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Book online «THE FINAL CALL by Deborah Melissa Möller (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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the time. I need from you to remove all those idols from your heart and only seek Me there. I am Wisdom, I am your source of Life, I am your Friend, I am your everlasting Father, I AM. Why do you hide yourself from Me? Come out of the darkness into the light. Come to the Father. Through Me, Jesus Christ, you can enjoy everything, because I am everything. The Father and I are one. If you feast with Me, you feast with the Father. The Father has such love and compassion for you. His loving kindness lasts forever. We created you to be in a relationship with Us. Come in union with Us. Cry out to Us.

Be not partakers of this world, but focus on the things above. Do you not know that I can give you far more than what you can ever pray for, think or ask? I am the Lord. I hold the whole universe in the palm of My hand. Come into agreement that I am your Creator. I know you best and I know the best for your life.

I created man with a free will because I am Love. Out of free will, you should love Me. To love and obey Me is the wisest decision you would ever make. I will lead you onto the road of righteousness and you will forever sit and feast with Me.

Do not be fools and boast in yourself, for pride was the first sin. Who do you say that I AM? Who do you say that I AM? I AM the Creator of heaven and earth and there is none like Me. I AM a jealous God over you and desire to have you for Myself. Ask from Me to see the wisdom in that, and I will let you see. I AM your God. I gave you a life to see if you could walk with Me. Can you love Me above all else? A wise man says in his heart: the Lord is my salvation, my everything. A foolish man thinks that he himself is something.”



“How many times do you persecute Me? Why do you persecute Me? Many times, I am sending the humble, foolish ones of this world to you. However, you do not listen. Do not despise the foolish ones. Stop persecuting the ones I send. If you look through the flesh, you will not recognize them; the ones I send. If you look through the spirit, you will see great men and women of Me. The ones, the foolish ones in the eyes of the world, are My true servants, who have laid down their lives for Me in humility. I will bless them and their reward in the millennium and thereafter will be great.

The Father knows the hearts of all men. The less you boast about what you do for the Lord, where only you and the Lord knows what you do for others, the greater your reward. For the Father will reward you for what you have done in truth.

A man is what he thinks in his heart. Will you lay down your dreams, hopes, desires and goals? Will you trust Me to give you far more than you can pray for, ask or think if you abide with Me? I know what is best for you. I know your talents and frustrations. If I don’t bless your work, it will be in vain.

Allow Me to show you what I called you for. Allow Me to show you what My dream for you is. Yes, I dream of you. Yes, I am the Creator of all things.”



“I speak to you in night visions. I want to interact with you and want you to take notes. Write down, My child, everything I give you in a dream and then pray to Me and ask for the interpretation. You will be amazed at how I show you awesome happenings. Take seriously what I show you in the night and write it down, for you will not understand it immediately, but as time goes by it will happen and you will be amazed.

Do you want to hear Me speak? I speak in dreams also. Do not despise them, because dreams are from Me. Ask Me for the interpretation and I will teach you great things. Above all, focus onMe. Don’t make an idol of dreams. 

This also goes for the other gifts I have given My children. I am talking about the nine gifts of the Spirit. I gave these nine gifts for the building up of the Body and yourself. Don’t make an idol out of them. If you turn to Me and minister to Me, you cannot use these gifts. You cannot use these gifts to love Me. You can love Me by obeying Me, eating and drinking Me. Why do you persecute the ones focusing only on Christ and the Word? Why do you ask where the gifts of the Spirit are? It is true that if you are a child, you need toys (gifts) to educate yourself to grow in life. If you become mature and grow up in Christ you don’t need these toys to eat Me, to drink Me, to praise Me, to walk with Me.

Those who are mature in life in Me will only eat meat and eat meat from Me. Then, as My Spirit leads them, they will use My gifts only if I direct them in building up one another. A great key in building up one another is to just let the other person focus on the Word and Me. If you focus on the gifts, then you focus on the self and you will still thirst. I am the Gift from the Father; if you eat and drink Me, you will not hunger or thirst.”


