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able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" Matthew 10:28. "Fear him, who after he has killed has power to cast into Gehenna" Luke 12:5.
• THIRD OCCASION, IN ANOTHER LESSON TO HIS DISCIPLES. "Rather than having two eyes to be cast into Gehenna" Matthew 18:9. Also in the parallel account in Mark 9:43, 45, 47.
• FOURTH OCCASION, TO THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES. "You make him twofold more a son of Gehenna than yourselves...How shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna" Matthew 23:15, 33.
• AND ONE TIME BY JAMES, TO THE TWELVE TRIBES. "The tongue, which defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the wheel of nature, and is set on fire by Gehenna" James 3:6.
Both Christ and James used the name of the city dump [Gehenna]. Although the translators have James using the word Hell, when James wrote this neither the English word “Hell,” nor a Greek word for "Hell" did not exist. Even in Old English Hell did not have the meaning it has in today’s English.

Gehenna is used 3 times in Matthew 5. Christ is teaching His disciples, who at that time were under the Law.
Five judgments the disciples had heard that the Law said.
[1] THE FIRST JUDGMENT Matthew 5:21-26, "YOU HAVE HEARD that the ancients were told, 'You shall not commit murder,' and 'whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.' But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever shall say to his brother, 'Raca,' shall be guilty before the Supreme Court; and whoever shall say, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell [Greek-Gehenna of fire]" New American Standard Bible. Gehenna, the city dump of Jerusalem was always burning, day and night, 24/7.
The three crimes that were judged by the courts: All three have to do with the way they felt toward their brother, all three were judged by an earthly court. "Murder shall be liable to the court: but I say to you everyone who is,"
1. Everyone who is "Angry with his brother" guilty before THE COURT (New American Standard Version): A judgment under the Old Testament Law. "Not the final judgment of the world, but the tribunal established by the Law of Moses in each city for the trial of murders and other criminals. [See Deut. xvi. 18.] Every man slayer was tried before this tribunal, and either put to death or confined in the city of refuge." J. W. McGarvey, The New Testament Commentary, Page 53, The Standard Publishing Company, 1875.
2. Whoever "Shall say to his brother, 'Raca'" guilty before the SUPREME COURT (New American Standard Version): A judgment under the Old Testament Law. "An epithet of contempt; 'empty head'" B. W. Johnson, The People's New Testament, Gospel Light Publishing, 1889. "The council mentioned is the supreme court provided for by the Law of Moses [Deut. xvii. 8-13], and represented in the days of Jesus by the Sanhedrim." J. W. McGarvey, The New Testament Commentary, Page 54, 1875.
3. Whoever "Shall say, 'You fool'" guilty enough to go into the fiery Gehenna: This, like the first two is a Jewish judgment where the bodies of criminals that were thought to be unworthy of a burial were cast into the city dump to be burned. To whom will they say, "you fool"? Could it be anyone other than "his brother" just as the first two were? Could the difference in the sinfulness of saying to your brother "race" [empty headed] and saying to him "you fool" be enough to jump from a judgment of the Jewish court to the judgment of God at the coming of Christ? How could anyone know Christ changed from judgments under the Law to a judgment at the resurrection when there is no indication that He changed? According to the teaching of some, a person can be angry with his brother and have contempt for him and not go to Hell, but if you say, "You fool" to your brother, them you will go to Hell.
Matthew 5:23-26, A lesson on how to make your offering acceptable to God. "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are with him in the way; lest haply the adversary deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, AND YOU ARE CAST INTO PRISON. Verily I say unto you, you shall by no means come out TILL you have paid the last farthing" [Matthew 5:25-26]. "Make friends quickly with your opponent at law" New American Standard Version. WHEN IT IS PAID, THEN THE PERSON IN PRISON SHALL COME OUT. This is speaking of a judgment and punishment under the Law, not at the resurrection.
• Who is to agree with whom? It is the person charged who is to "Make friends quickly with your opponent at law" that charged him, "while you are with him in the way" [in the way to the judge].
• What will happen if there is not an agreement? "Lest haply the adversary (opponent at law) deliver you to the judge, and the judge delivers you to the officer, and you are cast into prison." Does this sound to you like the judgment at the last day and being cast into "Hell," or does this sound like an earthly opponent at law, judge, officer, and prison?
• How long will the person who is cast into prison be in the prison? "You shall by no means come out thence, TILL you have paid the last farthing." WHEN the debt for which the person was cast into prison is paid, THEN he will come out. Those who believe in Hell tell us no one will ever come out. If this were speaking of punishment after the judgment, then a limited punishment, which would end when the last farthing was paid would be taught, not an eternal Hell." [Matthew 5:26-27].
