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Book online «THE FINAL CALL by Deborah Melissa Möller (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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them to Me. Don’t hold on to them anymore. I can’t do a thing if you stand between Me and that loved one. Just give them to Me to sort out and then every time you think of that loved one, just thank Me for what I will do. Just praise Me, because I am

I already know the end from the beginning. Don’t take that loved one back, every time you think about them. If you have given Me a loved one, or any situation for Me to sort out or take control of, you can know that it is in good hands. Then just trust in Me. Don’t take that burden on yourself. Then turn your focus back to Me and just enjoy Me by eating and drinking Me. Stop worrying about your loved ones if you gave them to Me. I will work with them, for only through My Spirit can they be transformed.”



“My people, I want you to hear when I speak to you. Am I your first love? Am I more important than your husband, your wife, your child, your parents, your work, your home, your money? Do you love Me above all else? Even if the fig tree doesn’t blossom, will you still walk with Me? Can you stand before Me daily and say, ‘I love You Lord, I love You Abba Father?’

Do you have love in your heart for Me? You will be able to love Me, because I loved you first. If you cannot say that you love Me, then you should ask Me to show you the idol in your heart. My Bride will love Me above all else. A bride will love, honour and respect her bridegroom. Do you love, honour and respect Me? Am I your first
love? You can experience that love and beauty with Me. Do you want to fall in love with Me? Seek My face daily, call out to Me. Seek to be intimate with Me by waiting on Me in silence. Long for Me. Surrender to Me. Ask Me to touch your heart and mouth so that we will speak love to one another. O My Bride, how I long for you to be intimate with Me. How I long for you to call to Me. Then I will touch you. I want to court you before the wedding feast. I desire for you to come closer and closer to Me. How My heart yearns for you to reach out to Me and see that I am so close to you.”



“Do you want to recognize Me? I am not as far away as you think. I am inside of you. O My Bride, how I long for you to know My love for you! I love you My Bride! I love you with such love! My heart swells with love for you. Do you want to feel My love for you? Ask Me to show you My heart. I will show you My heart and you will be touched. I will lock your heart with My heart. O My Bride, how I eagerly await for you to come closer. Desire more of Me and I will give you more. Only what you allow Me to give you, I can give.

Be teachable My people, to My instruction and My Words. There are many things I want to teach you about Me. Will you allow Me to show you more? Do you want to understand more about Me? Then open your hearts for Me. Love Me, for I am looking for a humble, pure heart. Let Me be the Lord of your life. Let Me take control, and then I will lead you on the path of righteousness. When I lead you from the front, you will be the head, not the tail and the enemy will flee from you, because you make Me your shield in whom you trust. Trust in Me only, because I am the God of breakthrough and I am a jealous God for you love. Love Me first in your life, then your reward will be great! I am the only God and there is none like Me. I am preparing My Bride for the wedding feast. My Bride prepare yourself, for I will come quickly!”

Chapter 11: I AM

 1 May 2011


“I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is no other like Me. I AM the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I AM. And I love you!

Do you understand that I make Myself small enough to let you understand Me? When you walk with Me, you need to humble yourself. I can only serve you when I walk in humility. Look at Me for I will point the way, daily, if you call on Me. Love Me above all. I should be your first love, for if you love Me above all else, I know you are worthy to receive a crown, because you laid down your life for Me. If you are willing to lose your life, I will give life. But if you love your life, you will lose your life.

There is none above Me. Anything else you serve or desire above Me is an idol. Anything you spend more time on is an idol. Everything you have comes from Me. Come and follow Me daily.”



“You need to serve Me and enjoy Me everywhere I place you. Working for Me doesn’t mean to leave your job and hometown and travel somewhere. I will speak to you about it very specifically and openly, if I need to send you somewhere. My people have positions everywhere. I need you to serve all people in the position I’ve placed you in. 

