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The hour is diminishing. Don’t be left to face the worst. I am waiting only a small time. Consider these Words carefully, MY children. I do not want to lose you. MY Heart breaks over you. Think clearly and carefully. The hour approaches for MY Return. There are literally seconds on the clock.




2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Song of Solomon 4:10 (KJV: How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

Psalm 16:11 (KJV: Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Ephesians 1:18 (KJV: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Matthew 7:23 (KJV: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Philippians 2:12 (KJV: Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.



July 15, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, this is your LORD. You may write MY Words down:

I am a humble GOD. I am a GOD worth knowing. MY Love is transparent. It is never ending. It is beauty from all directions— everlasting beauty. MY Love knows no bounds. It is endless. It covers everything. It is passion. It is exhilarating. It is consuming fire. MY Love consumes all things. There is love all around you coming from MY Throne. I am a Gracious GOD. MY rain pours down on the wicked and the righteous alike.

I Love all. I love all MY creation. All the working of MY Hands pleases ME. I am most pleased about MY human creation. I have made people, MY children in MY OWN Image. You children are like ME, in MY OWN Image. You were made like ME and we share this above all other creations. I have given you this likeness to your GOD.

I want you to know your GOD. I have not hidden MYSELF. There is evidence of ME everywhere. You can find ME in all things. MY Fingerprints are everywhere that reflects MY Great Handy Work. MY children miss it. They walk right past. They cannot believe there is a GOD. They do not see ME in all created things. This saddens ME greatly. I have made MYSELF clear in all the great things I have produced. MY Stars sing truth, MY Heavenlies all sing out truth there is a GOD Great and beyond imagination.

MY children soon I come and claim MY bride. She is the one I am bringing out to safety. She has MY Seal, MY HOLY SPIRIT Seal. I have placed it upon her heart and she is placed upon MY Heart. We are one in SPIRIT and Truth. I have given her MY Truth and MY SPIRIT. She longs for ME and MY Soon Coming.

This day approaches. I have warned of this day for a long time now. The hour approaches. Few are paying attention. Very few see it. I warned that this would be the case on this day. I warned that MY Coming would be missed by many, that it will be a time when very few are prepared and watching for it. MY children, the rewards are great for those who choose to watch for MY Return. There are enormous rewards for those who can see that MY Coming is close and will embrace the Words of MY Book and look past the veil of the earth guarding the Truth. The world has created a large covering that comes over MY children’s eyes. Few will take hold of MY Hand and walk with ME down the path of Truth—the narrow path.

Let ME advise you children. The path is narrow, it is thin. Few get to this path, very few. MY Words speak Truth. Most travel the wide path that leads to sheol, to hell.

Children, you must wake up. You must see that most will find themselves left behind or lost. This is MY Warning. You must come to MY Light, the Light that shines on the narrow path that leads your feet to walk on it. Without MY Light, MY Truth, MY Lamp, you will not get to the narrow pathway.

It is so narrow and small, so many fall away before they get to it. You must be an overcomer. I cannot get you to this path without your decision to follow ME; you must desire to follow behind ME. You must allow ME to lead you. Without MY leadership you will go in all sorts of directions but to MY Way, MY Truth, and MY Life.

Children this time is significant. I am telling you now, very few will be removed because very few are watching. Very few are considering MY Words, MY Holy Book. They only want the half-truth. They only want portions of MY Book. MY Book is worthless to them if they refuse to believe it all. If they pick and choose what they want to believe and throw out the rest they will not find MY narrow path and ME and MY Glorious Kingdom!

Very few of MY children want to embrace all of MY Words, MY Book, and MY Truth. This is why there will be so few who are coming out when I call for you on that Great Glorious Day. So many who believe they are coming will not come. They will stand amazed when they are left. “Why?” you ask, because they do not want all of MY Glorious Truth. They only want the Words that appeal to them most. They are not interested in embracing all of MY Commandments and the life I have set out before them to walk in.

