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Book online «Immortality or Resurrection (Updated) by William West (reading strategies book .TXT) 📖». Author William West

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Romans 11:3; 16:4;
Philemon 2:30; 1 John 3:16; Revelation 8:9; 12:11
• GHOST [soul - nehphesh] two times. "The giving up of the ghost [soul - nehphesh]" Job 11:20. "She
has given up the ghost [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 15:9
• MORTALLY [soul - nehphesh] one time. "If any man hate his neighbor...and smite him mortally [soul -
nehphesh]" Deuteronomy. 19:11
• BREATH [soul - nehphesh] one time. "His breath [soul - nehphesh] kindles coals" Job 41:21.
(2) "ANY living being" (living creatures)
CREATURE [soul - nehphesh] nine times.
1. "Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis. 1:20
2. "And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis. 1:21
3. "Let the earth bring forth living creature [souls - nehphesh] after their kind, cattle, and creeping
things, and beasts of the earth" Genesis 1:24
4. "And whatsoever the man called every living creature [souls - nehphesh], that was the name thereof"
Genesis 2:19
5. "Living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis 9:10 birds, cattle, every beast of the earth
6. "Living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis 9:12 every living creature
7. "Living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis 9:15 every living creature of all flesh
8. "Living creature [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis 9:16 every living creature of all flesh
9. "Every living creature [souls - nehphesh] that moves" Leviticus. 11:46
PERSON [soul - nehphesh] thirty times
1. "Give me the persons [souls - nehphesh]" Genesis14:21, not, "Give me the immortal souls of the
2. "And dip it in the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the
persons [souls - nehphesh] that were there, and upon him that touched the bone" Numbers 19:18. Is
water to be sprinkled on immortal souls that have no substances just as it is on the tent and vessels?
How can this be? Even the King James translators know water could not be sprinkled on something
that could not be seen
3. "That the manslayer that kills any persons [souls - nehphesh] unwittingly...everyone that kills any
persons [souls - nehphesh]" [Numbers 35:11-15]. Could anyone kill an immortal soul that can never
4. "Whoso kills any persons [souls - nehphesh], the murderer shall be slain at the mouth of witnesses;
but one witness shall not testify against any persons [souls - nehphesh] that he die" [Numbers
35:30]. How could anyone be a witness to the killing of a soul that they cannot see?
5. "I have occasioned the death of all the persons [souls - nehphesh] of your father's house" [1 Samuel
6. "They traded the persons [souls - nehphesh] of man and vessels of brass for your merchandise"
[Ezekiel 27:13]. How could they trade souls if no one can see souls?
7. 7 to 30 person(s) twenty-three more times: Genesis 36:6; Exodus 16:16; Leviticus 27: 2; Numbers 5:6;
31:19; 31:35; 31:35; 31:40; 31:46; Deuteronomy 10:22; 27:25; Joshua 20:3; 20:9; 2 Samuel 14:14;
Proverbs 28:17; Jeremiah 43:5; 43:6; 52:29; 52:29; Jeremiah 52:30; Ezekiel 16:5; 17:17; 33:6
MAN [soul - nehphesh] four times
1. "Every man [soul - nehphesh] must eat" Exodus. 12:16. Not "Every immortal soul must eat"
2. "He that kills the life of a man [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus. 24:17
3. "The money that every man [soul - nehphesh]" 2 Kings 12:4
4. "To him whom man [soul - nehphesh] despised" Isaiah 49:7
MEN [soul - nehphesh] one time.
1. "And of men [soul - nehphesh] a hundred thousand" 1 Chronicles 5:21. A hundred thousand invisible
immortal souls or a hundred thousand people?
HIM [soul - nehphesh] four times
1. "Let us not kill him [soul - nehphesh]" Genesis 37:21, it does not say, "Let us not kill an immortal soul
that cannot be killed?"
2. "Less the avenger of the blood...slay him [soul - nehphesh]" Deuteronomy. 19:6
3. "And slay him [soul - nehphesh]" Deuteronomy 22:26. Slay an immortal soul or a person?
4. "Seven are an abomination unto him [soul - nehphesh]" Proverbs 6:16.
HE [soul - nehphesh] two times
1. "He [soul - nehphesh] was laid in iron" Psalms 105:18. An immortal soul in iron?
