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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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MY Words. They disregarded MY Truth and MY Warnings. As if the things I have outlined and described in MY Book were nonsensical, untrue, or not worth considering.

MY children it is dangerous to toy with the Words of GOD and to trifle with MY Affections. I have given you all good things in this life. I have made available many benefits but yet you perceive ME as not worth knowing…not worth acknowledging…not worth believing…not worth trusting…not worth heeding.

Children, you will underestimate ME, one too many times on the Day of MY Great Arrival, when I make MY Appearance with a fleet of angels at MY Sides in sheer beauty and incomprehensible radiance, I will appear. You will be dumbstruck because you did not believe MY Words and were not prepared and will be left.

Your sorrow will be overwhelming in that instant. You will know the sting of rejection and it will come from your CREATOR, the ONE WHO gave you life and breath and that is WHO you will be rejected by.

You think this not important to you right now as the world in front of you seems too real, so inviting, so comfortable. But let ME tell you children when you realize at the moment it happens you have been left and rejected by your very MAKER and your LIFE GIVER. You will feel utter devastation knowing the ONE WHO formed you and knows you more intimately than anyone else has left you to face the worst. Your shock will be great. Your heart will melt in its chest and you will sink to the depths of misery knowing the loss of coming with ME to MY Kingdom, escaping great horrors on earth, and missing the greatest celebration in the history of mankind.

This will be your loss. Many will face this reality as many refuse to listen, to believe, to prepare, to trust, and to read MY Holy Book. These people do not regard MY Words and MY Signs. I have put out many advanced warnings and these have come about just as I said they would, yet you are not watching and paying attention. You have better things to do than to watch for your LORD, your GOD. Almost anything is more important to you than watching for ME and recognizing the lateness of the hour. You will suffer great loss and you will soon discover MY Warnings were true, your doubt and disbelief that you cling to will not save you from what is coming.

Many believe MY Words. They will ride the wind to freedom. MY HOLY SPIRIT will bring them out. If you do not know MY HOLY SPIRIT, you will be left behind. I am trying to warn you and make you aware of what is coming.

Children why do you sleep so soundly? Awaken…WAKE UP! Dark clouds are moving in. Trouble is coming. I am the only Escape. I am the only Light. I am the only Rescue Mission planned for what is coming on the earth, onto mankind. Know MY Name. Know ME. If you don’t find out about ME and know ME as SAVIOR, LORD, MASTER, then you will be lost. This is Truth. There is no other Truth—I am Truth. “I AM!”

Find ME. Spend time with ME and I will save you. This IS the message. If you are not hearing this message with others than that message is not right because this IS the message that I am putting forth. Test the spirits. If you are not hearing the message of soon rescue then the message is unreliable because these are MY Words of priority! Get ready, make ready. MY Coming is near.

I invite you to leave earth with ME. I will take anyone who wants to come but first you must believe that I exist. Now is the hour of your redemption. Will you grasp MY Hand? MY Hand is the One with the Piercing. Reach for It. Save yourself.




Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter, you may write down MY Words:

Daughter this is what I want you to talk about: I want you to point out the importance of staying near ME. This is of utmost importance as I draw near. If people are not fully surrendered and focused on ME, the distractions of life will consume them and they will miss the relationship they were meant to have all along with ME, their GOD, for eternity. And the enemy will have fulfilled his vile mission to destroy their life and to separate us for all eternity. Stay focused. Stay vigilant. Press in to your LORD. This is a critical time to be focused on your LORD!

Philippians 3:14 (KJV: I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.





August 5, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, I do have Words for you. Yes, write these Words down.

The hour approaches for MY Return. Soon, the hour is soon—so many are not paying attention. So many will be lost and left to face the worst. I am not a GOD WHO lies and misleads. I am a Truthful GOD. This hour approaches soon.

Children, I have created you to pursue ME, to find ME, to know that I am worthy of pursuit. When you chase after the world you run away from ME, your GOD. There cannot be success in running both directions. You cannot have ME and the world both. I am not a GOD WHO can be shared with a sinful, evil world.