They want to walk their own ways. Yes they embrace some of MY Truth, so it looks to themselves and others like all is well, but the truth is they already have one foot hanging over the abyss of hell.

Children! Come to your senses! Get into MY Book! Read the Words. Each one is a precious gift from ME to mankind, each Word a jewel from the Heavens above. Seek the treasure that is MY Word. Each Word, each Verse is a treasure meant to save you from eternal destruction, to bring you to wholeness, to bring you to peace that passes all understanding.

You do not need to walk alone. I am here and MY SPIRIT speaks through MY Marvelous Guiding Words to keep you on the narrow path, to overcome the enemy, to lead you to all understanding. You will come to know ME better. We will know each other as you begin to come into MY Truth.

I am not a hard GOD WHO is unapproachable. I ask MY children to humble themselves, surrender, repent of sin, and come to know ME, a Loving GOD.

I express Love in ways you can’t even grasp. I want you to come with ME. Soon I am assembling MY church to come to ME to leave very soon. We will all go together to be with MY FATHER. ARE YOU COMING? You are seconds away from this event. Yet you doubt.

Read MY Book. Embrace all of it. Get to know ME. Learn about ME. I am a GOD worthy of your time. You will never regret this decision to know your GOD, to read MY Words, to have a relationship with. You will regret not doing it if you make that choice now.

These warnings seem repetitive to many, but they are MY life lines thrown out to bring you to MY Book, MY Presence. Come to ME with a broken, contrite heart, with GODLY fear and sorrow for your sin. This I will honor and I will make you clean and you can come out of the evil world and be rescued. Soon it will be too late.

Heed these Words. I, GOD though Loving, am Truthful! I must leave you if you are unrepentant and unwilling to surrender your all to ME. These Words will diminish one day. They will stop and you will long for them.

Come now! Regret not your decision to make ME LORD and MASTER. Eternity awaits. Where will you be? 

This Word is from the ETERNAL GOD, JESUS



Genesis 1:27 (KJV: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Job 38:7 (KJV: When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (about the stars singing:

Isaiah 40:8 (KJV: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Matthew 7:14 (KJV: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 18:4 (KJV: Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.



July 19, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

This is your LORD, write MY Words:

These Words are coming to you MY people, with deep affection, tender loving care. MY children, the hour quickens. It is slipping away. It is running out. It is greatly diminishing. Soon, I come, MY children. If you cannot see the condition of the world, then children you are not focusing on the Truth in MY Book and how it is all aligning with the times.

I have made all this very clear. It is no coincidence or accidental. It is MY Planning. It is in MY Control. Only a Great and Powerful GOD, WHO controls eternal time, could outline events that were foretold so long ago to come together exactly as explained, up to today’s time. This is not happenchance MY children. This is GOD. This is orchestration of a GOD WHO is in total control.


Only I can reveal these things so long ago and see it through to this kind of exactness.

MY Coming is in place. It will be right on schedule. It will fall right into the timeline that I have laid out in the pages of MY Book. I spoke it and I will fulfill it just as I said I would. Make no mistake just as you see everything coming to pass as MY Book said it would, so will MY Coming be on time, on schedule by the workings of MY Divine Clock. That Clock is about to strike midnight…seconds to go.

I know that you are sleeping MY children. This Truth does not line up with your plans, future plans. Children the problem with your plans are they are “your” plans and not MINE. MY Plans will come together. Your future plans will not come to fruition.

You now have two distinct choices. You either come into MY Perfect Will for your life, surrender your life to ME, repent of your sin, and walk in MY Perfect Will OR you will be left behind to face MY Wrath planned for evil men or even worst, be lost in the tribulation to come. I want you to choose for ME. It is not too late, but the door is closing soon.

I want you to spend time in MY Book. Give ME your life and let ME fill you with MY Divine HOLY SPIRIT so that your spiritual eyes would be opened up. You will see the Truth more clearly with your spiritual blinders removed. I want you to see Truth. I do not want to hide anything from you. I am trying to wake MY sleeping children from the

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