2. "He [soul - nehphesh] that labors" Proverbs 16:26
ME [soul - nehphesh] three times
1. "Let me [soul - nehphesh] die" Numbers. 23:10; this is "let me die" not "let my immortal soul die"
2. "Let me [soul - nehphesh] die with the Philistines" Judges 16:30
3. "I pray thee, let me [soul - nehphesh] live" 1 Kings 20:32
YOUR SELVES [soul - nehphesh] six times
1. "You shall not make yourselves [soul - nehphesh] abominable" Leviticus. 11:43
2. "Neither shall you defile yourselves [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus 11:44
3. "Take you good heed unto yourselves [soul - nehphesh]" Deuteronomy. 4:15
4. "Take good heed therefore unto yourselves [soul - nehphesh]" Joshua. 23:11
5. "Take heed to yourselves [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 17:21
6. "Deceive not yourselves [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 37:9
YOU [soul - psukee] one time. "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you [soul - psukee]" 2 Corinthians
HER [soul - nehphesh] one time. "At her [soul - nehphesh] pleasure" Jeremiah 2:24
SHE [soul - nehphesh] one time. "Let her go whither she [soul - nehphesh] will" Deuteronomy 21:14
THEE [soul - nehphesh] two times. "To slay thee [soul - nehphesh]...wherefore should he slay thee [soul -
nehphesh]" Jeremiah 40:14; 40:15
US [soul - psukee] one time. "How long do you make us [soul - psukee] to doubt?" John 10:24
WE [soul - nehphesh] one time. "Ah, so would we [soul - nehphesh] have it." Psalms 35:25
THEY [soul - nehphesh] one time. "They [soul - nehphesh] die in youth" Job 36:14
HIMSELF [soul - nehphesh] eight times
1. "Requested for himself [soul - nehphesh]" 1 Kings 19:4
2. "He tears himself [soul - nehphesh] in this anger" Job 18:4
3. "He justified himself [soul - nehphesh]" Job. 32:2
4. "The Lord...sworn by himself [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 51:14
5. "Neither shall the mighty deliver himself [soul - nehphesh]" Amos 2:14
6. "And he that is swift of foot shall not deliver himself [soul - nehphesh]" Amos 2:15
7. "The Lord God has sworn by himself [soul - nehphesh]" Amos 6:8
8. "Wished in himself [soul - nehphesh] to die" Jonah 4:8
MYSELF [soul - nehphesh] one time. "I have behaved and quieted myself [soul - nehphesh]" Psalms 131:2
HERSELF [soul - nehphesh] two times
1. "Hell has enlarged herself [soul - nehphesh]" Isaiah 5:14. Does Hell have an enlarged immortal soul?
2. "Backsliding Israel has justified herself [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 3:11. Does a nation have an
immortal soul?
THYSELF [soul - nehphesh] one time. "Think not with thyself [soul - nehphesh]" Esther 4:13.
THEMSELVES [soul - nehphesh] three times
1. "They have decreed for themselves [soul - nehphesh]" Esther 9: 31
2. "But themselves [soul - nehphesh] are gone into captivity" Isaiah 46:2
3. "They shall not deliver themselves [soul - nehphesh]" Isaiah 47:14
ANY [soul - nehphesh] three times
1. "And when any [soul - nehphesh] will offer a meat offering" Leviticus. 2:1.
2. "He that touches the dead body of any [soul - nehphesh] man" Numbers. 19:11. Can anyone touch a
dead soul that has no body to be touched and cannot be dead?
3. "A man be found stealing any [soul - nehphesh]" Deuteronomy. 24:7
OWN [soul - nehphesh] one time. "The heart knows his own [soul - nehphesh] bitterness" Proverbs 14:10
DEAD [soul - nehphesh] five times
1. "Any cutting in your flesh for the dead [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus. 19:28
2. "There shall none be defiled for the dead [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus 21:1
3. "Anything unclean by the dead [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus 22: 4-6
4. "Whosoever is defiled by the dead [soul - nehphesh]" Numbers. 5:2
5. "He sinned by the dead [soul - nehphesh]" Numbers 6:11
BODY [soul - nehphesh] seven times
1. "Any dead body [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus 21:11
2. "Shall come at no dead body [soul - nehphesh]" Numbers 6:6
3. "Defiled by the dead body [soul - nehphesh] of a man" Numbers 9: 6
4. "Defiled by the dead body [soul - nehphesh] of a man" Numbers 9:7
5. "Unclean by reason of a dead body [soul - nehphesh]" Numbers 9:10
6. "Whosoever touches the dead body [soul - nehphesh] of any man" Numbers 19:13
7. "Unclean by a dead body [soul - nehphesh]" Haggai 2:13
FELLOWS [soul - nehphesh] one time. "Lest angry fellows [soul - nehphesh] run upon you, and you lose your
life" Judges 18:25
DEADLY [soul - nehphesh] one time. "My deadly [soul - nehphesh] enemies" Psalms 17:9
TABLETS [soul - nehphesh] one time. "The tablets [soul - nehphesh] and the earrings" Isaiah 3:20
BEAST [soul - nehphesh] three times. 1, 2, and 3 "And he that kills a beast [soul - nehphesh] shall make it good;
beast [soul - nehphesh] for beast [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus. 24:18 [3 times]. Can anyone make an immortal
soul good, soul for soul?
