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Book online «Immortality or Resurrection (Updated) by William West (reading strategies book .TXT) 📖». Author William West

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Matthew 16:25 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Matthew 16:25 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Matthew 16:26 | soul | LIFE | LIFE | soul
Matthew 16:26 | soul | LIFE | LIFE | soul
Matthew 20:28 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Matthew 22:37 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Matthew 26:38 | soul | I | soul | soul
Mark 3:4 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Mark 8:35 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Mark 8:35 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Mark 8:36 | soul | LIFE | LIFE | soul
Mark 8:37 | soul | LIFE | LIFE | soul
Mark 10:45 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Mark 12:30 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Mark 12:33 | soul | HEART | HEART | HEART
Mark 14:34 | soul | I | soul | soul
Luke 1:46 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Luke 2:35 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Luke 6:9 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 9:24 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 9:24 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 9:56 | LIVES | | | LIFE
Luke 10:27 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Luke 12:19 | soul | soul | soul | MYSELF
Luke 12:19 | soul | soul | soul | LIFE
Luke 12:20 | soul | LIFE | soul | LIFE
Luke 12:22 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 12:23 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 14:26 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 17:33 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Luke 21:19 | soul | souls | souls | YOURSELVES
John 10:11 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 10:15 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 10:17 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 10:24 | US | US | US | US
John 12:25 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 12"25 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 12:27 | soul | soul | soul | HEART
John 13:37 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 13:38 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
John 15:13 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Acts 2:27 | soul | soul | soul | ME
Acts 2:31 | soul | FLESH | FLESH | BODY
Acts 2:41 | souls | PERSONS | souls | .
Acts 2:43 | soul | EVERYONE| soul | EVERYONE
Acts 3:23 | soul | EVERYONE| soul | ANYONE
Acts 4:32 | soul | soul | soul | MIND
Acts 7:14 | souls | ALL | souls | ALL
Acts 14:2 | MINDS | MINDS | souls | MINDS
Acts 14:22 | souls | souls | souls | DISCIPLES
Acts 15:24 | souls | MINDS | souls | MINDS
Acts 15:26 | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES
Acts 20:10 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | ALIVE
Acts 20:24 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Acts 27:10 | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES
Acts 27:22 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | YOU
Acts 27:37 | souls | PERSONS | souls | US
Romans 2:9 | soul | EVERYONE| soul | BEING
Romans 11:3 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | ME
Romans 13:1 | soul | PERSON | soul | EVERYONE
Romans 16:4 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIVES
1 Cor. 15:45 | soul | BEING | soul | BEING
2 Cor. 1:23 | soul | ME | soul | .
2 Cor. 12:15 | YOU | YOU | souls | YOU
Ephesians 6:6 | HEART | HEAT | HEART | HEART
Philippians 1:27| MIND | MIND | soul | MEN
Philippians 2:30| LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
1 Thess. 2:8 | souls | SELVES | souls | LIVES
1 Thess. 5:23 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Hebrews 4 12 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Hebrews 6:19 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Hebrews 10:38 | soul | soul | soul | I
Hebrews 10:39 | soul | SAVED | soul | SAVED
Hebrews 12:3 | MINDS | HEART | souls | HEART
Hebrews 13:17 | souls | souls | souls | YOU
James 1:21 | souls | souls | souls | YOU
James 5:20 | soul | soul | soul | HIM
1 Peter 1:9 | souls | souls | souls | souls
1 Peter 1:22 | souls | souls | souls | YOURSELVES
1 Peter 2:11 | soul | soul | soul | soul
1 Peter 2:25 | souls | souls | souls | souls
1 Peter 3:20 | souls | PERSONS | souls | PEOPLE
1 Peter 4:19 | souls |THEMSELVES |souls | THEMSELVES
2 Peter 2:8 | soul | soul | soul | soul
2 Peter 2:14 | souls | souls | souls | UNSTABLE
1 John 3:16 | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
1 John 3:16 | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES | LIVES
3 John 2 | soul | soul | soul | soul
Revelation 6:9 | souls | souls | souls | souls
Revelation 12:11| LIVES | LIFE | LIFE | LIFE
Revelation 16:3 | soul | THING | soul | THING
Revelation 18:13| souls |HUMAN LIVES |souls| souls
Revelation 18:14| soul | soul | soul | YOU
Revelation 20:4 | souls | souls | souls | souls
All the words used in the four translations [life, lives, yourself, yourselves, us, mind,
minds, you, I, him, heart, heartily, everyone, persons, disciples, creatures, all, me, flesh,
being, anyone, alive, and man] ALL HAVE A REFERENCE TO THE HUMAN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An abridgment from Miles Grant, Positive Theology, chapter 5 "Conditional Immortality," 1885,
"The Hebrew word nehphesh and the Greek word psukee are translated in FIFTY DIFFERENT WAYS IN THE
BIBLE. These fifty may be reduced to three. (1) The LIFE of any living being. (2) ANY living being. (3) The
(1) "The LIFE of any living creature."
Nehphesh and psukee "The word soul occurs in our English Bible 535 times." [Note: Mr. Grant was using
the King James Version where nehphesh and psukee are translated soul about 535 times. If the New
International Version were used, they are translated soul only 140 times. Life, person, heart, or a pronoun
for a person is used much more than in the list he gives below]
• Nehphesh is used over 870 times in the Old Testament and translated soul 475 times in the King
James Version. Psukee is used 106 times in the New Testament and translated soul 58 times in the
King James Version.