 25 April 2011


“Only if you build on the rock, which is I, Jesus Christ, you will not be shaken in the end-time. I am going to test everything with fire. All your works and all your words and everything I find to stand after the fire, will be preserved. 

Why do so many people, pastors and leaders speak their own words and lies in My Name? Do they have no fear of Me? Don’t they know that I record every word you speak and every deed you do in My Name?

Only what I have asked to be done and to be spoken through My humble servants, will remain. 

So many people walk on roads different from My road, because they trust and believe in what man told them. When will My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, call on My Name, and ask Me for the truth? I am the Truth. I will show you the truth if you ask Me the truth. A human cannot tell you the full truth, because they only know in part, but I know the beginning from the end, and the end from the beginning.

In My Body, My true Bride, everyone should function. You can function as an apostle, as a prophet, as a shepherd, as an evangelist, as a teacher. Why are only a few people in a church functioning? I can put My Spirit on anyone in the Body. Only I can qualify you to speak in My Name. Only I can teach you what to speak and to speak for Me. Do you think to have some qualification gives you My seal of approval? You have My approval only if you have a pure tender heart, if you are humble, if you obey Me and only Me.

You hold all these big rallies in tents and invite all these big names –the president of this and the president of that – and what a blessed event you say you had. However, you forgot to invite Me. You forgot to praise Me. You do it in My honour and for Me, but your focus is on you, your singing, your words, your teaching. My people, how long is it going to take for you to realise that everything will be in vain and forgotten if I am not 100% in the picture?”



“When that fire comes and burns up everything and you stand naked before Me, what would you say? I know the hearts of all people.”

“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world that He might shame those who are wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world that He might shame the things that are strong.” (1 Cor. 1:27)

“Do you think that if you have a title like Doctor, Reverend or Pastor you are exulted above the rest of the Body? Study My life again. I lived a humble life, I was uneducated and My Name was just Jesus. Jesus is My name. No title. I only spoke the words from the Father. The Father put fire in My mouth. The Father only exulted Me and gave Me the Name above all names, after I had done the will of the Father on the cross and gained victory over death.

Become like children before Me again. Humble yourself and come to Me like a child to his father. My love and plan for you is greater than what you try to work through the flesh. Only do and say what you hear the Father saying. Many things you do, is all work of the flesh and there will be no fruit. Stop trying to impress Me. Stop going into performance. There is nothing you can say or do to make Me love you less or more. My call and desire is simple: Love Me with all your heart, mind and will. Call on Me continuously and obey Me when I ask you to do something.”



“The old ones should make room for the younger ones to stand up and speak My Word. I work through My humble and foolish ones. If you do not discern through the Spirit that I am speaking through My humble foolish servants, you will be deceived by deceiving spirits and you will close you heart for My truth. Still today, after all the scripture I gave you, you are looking for the Sauls among the people you want to look up to. I am telling you today, I have many Davids (men and women) on earth and you have stepped on My Davids many times. For you would say ‘it is only a shepherd boy’. I tell you, I love My Davids; I love their hearts and I will raise them up and they will rule and reign with Me for a 1 000 years.

Search the scriptures again; I only look for a person with a humble heart, clean hands and one who obeys Me in all things. You can have the biggest church, drive out demons, prophecy in My Name and heal the sick and you will come to Me and I will turn you away because I know you not. I will know you not because you did not obey My voice and you did not humble yourself. All you did was using gifts I gave you, to drive out demons, prophecy and heal the sick. If I gave you these gifts, it is yours. Even if you reject Me, you can still use these gifts. Do you see why, if you only focus on Me, eat and drink Me and enjoy Me, it is true worship? You cannot love Me with the gifts I gave you. Gifts are for building up of the Body and yourself. You cannot build Me up with those gifts.

If you eat and drink Me, you would grow in maturity in spirit. This is very important. It is here that you eat meat. Are you serious about Me? You can enjoy Me by eating and drinking Me. It is here that I would call you friend. You can be a

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