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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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that when you stand before ME our homecoming will be of friends uniting and not friends departing for eternity.

O’ the sadness, when MY children must turn and leave into outer darkness, away from MY Presence for eternity, this moment is indescribable. I cannot begin to describe the sadness and horror that one experiences at that moment when they learn their eternal fate and their choices in this life have brought them to eternal damnation—a life apart from their MAKER and life eternal. Their life in hell is unending and cannot be reversed. My sadness is great when my children reach this outcome, all because they would not seek ME for answers.


When MY Children reach this outcome it is all because they would not seek ME for answers, because they believe this world offers them something greater, and MY enemy has succeeded in deceiving them.


Words received later that same day….

This is your LORD. I am making MY Way to earth to bring home MY bride. Soon I will meet her in the air. It will be glorious. This is Truth. You reject MY Truth, MY Words, MY Book. You reject ME your LORD, Your MAKER, Your CREATOR. I made you, MY children. You have your beginnings and endings through ME, your LORD JESUS. I am the ONE WHO puts the stars in the skies. This is MY legacy. I created it all. I am GOD. Man tried to rewrite MY story, MY great story, but it cannot be rewritten because I am the AUTHOR. MY children, you are in MY Story. I am the AUTHOR of the Story. I know what the pages of the future hold.

Put your faith and trust in ME. I hold the keys to tomorrow. If you second guess ME, you will be sorry. Read MY Book and don’t deviate from MY Words. There is no other direction. Only one, through ME, all other directions lead to hell. There is no other truth. There is no other direction.

MY children, I write the story. I have created it all. Come and be part of MY beautiful future in MY heavenly Kingdom. If you disregard ME, you will go to hell. This seems harsh, but I am GOD—I created you and I love you, but if you want a life apart from ME now, I will give you what you want. Think clearly about your decision in this life.

The choices you make now do have eternal consequences. I want all my children saved, but if you reject MY Blood-bought Salvation and MY LORDSHIP in your life then we must part company and your loss will be great.

Very soon the world will make a series of desperate moves to separate MY covenant people from the land I have given them. This will be a fatal move. The world wants this to happen. The enemy of MY chosen people has decided to separate MY people and land from their inheritance that has been promised to them—MY Covenant. This cannot be. I cannot allow this.

If the world continues in this vein, I will continue to pour out MY wrath against this hostile world. Read MY Book. Read MY Words written long ago. My Word to my people and their actions will not go unpunished. If you persist in this action, expect dire consequences. There will be many.

Time is up. I am done with this faithless, GOD-hating, disregardful generation. Your complete disrespect of MY Word, MY Name, and MY Covenant with MY chosen people is done. You have made your last moves. I am lifting MY Hand, MY GREAT RIGHTEOUS HAND of protection. It is being pulled away.

Come to ME, MY children. Find safety, find ME. I am your shelter. I will cover you and keep you safe from this coming storm. Come under MY Blood Covering and be saved. Your time is diminishing. Look at your watch, the hour is almost up. Make time for ME today. Your tomorrows are running out. Now is the time to come to ME, NOW. I will only wait a little longer. Make your decision right now. These are deciding moments. Tell those around you. Get right with your MAKER. I wait only a little longer. Come in from the storm. Find safety.

I, JESUS, have spoken!


Romans 3:23 (KJV: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 9:4-5 (KJV: 4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; 5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.

1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJV: For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Hebrews 12:2 (KJV: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.







May 5, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, I am ready to give you words.

This is your LORD. I am here to bring Truth, MY Truth, MY undisputed Truth. These are MY Words, no one else’s. The world is about to implode on itself. The world cannot sustain itself any longer without its GOD watching over it, caring for it. MY Truth removed will spell disaster for everyone remaining after I retrieve MY bride. She is lovely, breathtaking, and I will place her away to safety.

The world will know destruction, sure destruction. What the world sees now is only a taste of what I will soon be bringing in full force. MY people, you do not want to be here for MY wrath poured out. This will not be a happy place. It will hold no future. It will only be desolation and discouragement. It will be a time of great evil, hard hearts, coldness that permeates into all those who hate ME and what I, GOD stand for.

Children the hour is approaching of MY Return to take home MY beloved. She will be protected. Do not think you will be given many opportunities after MY bride is removed to relax and enjoy living? It will be a hostile environment. There will be no peace, no comfort. There will be no relief, only anguish. MY enemy will rule. He will not provide peace and safety, only death and despair.

MY children, you think that you will have many chances if you are left behind, and so you worry not at that possibility. Don’t be so certain. There will be continual destruction in the earth as you are seeing even now. Where do you think MY children who are not raptured to safety will be if they are caught in destruction? They will be lost—this loss is eternal.

Do not put confidence in surviving in this world if you are left behind. Turn and face MY Truth. I am trying to wake you up to Truth. You need to wake and hear MY Words. Repent; turn your life over to ME with a COMPLETE and FULL SURRENDER of your life over to ME. This is how you can be assured of your eternal security.



May 6, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter I am willing to give you Words. This is your LORD of Heaven, the Heavenly Heights.

The hour is closing in. Darkness is moving in. I am coming, MY children. I am coming sooner than you think. The world is rotating, daily it turns. Time is moving and time is running out. These hours are critical for your salvation, your recovery from sure demise.

I am a GOD of Truth. If you stay behind, because you refuse to make a full and complete surrender of your life to ME—you will face the worst. It will be. This is not the easy path. There will be much destruction. MY wrath will be poured out on humanity and the earth. You will be left to face the worst.

You must turn to ME now to avoid the worst and to be found worthy to be rescued. You laugh at these things as if this seems impossible. Already many of MY children are lost for eternity because of MY wrath coming to this evil earth. Many call it natural disasters. I tell you it is MY wrath and I am trying to wake the world up to MY Words written in MY Book. Did I not speak of these things? Did I not show that these things would take place in the latter days?

MY children, come to your senses. Push away from the world’s table and read MY Book, MY Words, My Truth. Get into the pages of MY Book. Read and get to know ME and MY Truth. Don’t be caught blinded by false teachings. The world wants you to believe all is well; you have a bright future ahead with many years to come. Stop believing this and stop teaching this. You are running on false confidence and giving false security to those who listen and follow these words. They will follow this false teaching to hell and you will be held accountable for their souls. You will lead them astray and you will be accountable for putting false beliefs and thoughts of false security in their hearts so that they will fall prey to MY enemy. This is evil, pure evil.

Stop believing and promoting that there are many years ahead. I am putting out MY warnings through MY Book, through MY messengers, through MY HOLY SPIRIT, through MY Signs. Cut off the love affair you are having with the world and open your eyes. You are the generation who will see MY return for MY bride. There is no forth coming generation who will experience this event.

Prepare yourself. Make ready. I love you with all MY Heart. I do not want to lose you, but I won’t wait forever on this evil generation who refuses to embrace MY Truth, MY Words, MY HOLY Words. Final hours are coming. You must make ready. You must decide.

I will not be pleased by those who have no faith. Read MY Book and build your confidence that these are the last days. Read the Words and get to know ME. There is no substitute for reading MY Words and building an intimate relationship with ME. You must do this yourself. MY Love cannot be bought or traded for—you must meet ME yourself.

I am waiting. Will you come into MY Presence and get to know ME yourself? Find time. Make time. Am I not worthy?

This is the LORD, WHO died a bloody, painful, death on a cross


John 1:14 (KJV: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.



May 11, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter this is your LORD, This is your LORD JESUS. Yes you may write MY Words. These are

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