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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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given the revelation that the Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of JESUS CHRIST are also watched in Heaven. It is a “must-watch” for all saints after all it is by HIS Death that we are made able to enter Heaven. I used to hear people saying there is no weeping in Heaven, but that’s not Biblical. Look at the Bible in: Revelation 5:4: And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the Book, neither to look thereon.

And also this Scripture: Revelation 21:4: And GOD shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

After Judgment there will be no weeping in Heaven, and at the Judgment many believers will be in for it, with tears and sorrow, for their lack of obedience and failure to produce works through their faith. At the same time there is a shedding of tears in Heaven now as saints, mostly children, watch the torture, pain, and death of JESUS. Though it is temporary grief, so after Judgment, the saints will no longer go though any sorrow or grief.

I remember joining hands, the golden being began to pray and tell JESUS we are coming to see HIM. As soon as she finished, we walked towards a huge mansion structure and it was like we entered through the back door. The door just opened as we entered. We saw JESUS in golden robes, very huge, masculine, and tall, like I have always seen HIM. As we entered, I saw HIM smile, and then I told the Sister, who has desired to see JESUS and Heaven, “ Here is our MASTER!” I saw JESUS smile! I notice HE has been expecting us and was glad to see us and very delighted. I and other Heavenly beings moved to the Right Hand Side of JESUS. I saw the Sister open her arms wide and go to JESUS to hug HIM. I remember saying, “GOD is Perfect, I have been praying with this Sister for this to happen, and after a long time of prayer it does happen!”

Also one thing I want you to Know, the LORD JESUS has a Throne Chair at the Right Hand of GOD The FATHER, He also has many seats of GLORY around the Heavenly Kingdom, then HE has a huge, most beautiful mansion,. The angels also have mansions, they use for corporate gatherings, instructions, and other things. Maranatha!!


My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, June 17, 2013]


I was with some people talking about angelic ministry. We went and sat under a bench, and the tree was very green and the branches were just laying low. As I raised my head to look around, I was stunned by the surrounding. As far as an eye could see the place was full of young men, full of youthful appearance, without blemish, perfect in purest white. The robes were hanging on them elegantly, and I could see the white sash around them. The place was so fresh, pure, and beautiful. I could see that they were busy with their duties… after some careful obser ation; the vision lifted off... Maranatha!



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, June 28, 2013]


As I was just on Facebook, The HOLY SPIRIT kept on talking and reminding me, HE said, “I want to show you Heaven and some other things.” Then, I left what I was doing and got prepared for this visitation. I began to feel the heat of GOD’s Presence all over my body. A sense of leaping out of the body began to surface, and the LORD took me into the spirit realm.

I saw two birds in the Heavens, flying so high, but I could see them vividly. The first one was with pure yellow feathers, just clean and pure and very beautiful. The second one was so unmistakably gorgeous. It was transparent like a glass. I could see the outlines of it, in the sky. You could almost call it a ‘glass’ bird. Then I heard someone speak to me saying: “It is yellow,” when I made a careful observation, I noticed it had a pure, beautiful yellow body but the wings, were crystal clear—just transparent: an awesome sight to behold as they were coming closer to me.

The next thing that happened, I was with dolphins in the waters of Heaven, moving at a great speed toward the surface. Then I was moving into the main land. I was just flying at an amazing speed, observing some things in only split seconds. I saw something like in a wall with writing: the Hierarchy of Heaven—I saw the Name of GOD The FATHER, I saw CHRIST, and I saw the order of angels, seraphim, etc. and other things I cannot recall. Then JESUS was standing behind a glass wall, and HE was speaking to me. HE told me to prepare, as many people will surely ask me questions, and HE gave me some personal words to a few people on Facebook.

The LORD then began to rebuke three things: 1.) “Watching too much TELEVISION;” 2.) “Watching too much SOCCER;” and HE rebuked; 3.) “LAZINESS.” HE said: “Those things do not please ME.” (NOTE: I did not say watching TV or soccer is a sin, but too much time with them and idolizing them is a SIN before time spent with JESUS. HE even told me: “Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen before going to bed is important.” And that was a personal rebuke and also for others: sisters and brothers. The LORD continued: “Tell those who want to be blessed, that their blessings are in their obedience and tell them to give to the poor, the needy, to take care of the orphans, widows then they will be blessed.” Then JESUS said to me, “Tell those who dress in a worldly manner that they will NOT enter MY Kingdom.”