When I serve you, you can serve others. If you touch someone with My love, that person will carry that touch in his or her life and they will touch others. Whatever you do in My Name and by what My Spirit leads you to do and say, will bear fruit. Many of your fruits you will not see now, because you need to stay humble. One day you will see the abundance of your fruit and the labour you’ve done, if you did it in obedience to Me.“



“My children, obedience to Me is of such importance. When you listen and obey, I will lead you on a path of righteousness and moment by moment, you will be in step with Me. It will be a great joy for you to serve Me, because the Spirit will lead you. When obedient, you will not make the wrong choices and fall. With wrong and unwise choices, there come consequences, because sin only brings death and destruction. If you turn back to Me and repent of your disobedience and rebellion, I will walk with you through your consequences. I will use those consequences for My greater good. Carrying those consequences, may feel like being in the wilderness, but I will be with you. I will guide you and protect you. Learn from the Israelites’ wandering in the desert. When I promise you a land of milk and honey or I promise you that I will provide for you and look after you, I will keep My promise. Do not come to your own conclusion merely on what your eyes see. Do not rebel against Me. Learn from the Israelites; only those who feared Me and was obedient to Me, entered into the promised land.

Trust and understand that I know what is best for you. You can only see partly and do not see the full picture. I am constantly plucking, destroying and planting into your lives. I am always involved in your life, whether you know about Me or discern Me or not. Do you trust Me, that My plans and thoughts for you are good?”


“O My people, how I desire for you to walk with Me. Enoch walked with Me. He loved Me above all things. He believed like a child. He sought Me and called on My Name daily.”

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search a matter out.” (Prov. 25:2)

“I revealed My secrets to Enoch, some of which he wrote down. Many of the things that you know and understand as general knowledge, like hours, days, months, years and seasons, these all were revealed to Enoch. I showed him many secrets of heaven and earth.”

“Call unto Me, and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things, which you do not know.” (Jer. 33:3)

“I so desire to surprise you with things that no one knows. Come to Me, My children. Come to Me and I will wash you clean with the blood of the Lamb and I will give you white clothes and I will give you rest in Me. Come drink from the fountain of Life. Come drink My everlasting water. Then you will thirst no more.”



“Things are about to change very rapidly on earth. If you don’t have Me, you will have nothing. Lay down all that you think is I and focus only on Me. When you call on Me, call on My Name, I will hear you from heaven. My people, we are at the end, just as My Book of Revelation depicted. We are in the last days. Are you ready to meet Me? If you stand in front of Me, will you recognize Me? Do you know Me intimately? Will you marry Me? Will you be My Bride?

My people, keep your focus on Me. It is very important to ask Me for the truth always. Ask Me to open your eyes so that you can discern the truth from Me.”

“At that time if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ! or, Here! do not believe it.” (Matt. 24:23)

“Ask Me to show you the true prophets for they are My mouthpiece. I will also show you the truth if you would only ask Me. 

Many things will start changing on earth. Many natural disasters will occur, because these are the labour pains happening. The 40th week is drawing near. You will experience and see many alarming things on earth. Only if you keep your focus on Me, and be obedient to Me, I will guide you out.”



“To taste death on earth doesn’t mean it is the end. However, pray that you will fulfil your destiny, the very destiny that I had in mind when I created you.

What an awesome purpose to do what the Father dreamed of you from the foundation of the world! If you come close to Me, wait on Me in the secret place, I will speak to you and reveal My heart to you. Ask of Me and I will reveal My heart to you. If you allow Me, I will expand your heart to receive much truth from Me. You will then see and understand My purpose for humankind and yourself. I’m waiting for you, child, to call on Me, to set your heart upon Me and desire the truth about Me. My eyes constantly seek those who seek Me, those who live upright and in right standing with Me. If you seek Me in spirit and in truth, I will set My eyes upon you and I will reveal Myself to you. Call on Me, and I will answer you. We are in the eleventh hour”.

“And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing, and said to them, Why have you been standing here all the day idle? They said to him, Because no one has hired us. He said to them, You also go into the vineyard.” (Matt. 20:6-7)

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