The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him by Lord Jesus (english novels for students TXT) đź“–

- Author: Lord Jesus
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Excerpt from God’s Word, from 07-01-1978
… If you got seek, you say that you fasted, that you did not eat. Sons, know that nobody gets sick because of feasting, for your forefathers and ancestors had great power through feasting. Where is Daniel, who did not eat and drink for three days and three nights? For he made himself a friend of the emperor as he put him at his table and asked him what did he do to make himself friend with lions.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 19-06-1978
… Do not get weight on your body, but gain weight in your spirit instead, for over the fattened body all pains come, and the body which gained weight spiritually, overtakes all diseases. Who is healthy in spirit will break every stone which stands against him.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 14-07-1978
… Here, today, man only when he sleeps does not eat. Otherwise, he eats and drinks all the time. Man’s gluttony of today took him in everything to judgment. Who will be the condemnatory of man? Sin and the father of sin. God measured with a good extent how to eat and how long to sleep, how long to work and how much to rejoice. Everything has its own measure, but you spoiled the right measure and turned it into a wrong one. Listen, for I speak truly; woe to the one who spoiled the right measure that God made for your future! If you had taken God’s measure, you would have not been sick, you would have not been the way you are today and you would have been in a great heaven. Make peace with God, you too sick man and healthy man as well. Make peace with God and fix your mistake. Wipe away your fault so that it might not be found out on the day of judgment, for if a group of Christians are found today living a good life on earth, all family will be repaired, the one that you have on earth and the one that you have damned.
Excerpt from God’s Word from 24-09-1978
… Lord Jesus said, “Lengthen your little dress!” and she took an ugly look at me. Lord Jesus said, “I have seen you smoking!” and he looked at me as the worst of my enemies. Nor even Caiaphas or Herod looked so fierce as that young man or virgin. Lord, Jesus Christ said, “Let the Christian lady not have her head uncovered, let her not show her bare leg and let her not wear high or sharp heels.” And this led to a great war between them and I. Now I say nothing. I close My mouth and swallow, for it is My turn, but later on there will be your turn, for you will swallow until you swell and crack and you will cry but I will not save you. It is hard Christian. It is hard for someone not to obey My teaching. It is hard, hard, son. This is the sufferance of My vessel through which I speak; the disobedience of My people. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) This is it, sons; the disobedience of the people in everything. Son, I have the power to heal but let the people who suffer heal it.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 22-10-1978
My little sheep, the earth is full of sheep, but they are not of your value, they are not as expensive as you are. You will see how the little sheep is sold, for nothing, but there will be no one to pay you, the one who wants to buy you today. Do not sell yourself for drinking. Do not sell yourself for a steak or a good meal. Do not go crazy for a woman. Do not lose your price that God gave you.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 01-11-1978
... Son, I have said once not to drink more than three cups of wine, but Christian made a bucket out of a cup. Lord did not drink for lust.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 25-06-1979
Know that you are at the end. God cannot bear fornication, smoking, false science, pride and nakedness any more. Go Christian. Go as I go to the little church and see how many beings sit in the church. Go to the sea (beach) and see that you cannot count how many are there.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 09-08-1979
… Who drinks alcohol let him not expect something good. Who puts a drop of alcohol on his table; I do not say into his mouth, God’s blessing left him. Have you seen Lord drinking alcohol on earth? He did not drink but water and wine. He drank wine to be fulfilled what was said through the prophets.
Who puts alcohol for alms, feast or memorial meals, it is not received by Me.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 03-09-1980
…Christians, think at the sufferance that will come on bodies. Man cannot endure toothache, but what will he do when he suffers for each sin? The world that lives in fornication and drunkenness will go through torments and will call for death, but I will not send it until I wash away the furrow of sin. I look and see over all the earth. I see children of a short span with cigarette in their mouth. Women and men compete in drinking.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 05-11-1984
… Through this preparation I want to distinguish you from the world; have nothing in connection with the world. Let your thinking be on how to please God and your neighbor, and let your food be clean, not with the sting of the flesh. Flesh is destruction for soul. I did not feed Myself with flesh. Sons, keep yourselves clean.
… When I was on earth, I fed the people and Myself with fish. Know that not all fish is eaten.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 25-12-1990
I have sent heavenly word over to My people and I told, “Let the Christian come back to the food from Eden so that he may stay alive and be holy.” So I have worked with you, you people chosen from the world, and I have brought you news one by one, in an easy way, lest you find it hard. And when the way was wider, I was calling and telling you that the time was coming for the door to be narrow when you were to enter into the glory room of God, who will come before you to meet you in the great tribulation. I know as I know and not as you know. I know son, why I ask you this step. I do not want to let it be hard to you when nobody will give you anything any longer, and I want you to be well prepared and ahead of time, so that God may know you and send to you at that very moment heavenly food, the same He gave it to Israel into the wilderness, for I wanted then at all costs to clean the one who was blessed, but he wanted so badly what was on earth and fell off heaven and did not enjoy from what came from heaven. The same is now too; Christian does not enjoy to learn how to come back home and wants it as on earth, but I will make heaven on earth and as in heaven there will be on earth.
... Son, receive My proclamation and feed on those that were given from the beginning as food to My creature, for I want to put an end to the spirit of the flesh, with your worldly spirit in you. You see well that the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. Let the spirit overcome son, let your spirit be stronger than your body, for what comes out of the body, it is body, and what comes from the spirit is spirit. I have blessed as you said and I said let it be eaten, if man ate, but from the beginning it was not so. In the beginning I made the man and I breathed life without death, and man did not listen to Me and knew death and died. But I want to give him back the life without death and the youth without old age, and this is the work to which God wants to reach.
Excerpt from God’s Word, at the Feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1993 (On Slideshare)
… People, I call you to happiness and I ask you with a sweet word, of a Father, and no matter what I may give you, you still do not like Me, you do not like to be like Me, that is to grow your hair, moustache and beard, to eat what I and My whole heaven eat. Now is the end of the time of the last age; it has come to the end and you have to live as those in the first century lived, that is to eat vegetables from your garden and fruits from your fruit-trees. This is how one lives now if he wants to live forever, if you want Me to pass you over the bridge and through the narrow little door.
… If I do not find you separated from the world in everything and if I do not find you in God’s image and after His likeness, then I cannot know that you are Mine.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-10-1993.
… Allow yourselves to be led by God. Son, sugar is defiled. The producers defile it and they do not let it be as pure as the seeds of which it is made give it out. They mix it with all kinds of bones, which they gather from the face of the earth from all kinds of animals. Why have I stopped you from everything? To keep you clean, sons, clean for Me and for the age that is to come.
I start the age with you. The vegetables from the garden, the fruits from the trees and the bread, these have to be the food of the life if you want to be Mine. If you want to be the sons of happiness with Me then work out such a moment, for it is ready. This food is clean. It makes a little door for you at the table of the good things, to the life and the light that is not made near.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-11-1993.
The Lord is speaking with you, My people, who came with your spirit at the feast of the heaven. But look, the Lord releases a little silence of the word, and those from the garden of the word go to taste My things from what is Mine, and we will take the book and put into it those that are to come into being into this book. May the food for the body, and the heavenly one, be blessed and through blessing. And it is not said: „Good appetite!” at the table, as the appetite took the man out from
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