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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.


It was terrible in hell. As I was looking at the walls, I said to myself, “I don’t want to come to this place.” Then I saw Michael turning to go to the left side, deeper into hell and I tried by all means to stay close to him. I was so terrified and I did not want them to leave me. I knew if I missed them, I will then become prey for these demons, which were all around. As long as I was close to the angels, I was safe and no demon attempted anything!

I saw flames: yellow and reddish in color, just leaping before us. I could see it was a literal fire, threatening to catch and engulf the victim. I heard moans, screams, sounds of torments in the deeper parts of hell. I saw an opened door on our left side that was leading deeper into hell. I was trembling not knowing what to expect and constantly begging GOD for mercy, then my spirit was lifted up and came right to my body. I opened my eyes. The LORD said, “Warn men about this place.”


Matthew 25:41: Then shall HE say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from ME, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.


Psalms 9:17: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget GOD.


The third message GOD revealed is that, “There is a literal burning Hell awaiting all those who reject JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR, those who choose continued separation from GOD.”



My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, July 24, 2013]


1.) In the morning, I was just on my bed, and suddenly while my eyes were shut, then I saw flashes of lightning, like high volt electricity. Immediately I felt a floating sensation just yield, and my spirit begin to ascend upwards while above the ceiling it comes back, but happens twice.

2.) I saw a bright light appearing before my eyes.

3.) I saw myself seated down in Heaven with JESUS and many angels all around. The angels are just in different kinds of robes: whites, gold, they are so real. We were talking about something but I cannot recall it…



My Visit to Heaven [Tuesday, August 06, 2013]


I had been bothering The LORD that I wanted to come to Heaven and then on Monday, as I was in prayer and fasting, The HOLY SPIRIT revealed to me, by the gift of the word of wisdom, that I would visit Heaven that week. So, I got excited and began to receive the word with gladness. That morning, I was taken into a vision.

It first started when I saw a lovely angel, very unique: a mixture of colors. He had a rainbow about him: a supernatural being. I can still feel his presence in my spirit. It is like I almost heard GOD sending him to earth to bring calamity, destruction, and judgment, and was given a scroll with the word: “REPENTANCE.” I was in the living room with two brethren, and then I saw two angels appear: Angel Gabriel sitting on the right side on the couch and another angel on the left and we were in the middle. The angels were very glorious, and as usual they are girded about with the purest white robes, and spiritual garments. These garments are the same color as their spiritual bodies. You almost do not notice the difference between their bodies and their clothing. It is like one and the same thing.

Anyway, the angel on the left has a youthful appearance and I looked at his face. He was very handsome and he appeared as if golden lit. The angel Gabriel is large with a soft glow of light about him. He was the one doing the talking and my attention is drawn to him. I just knew who he was. In this conversation, he mentioned that when an angel fulfills his assignment, there are some things that are added to them. I know that angels have mansions in Heaven where they hold their corporate meetings, functions, (etc.).

The next minute, I was in Heaven and it was just that instantaneous with no traveling or anything in between. I was walking with a tour guide angel on the beautiful streets of Heaven. We were already inside the City and we were walking towards the eastern part of the City. On the tour, I noticed the golden light of GOD’s presence that was manifesting. The air had concentrated golden particles or “gold dust” floating all about, even all over my face and around. I was just wrapped up in them, waving my hand to clear them; my heart was full of ecstasy, joy, and delight. While the light comes from the East, it looks like a beautiful sunrise and it was just a beautiful sight to behold.

As I walked, I saw incredible houses, mansions, buildings, and connecting streets. In this City, most of the structures seemed golden: just pure and gorgeous. We came to a large dome. It had a large golden top or roofing and we went inside. There was an activity and I was told many things, but most of them were removed from my memory by The LORD. After that, we walked back to the outside and then I met one Sister I know. The three of us walked and talked. The next thing I remember, the three of us standing in Paradise, looking towards that City. The environment about was very beautiful, very calm, and with peaceful hills and mountains at a distance and lovely trees, grass, pools, or streams of still water, and animals. I remember looking at the scenery towards the west and it was quite, still. I told the sister, “We are indeed in Heaven,” (only if I can make people see this, it will change them).