After this I saw an amazing place. It was bit lower than the flat surface or level base of Heaven. As I was looking at it, I saw some kind of a waterfall, as if water is falling on that place from above. The place was extremely green and I saw trees, shrubs, well-manicured grass, flowers, sitting places, and chairs like fitted benches circular in design. It was so nicely arranged, like some picnic spot. It was comfortable for resting to accommodate the leisure activities of Heaven. It was in sections: one through four. I was observing it from the atmosphere above. It was so beautiful, full of life, and I was shouting the whole time. “Look at that mmmm!”... That is what I said.

In the next scene, I saw a huge place and it looked like a huge waterfall (Heaven is full of these waterfalls). It had a high peak and then a deep lower surface. But instead of just water only, I saw columns of colors: rainbows and light. Just beyond the word beautiful remember vividly, the blues, purples, mixtures of colors, just spreading intersections and overlapping each other. I was awed by this… The LORD spoke to me and said, “I am just showing you glimpses.”

I was walking and then I looked at a distant place: I saw a huge waterfall again. Then, I saw water falling. I was just surrounded by green nature where I was and in front of me was a tree, loaded with exquisite fruits. There was a tall tree, very green, and I saw a branch, loaded with fruit hanging low before me. I was observing the waterfall, and immediately the LORD gave me some. It looked like large transparent brownish red grapes, and the LORD gave me one. I ate it and it was sweet in my mouth. I told HIM, “I want more.” As I reached out my hand to pick some, I then saw my spirit body hand, as if it just pulled from my body, it was transparent or ‘see-through’ and it did not look that solid. I wandered how I was going to pick up a fruit in Heaven with a hand like that. Somehow, I managed to pick up a full pack of ‘grapes.’ As I was eating them, they were so sweet and delicious. I was really looking forward to knowing how they tasted. Then the LORD showed me other things in the Kingdom of Heaven, some of which HE took from my memory. Every time I go there, I see amazing things and new things all the time. I never cease to be amazed.

As I was just in my room, the LORD whispered to me. HE told me, “I want to show you something.” I was in the spirit, when I looked up in the sky I saw the moon, just shining brightly, but then I noticed a small crescent, a moon-like entity, just close to the bright moon. Then I saw a ball of fire and light moving at a great speed from the east going towards the west, and I could see colors: purples, reds, and just multiple shades of colors just aglow with light. It was beautiful, and then I saw that it seemed to explode: changing into smaller balls and shapes. I could hardly believe my eyes, as I saw it very clear with my eyes.


My Visit to Heaven [Tuesday July 30, 2013]


The HOLY SPIRIT usually tells me beforehand when I am going to have a visitation. On this date, as I was in my usual prayers, The LORD said to me: “I am going to visit you and show you something later.” So I did everything I had to do during that night to prepare for the visitation of The LORD. Then in the morning, I went into a vision. The first thing I saw were ministers who were robbing people of money out of pretense for the people to get more blessings: “Sow a seed, get your miracle.” I saw ministers who entered into ministry and running them with motivation of money, they sold almost everything they prayed for, anointed vessels, etc. They will speak in the pulpits, tricking people to buy these things, not that they wanted people to be blessed, but they were profit-oriented, and full of the love of money. People selling the Power of GOD, selling things they are not suppose to be selling. I heard it being announced that they should “Repent.”

People give offerings or sow money to the ministry or a minister’s life as they are led by the HOLY SPIRIT: 2 Corinthians 9:7: Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for GOD loveth a cheerful giver, but when a minister starts to manipulate people to sow into his life, to work against their own wills, that is a problem. The gospel that is more “prosperity-driven” than focusing on eternal life is false and has deceived many. The people preaching money, and blessings MORE than the message of holiness, imminent rapture, and the Kingdom of GOD should repent.

On earth we need money to survive. GOD blesses and prospers us. HE gives us promotions, cars, riches, favor, houses, lands, and all kinds of blessings. Etc… That is scriptural: 3 John 1:2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. But when that becomes core of our message, our primary focus, substituting the message of eternal life, holiness, imminent rapture then it is no longer the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. Notice that the Apostle John says that he wishes us to prosper, even as our soul prospers, the soul prospers first, then physical. We can’t prosper physically while neglecting the soul or at the expense of the soul, there has to be a balance. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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