If you are still panting after the world, un-surrendered to ME, your GOD, I will not bless you and you cannot enter MY Kingdom as MY bride, MY beautiful bride. Your choosing for the world will break us apart and I must then leave you to face MY coming wrath for a world that has now rejected its GOD on all levels.

You have become complacent toward your CREATOR, your MAKER. You doubt MY soon-coming. You doubt MY Word, MY signs, MY messengers. I have given out so many signs by now. You are blinded MY children. Your lust for the world is too great. You have a form of spirituality but deny the power thereof. You are un-surrendered to ME and you do not have MY SPIRIT working in you and you cannot see the Truth before you.

If you doubt MY soon coming, take inventory of your life. You will not recognize MY soon and near coming if you are not surrendered to ME fully and possessing MY HOLY SPIRIT in your life fully. If you are going after your own worldly goals and plans outside of MY Will from a life totally surrendered to ME than you will not believe that I am at the door. You won’t want to believe it because you have put your plans, your goals, your self will upon a pedestal and you are bowing down before it and worshipping it as your god and the idea that I am at the door to soon retrieve MY surrendered bride will seem like utter nonsense to you.

Children, who even call yourselves by MY Name, take inventory of your lives. How much time do you spend with ME? How much time do you spend in the pages of MY Book? How much time do you spend working for MY Kingdom by warning others of MY soon-coming? If the scale tips in favor of worldly activities, entertainment, lusting for earthly gain then MY children, you will not see the Truth and when you hear the message that I am seconds away from retrieving MY bride, you will find it a joke.

Do you know you are blaspheming MY SPIRIT? You are rejecting HIS draw of your life to ME, your LORD JESUS. This is a grievous offense and it has huge eternal consequences. If I did not warn you, I would not be a Loving, Kind-hearted GOD. But I cannot wait forever on a generation that grows ever further from its GOD. I cannot bless a world filled with MY people who reject ME and are openly rebellious to ME and MY Laws, MY Redemption, MY Salvation, MY Blood Ransom, MY HOLY SPIRIT, MY Book. THIS CANNOT BE!

The rebellious world is already seeing MY wrath poured out. More is coming. You have a chance to be saved, rescued from the tribulation coming. I require repentance, surrender of your life fully to ME, turning from your wicked ways, and I will wash you in MY Blood and prepare your heart to meet ME in the air.

Children, look at your life. Examine your heart. Where do you stand between ME and the world? You have only brief moments to decide what you will do. You must decide. No one will decide for you. MY Love waits, but soon I will rescue the ones who have already gotten deeply involved with their LORD, surrendered, and repent, and walk humbly with their GOD.

I must rescue those who choose for ME. I am True to MY Word and I will follow through. The rescue is coming. Get ready to be rescued and to escape with ME. Soon it will be too late to decide for ME in time for MY removal of the bride to her chambers in the sky. Moments on the clock…

This is your PATIENT GOD,




2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV: 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.



August 17, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Now daughter it is time to do the Letter for the people. Write MY Words out:

Children, this is your LORD speaking. I am JESUS. I am your ALL in ALL. I come with a Letter for you. These Words are spoken to you. Never doubt.

Children the hour is closing in. The removal of the bride is near. She will be coming to her heavenly home. This is where she will dwell for eternity. She will have her habitation with ME, her LORD, for all time, endless time, time without ending. This MY children, is forever. She will never lack, never want. This is her reward for faithfulness in this life, for her devotion to ME and not the world, not worldly things.

I cannot have a bride that shares ME with the world. She cannot be with ME while she has her eyes longing after the world. I am a jealous GOD. It cannot be. Where do your eyes turn to? Do you pursue the things of the world to appear like all the ungodly around you who lust after the things of the world or do you only have eyes for ME?

Children, to be surrendered to ME, you must give ME your ALL—I want it all. I want your future planning, goals, dreams. I want you to lay them before ME, at MY feet.

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