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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.



April 12, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Susan, I will give you MY Words:

I, the LORD JESUS, am ready to make MY move, MY great move upon the earth. I will tarry only a short time longer. The world waits on ME. MY time has been appointed by MY FATHER. He alone knows the day and time of MY Coming. The time is set. It arrives shortly. We know the time is upon us and I will make MY Move to retrieve MY bride from the hostile earth.

The earth is a hostile environment for MY lovely bride. She waits patiently. She observes the darkness moving in around her. Her light shines out brightly—her light emanating from ME, her LORD. MY Beauty, untold, shines through her into the outer darkness. Soon the world will miss this beautiful sight that I shine through her. The world will know the loss and those left behind will feel MY bride’s absence. The world will know darkness like never before. Only MY coming once again will shut down the great darkness the world is descending into, even at this present hour.


This world is rejecting its GOD. Can you see the world falling apart… crumbling…coming apart? All is growing darker. Do you not notice MY children? You must be completely asleep, if you can’t see it. Who does not have these words cross their lips that the world is getting worse? Can you see that the world is rejecting its GOD and it will not return to ME before I return to take back what is MINE.

This is MY warning to you. Get ready. Be prepared. Make a full surrender of your heart, mind, soul to ME and make ME your total LORD and MASTER. Do not wait. I will bring you out of the coming darkness.

I am sad for you. You wait to see. In your hearts you still question: are these the last days? You think to yourself, I will wait to see what else happens before I do anything. MY people, don’t be so sure of yourselves. Waiting can be a dangerous game. Waiting as MY bride is one thing, but waiting in your unsaved, unsurrendered condition could prove to be eternally fatal.

You do not know the future, MY loved ones. You do not even know what tomorrow holds. Oh, you believe you can plan and you make a great many plans way into the future, but this exercise is futile. You are wasting your time. Children, you are wasting valuable time putting together plans that will never come to pass. Instead, you should put your planning energies toward surrendering fully to ME and reaching out to other lost souls. You are called to this task and if you choose to reject MY Will for your life, the consequences will be great.

MY children there are consequences for the ways you choose to spend your time in this life—eternal consequences. You must decide. You are given this choice to choose to give ME a FULL SURRENDER of your life and commitment to the things I have planned for your life or you reject ME completely. There is no halfway relationship. Your choice to be with ME a little between your pursuit of other earthly affairs will prove to be eternally fatal. You will suffer the consequences of your half-hearted choices to embrace ME and the world both. I WILL NOT HAVE IT.

If you are not sure where you stand with ME, make time to read and study MY Word. If MY Book seems difficult, you need to be filled with MY SPIRIT and I will send HIM in full measure and the scales will come off your eyes as they did for MY servant Paul. Your eyes will open and you will find the truth in MY Words like never before.

Give ME a FULL SURRENDER and ask for MY HOLY SPIRIT in FULL MEASURE and I will show you TRUTH and lead you out of this dark world. You can come when I call MY church home, MY dear bride. These are MY Instructions.

Many will be left. Few will receive MY Words to safety although I have made these promises through MY Book so long ago. MY Promises still remain ever-faithful, true to MY Word—I am your GOD.

The hour approaches. Each day we are closer children. The days are sifting through MY Fingers like sand. Soon the days will end and I will bring the bride home.

Get ready! Be ready! Stay ready! These warnings fall on many deaf ears. I hope they are not your ears.

Open your ears! Your heart! Make the way ready for your LORD!

I cometh! Take these Words as TRUTH!

MY Love is Great and Honest

I am returning!

I am your LORD and SAVIOR,




April 16, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

I am ready to give you Words.

Daughter this is your LORD. Susan, write down these Words:

The hour approaches and the people are doubting. I, GOD am true to MY Word. I stay to MY Word. The people believe different. They believe that MY Words are not true. They believe these are not MY Words. They do not study MY Word, MY Book, the Book I gave to reveal MY Heart to MY people, to provide guidance, to provide strength in troubled times.

