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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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saying to myself, “Look at these, these angels”, I was shouting at the back of my mind since this is the spiritual realm, you communicate with your mind, words do not some from your mouth. I was very intrigued, a sensation of something about to happen, then immediately there was a movement, as if we are leaving the place quickly. I found myself traveling in the spirit-realm, moving at an amazing speed over nature, creation, .the spirit realm on the earth, I passed countries, African cities, it was a just an adventure, I remember passing this place, I saw a soccer field, with young men playing soccer, it was nearly sunset, I saw flats, skyscrapers. This African city at a distance was a beautiful sunset, I was wondering “where I am going?” Then I started rocketing towards the sky, I passed the clouds, went deep into space, passed many components of the spirit-realm, it was a long journey, my eyes were just wide open seeing this things. I did not want to even to blink an eye, as I did not want to miss seeing anything.

Then I was passing rapidly into the realm of darkness. I heard so much noise in the second Heaven, and I saw absolute darkness. I felt like I was falling into a deep pit of space and darkness. I began to cry to GOD, “Save me, ADONAI, ELSHADDAI...” I was saying that over and over until I completely left that realm. Then I saw this path, and I was flying over it. It was the most beautiful roadway: pure and extremely white. As I was looking at it intently to see what makes it so pure and clean, I went right inside the Planet of Heaven, still on this path. It looked like an ascent, then I saw this entrance: I remember saying, “I am entering now.” I was taken to another part of Heaven: the gate was purely white, very beautiful. It had a hallway to walk into and there were decorations outside. I saw some nature, just to make this place awesome. This was new to me, and as I went through the gate, this place was just white. I saw the walls, houses, very white and pure: there is no word to describe them. I saw two roads, the other leading to the right towards a bright light in the east, and another to the left towards the west… I saw this beautiful structure: rectangular and upright, but it was extremely green as if wrapped by green grass. I was amazed by this. I decided to check out the left road.

I saw a wonderful White Hand with a Pointing Figure at a distance. I knew it was GOD’s and, and then IT began to write a message that read: “Arguments are not allowed in Heaven, denominations will cease to exist, saints will be one fold. I also saw some saints who have been homesick getting into Heaven, and also I saw it written that it will be a “United church in Heaven.”

After that, I saw myself standing on top of a tall structure, and I could see this huge magnificent city. I could see houses, mansions, roads, pathways, and different kinds of structures. It was so pure and very white. I looked at this tall large tower-like structure, and its walls were just the purest white. This city was so beautiful and spreading towards the north, south, east, and west as far as the eye can see. I saw six men before my eyes. You can know when you see patriarchs, prophets, or notable people from the Bible by just their appearance in Heaven. I knew that some were prophets of GOD from the Old Testament, and others were just saints from the Old Covenant. They had flowing garments, and spiritual bodies. I saw the Prophet Elijah, and then others but their names left my memory for some reason. They were talking and at the end, I heard them pray. I caught this phrase: “Thank YOU Heavenly FATHER.” I saw this city with my own eyes, from the top of a high building, and I saw these people. After that, it was over, and I was back to earth!



My Visit to Heaven [Monday, August 19, 2013]


The HOLY SPIRIT told me, “I want to show you something.” Then in the morning, as I was on my bed, I left my body and found myself holding onto a wooden log. My hands were holding it tightly to my chest and my legs were wrapped at the other end. I started to travel towards the sky.

I could see the bright stars and the moon. Then I started to rocket up towards the sky. I thought I might fall, but I held it tightly and when I looked down, I saw our house and the neighborhood becoming smaller. In few minutes, I was completely outside of the earth’s sphere. I saw it as a round, bluish ball from space. I went deeper and deeper and I began to see tiny crystals, millions of them all around me…an awesome sight. Then afar, I saw a region of darkness: the second Heaven, then I was approaching it, it was the blackest darkness I have ever seen: very thick, as if it could be cut with a knife. I did not drown into it, rather I passed at an intersection and the darkness could not touch me.

As I looked far, I could see two golden doors. All of them were standing opened. I could see a beautiful glow of golden light emanating from them, and I began to smile. I said to myself, “Heaven!” I went through the left door. It had so many rooms. I passed many of them at a fast speed, then went out…then appeared the angel of The LORD as purest white light, guiding me where to go. Then there appeared a translucent cubed frame and when I went through it, immediately I was taken into the Second Heaven.