The LORD gave me a revelation that I can win more souls and lukewarm Christians by giving them the consciousness of Heaven more than any other things. All we need to do is to draw their eyes to the beauty of Heaven. In fact, that is my ministry: to reveal Heaven to people of the earth. The LORD showed me this: Heaven on my left and many people coming up from my right. I was in the middle, lifting my right hand, pointing to Heaven, directing their focus: an eye to Heavenly things, and immediately the encounter was over. I opened my eyes!



My Visit to Heaven [Tuesday, August 13, 2013]


I was just in my room, Laying down, feeling a bit down in my spirit, because I felt I have failed The LORD on some issue. Immediately I heard The LORD speak to me, “I love you, MY Son,” I started to feel HIS fire and Presence envelop and cover my whole body.

Then in the morning around 8am, I was instantly transported to Heaven. I saw myself standing in a very wide place, the region was full of purest and whitest snow, as far as the eyes can see, I remember looking at the distant south, the topography was so white, then, I see JESUS standing before me, as we engaged in a conversation. I saw some saints around us, picking up snow, throwing, running around, and just having a great time. I bent, picked up some, and threw it at them. I could see JESUS picking up snow while HE was still talking to me, we were not that many, I cannot remember the exact number, there was so much joy, laughter and peace, I felt so happy and comfortable around JESUS, as if a person I have known for years. I felt free to talk to HIM about anything, and then I decided to ask JESUS about the revelation gifts. HE began to explain to me that, “You need to develop love and then the gifts of The SPIRIT. Love is very important and the gifts are very important as well, but they need to operate on the “love foundation,”and without love, the gifts are rendered ineffective and yield low results.”


Coordinating Scriptures


1 Corinthians 13:1: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.


1 Corinthians 14:1: Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts.


1 Corinthians 16:14: Let all your things be done with charity.


As we were walking, HE was holding my hand. I looked once more at this vast place of snow, and then started thinking about the crystal sea. I started pleading with HIM, “JESUS, please take me to the crystal sea.” I was saying that over and over again. HE did not answer on that one; I thought maybe HE will not take me.

The next ‘minute’ I was before the Great THRONE of The FATHER. The place was full of tremendous, spectacular Glory, power, and light! It was a large and high throne, with GOD’s PERSON seated amongst that amount of power, light, and glory. I felt like an ant, and looked like an ant in that huge place! Explosion of love, joy, and peace, massive reddish light and waves of HIS presence hitting MY spirit from all points, a sensation where you feel you will explode. I heard HIS Voice and talked about many things, these things are stuck in my spirit, I remember partially where GOD was talking about someone leaving earth pre-maturely, then other things, I remember I was handed a scroll also, in it I saw written, the words of GOD, I noticed in the scroll that GOD is against HIS children (the Christian young men who still love things of this world, Hip hop) called ‘niggars’, as I was reading the scroll, I saw a vision and received the message by revelation, I saw in that vision some of GOD’s children chased by police, criminal behavior, some wearing sacking trousers, mostly it looked like young men and teenagers, also other beha iors’ that are worldly, like people who are not saved, behaving like the unsaved to totally unacceptable before The LORD, I could feel GOD was greatly displeased. GOD wants our lives to be transformed and to be likeness of CHRIST JESUS.

I was back on the earth. As I was still in my room contemplating this vision, I heard I was called, as I came to the living room, I saw this woman of GOD. I was just surprised to see her, I was just wondering what she was doing in our house, then as she began to speak about assigning angels. I went straight into the spirit realm, I could see the living room clearly but in the spirit realm, I began to see saints but they were in spirit, they looked a bit transparent, a bit whitish, masculine and feminine beings, as soon I saw them, I saw angels appear in corners of the room. Every saint had angels next to them. Most of which were guardian angels, they looked tall, large, in purest white robes, the just filled the room. They looked serious and ready for a mission, I later wondered how the room accommodated them as they were so large, massive and it looked like every second they were increasing in number, I remember

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