidden here!!! While in my bed, I felt the Intense Presence of GOD: such Fire going all over my body. It’s like I was carried by The SPIRIT.

I went to Heaven and I flew like wind, spiritual travel! I came unto a very vast place at a Central Throne Room of GOD. The first thing I remember was such an overwhelming awareness of the enormity of the Temple of GOD. 

It was some kind of enclosure: huge auditorium with a very big high ceiling. Remember, I said it has a blue sky or ceiling. There is a great vast dance floor before the altar. Remember, there is a crystal sea that changes color from blue sapphire to fiery red other colors that runs for many miles. Also it seemed that I passed many Heavenly saints and angels gathered there. I have never known that the crystal sea is vey vast. As I came there, I saw that there is a great platform and steps towards the Throne-Chair of GOD ALMIGHTY. This Chair is in the middle of the platform. First the platform was very wide, spreading towards in either direction. It was made up of pure solid gold all over. It was just golden in color. Then, I noticed steps: one, two, three, all these were in solid gold! I was standing before The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. I saw what appeared like two mansions in the floor before the Throne, but they looked like ants in the Great Temple. I know there are Chamber-mansions within the Temple walls, but I believe GOD put those mansions here to emphasize to me the great size of the Temple and His Throne. I was then carried to the left side on the Throne to have a different view. I could see the vast seat of GOD ALMIGHTY: very big in width, length, and height. HIS PERSON seated on the Throne, the outline of a MAN-type

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