• That this use of "Gehenna" is taken completely out of the context of earthly courts and law by today's theology is beyond any doubt. This is speaking of a judgment and punishment under the Law, not at the resurrection.
• To teach "Hell' from this passage, Christ must be made to jump from judgments and punishments under the Law of Moses in verse 21-22 to the judgment and punishment at His coming in last part of verse 22 and then back to judgment and punishment under the Law in verse 25-26 without anything to show He was speaking of a different judgment and punishments. FIRST, a part of one verse must be taken out of context. SECOND, then it much be changed from Gehenna to Hell.
[2] THE SECOND JUDGMENT, "YOU HAVE HEARD that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery'" Matthew 5:27-30 "And if your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not your whole body be cast into hell [Greek - Gehenna]. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not your whole body go into hell [Greek - Gehenna]." Jesus is saying to them that they had heard that it was said (in the Law), “You shall not commit adultery” for which they would be put to death under the Law of Moses [Leviticus 20:10] and their body cast into Gehenna.
Christ is teaching them that if there is a danger that they may look on a woman to lust after her, if their eye causes them to stumble, cut it out and cast it away. If taken literal a disfigurement of their body would have been unlawful by the Old Testament Law they were under. The lesson to them was that they were to remove anything from their lives, which would cause them to be judged unworthy to be buried and their bodies to be cast into Gehenna. Under the Law adultery had a death penalty and could cause their whole bodies to be cast into the fire and maggots in Gehenna [Leviticus 20:10-16]. The lesson to them and to us is that if something in our life that would cause us to be lost, even if it is as dear to us as our eye or hand, it needs to be cut off unless the whole body be destroyed, the removal of anything in our life that would cause us to be destroyed by God as worthless trash was destroyed in Gehenna. Christ was saying to them anything in their life; adultery or any other sin that would cause them to perish needed to be removed. THOSE THAT USE THIS TO PROVE HELL DO NOT BELIEVE THAT TO "CUT OFF" ANY PART OF THE BODY OF A LIVING PERSON WILL KEEP THAT PERSON OUT OF HELL AFTER DEATH. TO THEM THE HAND AND THE EYE ARE A LITERAL HAND OR EYE, BUT ACCORDING TO THEIR TEACHING "THE WHOLE BODY" IS NOT A BODY AT ALL BUT A FORMLESS, NO SUBSTANCE, INVISIBLE PART OF A PERSON THAT HAS NO BODY.
The loss of a hand or eye is contrasted with the lost of the whole body [of which the hand was a part] by being cast into Gehenna, not the loss of a hand being contrasted with the soul, of which the hand was NOT a part, the hand that was cut of was not the hand of the soul being cast into Hell. The "eye" and the "right hand" are a part of the "whole body." No one can cut off the hand of a soul which they say has no substance and Christ does not change from parts of the earthly body to something that most who believe in "it" says "it" has no body. No one that I know of who believes Hell is an eternal place of torment believes the human body or any part of it will be eternally tormented by God in that eternal place. In the same sentence, did Christ change from a literal physical hand to a "soul"? IF THE "WHOLE BODY" IS A FORMLESS NO SUBSTANCE SOUL, THEN THE "HAND," WHICH WAS CUT OFF THIS BODY IS A PART OF THE "WHOLE BODY," AND WOULD ALSO BE A FORMLESS NO SUBSTANCE SOMETHING THAT WE COULD NOT CUT OFF, AND IF WE COULD, THEN THE CUT OFF HAND OF AN IMMORTAL SOUL WOULD BE AS IMMORTAL AS THE REST OF THE NO SUBSTANCE FORMLESS SOUL FROM WHICH IT WAS CUT OFF. IN TODAY'S THEOLOGY NO ONE BELIEVES YOU CAN CUT OFF THE HAND OF A SPIRIT SO THAT THE REST OF THE SPIRIT WILL NOT GO TO HELL. The "whole body" that will be cast into Gehenna is the earthly body, not a spirit that will go to Hell [Gehenna], but this spirit will not go to Hell if the hand of the soul or spirit had been cut off. It is the hand that is a part of this earthly body that is to be cut off that the whole earthly body would not be cast into a real earthy valley. Today this has been changed to an invisible immortal hand that cannot die, but it is to be cut off an immortal soul that cannot die because if it is not cut off the soul that cannot die will be cast into a place of torment that is not on this earth. I have never heard anyone say what he or she thinks will happen to the cut off immortal hand that cannot
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