MY people seek answers elsewhere, to all sorts of locations and programs, people, and pagan beliefs. They run here, they run there. They scurry all about. They lust after answers to life and living through all sorts of various false beliefs and false hopes. The world runs to evil with light speed. The evil is too enticing. MY people cannot keep their hands away from evil corrupt living. I am so disappointed in the people who all seek answers through all things around them but to lift their eyes up to ME, they do not. This saddens ME greatly.

MY people do you not know that I have all the answers? I know all. I am GOD. Soon the answers will disappear because MY bride will be removed and all hope will dissipate. MY Word is true. I am warning you MY people. Now is the time to get right with ME, your GOD. Now is the time to seek answers about tomorrow, about MY Kingdom, about the evil world coming together. Come to ME and I will give you hope, a life with ME, eternal hope, eternal life…peace everlasting…a wonderful home in heaven spent with ME, your GOD, WHO loves you abundantly.

The hour is collapsing MY children. It is dwindling and I will come to bring you out. But you must be ready, you must be watching, you must be observing and knowing, discerning and praying. You cannot come if your robes are not clean, washed pure in MY Blood and made clean and pure.

Your heart, head, body must be wholly surrendered to ME your LORD and MASTER, JESUS. How else do you expect to be saved? There is no other way by which you can come out and come to the FATHER. There is no other way. Consider MY Words. Your time is sliding, it slips away fast. The hour is moving on. It will skip by you and what was once an hour of hope will soon be a past hour of hopelessness of dreams gone by of a rescue missed, of chances lost. It will all be gone and you will wake up to Truth, as you will be forced to make the hard choices. You will have to choose to die for ME. MY enemy will not share you with ME.

He will not tolerate those who decide too late they now want to be with ME. They will be forced to make a very difficult choice. MY enemy will bear his ugly sharp teeth and the world will soon see a side of evil they never dreamed possible. It will be ruthless, bitter, and frightening. Darkness will be all-consuming and the world will be a frightening, dark, gloomy, horrifying place.

All remnants of a world that was established on justice, safety, security, and hope will have left with MY bride as she will no longer be on earth. This loss will be great MY children, as MY Light pulls away from earth and darkness covers the earth. The loss will be nearly impossible to bear.

The people do not believe MY Words. I spoke of this in MY Book, that the people would be stiff necked and doubting. MY Words speak truth. Stiff necked people: look at the world. Compare it to MY Word. Wash yourselves with MY Word and know the truth of MY Words spoken so long ago. It is come to pass. Now is the time children. Clean your hearts out, prepare your lives to be readied for MY Return, MY Promised Return. The hour is now for the preparation. Come, be clean in MY Word, MY Truth, MY Blood. Surrender your life to ME—I will take it and protect you. The storm is coming. Make ready. This is the hour of your preparation. Do not wait. Begin your preparation, Surrender, lay your life before ME. Come to ME Now. I am waiting.

Do not regret your decision to put off coming to ME in full surrender, because your love for this world and your life is too great.

It is time MY children!

It is time!

It is time!

These Words are MY words.

I am the great I AM

I am today, tomorrow, forever,




April 20, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Susan I want you to write these Words down:

We are coming into the end. The time is coursing like a stream moving briskly. The people do not see how swiftly the rapids of time are moving. The time remaining is disappearing out of their grasp. I can see it, because I am GOD. That is why I must warn you, MY children. The hour is approaching its end and the time remaining is declining.

Children be awake, be alert. I am trying to wake you! You will soon have very little time left. Your time is not the same as MY Time. I can see what lies ahead, you cannot. You can only rely on MY Words spoken through MY messengers—who I have put out before you—many messengersspeaking warnings and truth. MY Book has foretold signs that are coming to pass. Nothing that is happening has not been said before that will come to be, in these last days.

Wake up, MY children! Release your grip on the world. Read MY Book, MY Holy Truth. Read and see for yourselves. Don’t just hear what others say. Read and study MY Words. Find time, make time and get to know ME through MY Book. See the truth of MY messengers that the warnings are true and valid and that the time has come to prepare for MY Return, MY Great Coming! I come to rescue MY bride.

Wake O’ children who inhabit the earth. Wake to the Truth! Wake to MY Warning! Wake and prepare! Clean yourselves in MY Blood. Clean yourselves through MY Words, written

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