THING [soul - nehphesh] two times
1. "Any living thing [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus 11:10
2. "Every thing [soul - nehphesh] that lives" Ezekiel 47:9
ONE [soul - nehphesh] four times
1. "Let one [soul - nehphesh] die with the Philistines" Judges 16:30. Can anyone "let" an immortal soul
die or live?
2. "Let one [soul - nehphesh] die the death of the righteous" Numbers 23:10
3. "I pray you, let one [soul - nehphesh] live" 1 Kings 20:32
4. "If any one [soul - nehphesh] of the common people sin" Leviticus. 4:27
FISH [soul - nehphesh] one time. "All that make sluices and ponds for fish [soul - nehphesh]" Isaiah 19:10
(3) "The DESIRE of any living creature"
DESIRE [soul - nehphesh] five times
1. "The wandering of the desire [soul - nehphesh]" Ecclesiastes 6:9
2. "The land whereunto they desire [soul - nehphesh] to return" Jeremiah 22:27
3. "To the which they have a desire [soul - nehphesh]" Jeremiah 44:14
4. "He utters his mischievous desire [soul - nehphesh]" Micah 7:3
5. "Who enlarges his desire [soul - nehphesh]" Habakkuk 2:5
MIND [soul - nehphesh] fifteen times
1. "If it be your mind [soul - nehphesh] that I should bury" Genesis. 23:8
2. "In mine heart and in my mind [soul - nehphesh]" 1 Samuel. 2:35
3. "My mind [soul - nehphesh] could not be toward this people" Jeremiah 15:1
4. Twelve more: Deuteronomy. 18:6; 28:65; 2 Samuel. 17:8; 2 Kings 9:15; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Ezekiel
23:17; 23:18 [2 times]; 23:22; 23:28; 24:25; 36:5
Psukee - soul three times
1. "And made their minds [soul - psukee] evil affected against the brethren" Acts 14:2
2. "With one mind [soul - psukee] striving together for the faith of the gospel" Philemon 1:27
3. "Less you be wearied and faint in your minds [soul - psukee]" Hebrews 12:3
HEART [soul - nehphesh] fifteen times
1. "And cause sorrow of heart [soul - nehphesh]" Leviticus. 26:16
2. "Sets his heart [soul - nehphesh] upon it" Deuteronomy. 24:15
3. "The wicked boasts of his heart's [soul - nehphesh] desire" Psalms 10:3
4. Twelve more: Exodus. 23:9; 1 Samuel. 2:33; 2 Samuel 3:21; Proverbs 23:7; 28:25; 31:6; Jeremiah 42:20;
Lamentations 3:51; Ezekiel 25:6; 25:15; 27:31; Hosea 4:8
Psukee - soul one time. "Doing the will of God from the heart [soul - psukee]" Ephesians 6:6
LUST [soul - nehphesh] two times
1. "My lust [soul - nehphesh] shall be satisfied upon them" Exodus. 15:9
2. "By asking meat for their lust [soul - nehphesh]" Psalms 78:18
WILL [soul - nehphesh] three times
1. "Unto the will [soul - nehphesh] of mine enemies" Psalms 27:12
2. "Unto the will [soul - nehphesh] of his enemies" Psalms 41: 2
3. "Delivered thee unto the will [soul - nehphesh] of them" Ezekiel 16:27
PLEASURE [soul - nehphesh] three times
1. "When you come into your neighbor's vineyard, then you may eat grapes your fill
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