The place I was taken to looked like a satanic palace with many cells: prison-like structures. It was a very big complex and I was walking. There were skeletons, dirt, walls made of ugly brick mortar and I heard demonic voices, cries, and moans. There just was death in that place. Then, I asked myself, “What am I doing here?” I began to become afraid, “ How am I going to escape this place?” But I said to myself, “If GOD sent me here, HE will take me out.”

When I looked up at table at the corner, I saw packaged spices, then I heard footsteps of a giant demon coming to where I was and immediately I knew what to do. The HOLY SPIRIT told me, “Pick them up.” I picked up the spices, about 10 of them. I had to escape and I went through a closed glass. Then, I jumped over the high wall that surrounds that place. I heard chaos, commotion in that demonic realm and many tried in attempt to follow after me. I flew towards the Western Regions then landed at the verge of Paradise, borderline of the Third Heaven and the Second Heaven and then I asked, “Why should I take these?”

A voice replied in my right ear, saying, “These are unknown there (referring to where I just came from)...but known over there.” These spices are spiritual ones, and they are manufactured in Paradise: the Mountain of Spices. This is the revelation I received. They were taken from angels as they were sent to deliver them to GOD’s people on the earth, and that is how satan robs the Christian’s blessings and keeps them in the Second Heaven in intense spiritual warfare. Angels can be captured, answers stolen when we as belie ers on the earth don’t pray through and exercise faith to receive our blessings. Mark 11:24: Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Looking to the direction I pointed, incredible scenery appeared. There was a Paradise of GOD. I saw a stream of water passing before my eyes. It was flowing from the northern direction towards the south, with tall blades of grass on every side of it. On the other side, there came into view a big mountain range (the Mountain of Spices). Heading towards the north, it was very green on top and all around with different kinds of exquisite vegetation, grass, short trees, shrubs, full of nature, and all of them were full of life and vigor. It was such a huge place as far as the eye could see. I could see that all of them were perfect, no brown, no different color, dead, dried, or dull among them. It was exceedingly beautiful and I was just observing this wonderful scene before my eyes. I tried to look very far where it could possibly end and I said to myself, “Wowwwww!” This was a beautiful part of Heaven indeed and then after few moments, I was back to earth in my body.



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, August 23, 2013]


In the evening as I was busy with my ministry in Facebook, The HOLY SPIRIT kept on talking to me clearly and profoundly that HE wanted to show me something. Then I finished what I was doing, got into prayer and waited for HIM. In the morning, I was taken into a vision: I was with a couple of people on a vehicle-looking like machine with an open roof. We were on a highway and it seemed there were multiple of these kinds of machines, going in both directions. The ‘thing’ is mo ing at an unbelie able speed towards the west. It just goes through objects, through other machines without collision. We were screaming, but it is not from terror rather from astonishment. The driver is not even moved. I screamed, “GOD help us, can you drive us?” Then the thing starts to ho er off the ground, and it flies through the air, still above the road. I began to see the scenes I usually see when I am in Heaven. Beneath us: the grass, the slopes, the hills, the mountains are very beautiful. I was just looking down at these amazing scenes.

In the next scene I am on earth, I am talking to a man, when suddenly, I see an incredible mansion. It looks spacious with sharp corners and edges, in the form of a castle. It has large window frames and it has a large yard. The color is very beautiful and I am stunned by this as I walk out. Immediately, I am standing in Heaven: it was just that instant. I began to wonder how it all happened. As I am there, I get this message by inward revelation, that a new anointing is released in which I will just walk into Heavenly places; it will be easy, without struggle!

As I stood at that junction, I began to notice many roads, stones, hills afar, trees, forests, valleys, mountains, and beautiful landscapes. The atmosphere was full of light and life, very peaceful. As I am walking with a Brother, I began to tell him, we might meet many angels, and then came this glorious, harmonious angelic music. Thousands of angels were singing and the sound was just too incredible. The music was so sweet, bathing your spirit into pure bliss. It seemed it has tuneful instruments. I was looking around to see where it is coming from, it was all over, it could be heard from all directions, and it felt like it comes from the land, literally out of the ground and the air all at one time.

Then, I began to desire to visit the Throne. I met one Brother I know, Brother Kb (I am not sure if he is alive or passed away, it has been many years since I saw

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