• From ndeevah 1 time [Job 30:16, the only time this word is in the Bible]
• From nshahmah 1 time" Nshahman is used 24 times, mostly translated "breath" or "breath of life," It
is translated "souls" only 1 of the 24 times in the King James Version [Isaiah 57:16], but is changed to
"breath" in the New American Standard
1. "The soul [nehphesh] that sins, it shall die" Ezekiel 18:4, 20. How is it that Ezekiel did not know an
immortal soul couldn't die?
2. "No soul [nehphesh] of you shall eat blood" Leviticus 17:12. Can a soul that has no earthly subjects
eat blood?
3. "That soul [nehphesh] shall be cut off" Leviticus 7:20
4. "Our soul [nehphesh] dried away" Numbers 11:6
5. "They have dug a pit for soul [nehphesh]" Jeremiah 18:20. Could they put an immortal soul in a pit?
6. "To slay the souls [nehphesh] that should not die, and to save the souls [nehphesh] alive that should
not live" [Ezekiel 13:19]. By today's definition of soul, "an invisible something that cannot die," this
passage is nonsense and foolish. It was lives, or persons that were saved or killed, not invisible souls
that cannot die.
7. "For you have delivered my soul [nehphesh] from death" [Psalms 56:13]. His life [nehphesh] had been
saved from death. Not his soul that could not be dead, but it was dead anyway and was brought back
to life. He had been saved from death, past tense, not will be delivered from death, future tense.
8. "Let them be put to shame and confounded that seek after my soul [nehphesh]" [Psalms 70:2]. "Let
the enemy pursue my soul [nehphesh], and overtake it" [Psalms 7:5]. "Deliver my soul [nehphesh]
from the wicked" [Psalms 17:13]. "Deliver my soul [nehphesh] from the sword" [Psalms 22:20].
"Rescue my soul [nehphesh] from their destructions" [psalms 35:17]. "For strangers are risen up
against me, and violent men have sought after my soul [nehphesh]" Psalms 54:3. "But those that seek
my soul [nehphesh] to destroy it" [Psalms 63:9]. "Let them be put to shame and confounded that seek
after my soul [nehphesh]" [Psalms 70:2]. "They that lay in wait for my soul [nehphesh]" [Psalms
71:10]. "He spared not their soul [nehphesh] from death" [Psalms 78:50]. "You have delivered my soul
[nehphesh] from death" [Psalms 116:8]. Clearly the writers of Psalms did not understand soul to
mean a part of a person that cannot die. Even the King James translators repeatedly translated
nehphesh as life in the same type of passages. "They devised to take away my life [soul nehphesh]"
[Psalms 31:13]. "They also that seek after my life [soul nehphesh] [Psalms 38:12 and many more like
this]." Today's readers would have understood it better if they had been more uniform for if someone
were trying to kill us, we would not say they were after our "soul" but after our "life." Most
translations are somewhat better than the King James and a few are much better translated.
9. 515 more. Some have reference to man, both to living men and to dead men. Some have reference to
any living beings (living creatures). Some have reference to both man and other living beings.
10. "Able to destroy both body and soul [psukee]" Matthew 10:28
11. "Shall save a soul [psukee] from death" James 5:20
• Nehphesh "is rendered life and lives one hundred and twenty times, and is applied indiscriminately
to man and beast." Genesis 1: 20. Genesis 1: 30; 9: 4; 9: 5; 19:1 7; 19:19; 32:30; 44:30; Exodus 4:19; 21:
23; 21:30; Leviticus 17:11; 17:14. Numbers 35:31. Deuteronomy 12:23. Deuteronomy 19:21.
Deuteronomy 24:6. Joshua. 2:13; 2:14; 9:24; Judges 5:18; 9:17; 12:3; 18:25; Ruth 4:15. 1 Samuel: 19:5.
1 Samuel. 19:11. 1 Samuel. 20: 1. 1 Samuel. 22:23. 1 Samuel. 23:15. 1 Samuel. 26: 24; 1 Samuel. 28:9;
1 Samuel. 28:21; 2 Samuel. 1:9; 4:8; 14:7; 16:11; 18:13; 19:5; 23:17; 1 Kings 1:12; 2:23; 3:11; 19:2; 19:3;
19:4; 19:10, 14; 20:31; 20:39; 20:42; 2 Kings 1:13; 1:14; 7:7; 10:24; 1 Chronicles 11:19; 2 Chronicles
1:11; Esther 7:3; 7:7; 8:11; 9:16; Job 2:4; 2:6; 6:11; 13:14; 31:39; Psalms 31:13; 38:12; Proverbs 1:18;
1:19; 6:26; 7:23; 12:10; 13:3; 13:8; Isaiah 15:4; 43:4; Jeremiah 4:30; 11:21; 21:7; 21:9; 22:25; 34:20, 21;
38:2; 38:16; 39:18 [2 times]; 44:30; 45:5; 46:26; 48:6; 49:37; Lamentations 2:19. Lam 5:9; Ezekiel
32:10; Jonah 1:14; Jonah 4:3
• Psukee life and lives forty times. Matthew 2:20; 6:25; 10:39; 16:25 [2 times]; 20:28; Mark 3:4; 8:35 [2
times]; 10:45; Luke 6:9; 9:24 [2 times]; 9:56; 12:22, 23; 14:26; 17:33; John 10:11; 10:15; 10:17; 12:25 [2
times]; 13:37, 38. [2 times]; 15:13; Acts 15:26; 20:10; 20:24; 27:10; 27:22;
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