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destroy" if it is as many believe this destroying to be at death, or as others believe the destroying is to be after the judgment, this passage clearly says God is able to destroy the psukee [life-soul]. I know many who have a gun but there is no point to fear someone because he has a gun and could kill you if you know he never will. There would be no point to fear God because he has the power and could destroy you, but you know he never will. Jesus is not just making an idle threat. GOD IS TO BE FEARED BECAUSE HE WILL DESTROY. The fear is not of the fact that He can, but on the fact that He will destroy, on the certainty that He will destroy. IF THERE IS AN "IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF MAN" THAT IS IMMORTAL AND CAN NEVER DIE, THEN GOD CANNOT KILL IT AND CHRIST IS SAYING DO NOT FEAR GOD FOR HE CANNOT KILL THE IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF A PERSON. If a person kills us, God will raise us at the judgment. Those whom God will destroy will be destroyed forever with no hope of a resurrection to life. God is able to destroy both body and soul is changed to: God is able to preserve both body and soul. Without this change there would be no way to put "Hell" in this passage, and without it there would be no way to put the "soul" in "Hell" without also putting the body in "Hell"; but most important, without changing this passage, there would be no way to keep the soul that many say, "cannot be destroyed" from being destroyed.
1. There is nothing said about a person now having an immortal soul that cannot be destroyed.
2. Or about God tormenting anyone after the Judgment is over. Noting about torment anyone at any time, neither in Gehenna nor after the Judgment.
3. If the destroying is in Gehenna or if the destroying is at the Judgment, the destroying cannot be moved to after the Judgment is over and them the place is changed from destroying in Gehenna to eternal life in Hell.
If the words "immortal soul" were substituted for "soul" and "life," it would be absurd. "But are not able to kill the immortal soul [life-psukee]: but fear him who is able to destroy both immortal soul [life-psukee] and body in Hell [Gehenna]...He that finds his immortal soul [life-psukee] shall lose his immortal soul [life-psukee]; and he that loses his immortal soul for my sake shall find his immortal soul " [Matthew 10:28-39]. In using this to prove that a person has an immortal soul, which cannot be destroyed, they prove that it can be. If psukee were an immortal soul, then God would be able to destroy this immortal soul. THERE IS NO STRONGER WAY IN WHICH TO SAY GOD CAN AND WILL DESTROY IT. He is to be feared by those of the world because He will. There would be no reason to fear Him if He could not, or if He will not destroy the psukee [soul or life]. I FIND IT STRANGE THAT ONE OF THE MOST USED PASSAGES TO PROVE THERE IS AN "IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF MAN" THAT CANNOT BE DESTROYED SAYS GOD CAN DESTROY IT; BUT, NO STRANGER THEN THE USE OF DEATH TO MEAN AN ETERNAL LIFE OF TORMENT WITH GOD DOING THE TORMENTING. By saying black is white you can prove anything.
The point some are trying to make from God being "able to destroy" is that there is life after death, an immortal soul that cannot be destroyed, which this does not prove. At the resurrection there will be life that GOD CAN DESTROY, not that there is an immortal soul that God cannot destroy. IT SAYS NOTHING ABOUT AN "IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF MAN" THAT IS ALIVE BEFORE THE RESURRECTION THAT CANNOT BE DESTROYED. It does not say there will be any life from death unto the resurrection. That there will be a resurrection is taught through out the New Testament, but if all are alive when Christ comes, there cannot be a resurrection of those that are not dead. GOD CAN DESTROY THE LIFE NOW IS AND THE LIFE THAT WILL BE AFTER THE RESURRECTION. He is to be feared by the lost because He will destroy the life they will have after the resurrection.
PROVES MORE THAN THE ADVOCATE'S OF AN IMMORTAL SOUL WANT TO PROVE. Matthew 10:28 proves more than they believe and more them they want to prove, for they do not believe this earthly body will be tormented in "Hell" or that the "immaterial, invisible part of man" will be destroyed. But, to prove their Hell, they make destroy be just a loss of well being, but still alive and being tormented in Hell. If the immaterial, invisible part of a person is not destroyed, but just lost its well being, then the earthly body is not destroyed, but has just lost its well being. The same thing happens to both the body and the immaterial, invisible part of a person, therefore, if destroy means one is tormented, not destroyed, then destroy means the earthly body will be tormented in Hell just as the soul will.
“Fear him who is able to destroy BOTH soul and body in hell [Gehenna].”
• What ever happens to the soul [psukee] also happens to the body.
• What ever happens to the body also happens to the soul [psukee].
The word "destroy" is from apollumi. Christ is speaking of a soul [life-psukee] whose destruction is expressed by the same Greek word, apollumi, as is the destruction of the body. Whatever you believe the "soul" to be, it is shown to be as destructible as the body is. WHAT GOD CREATED, GOD CAN DESTROY.
The advocate's of an immortal soul say, "destroy,” [apollumi] means "torment." If this is true, "torment" should be used in place of "destroy" in all places. Try it. The same is true when apollumi is made to mean "a loss of well-being."
• "The young child to torment [apollumi] him" Matthew 2:13. "The young child to a loss of well-being [apollumi] him"
• "One of your members should torment [apollumi]" "One of your members should a loss of well-being [apollumi]" Matthew 5:29
• "Lord, save us, we torment [apollumi]" Matthew 8:25
• "And the bottles tormented [apollumi]" Matthew 9:17
• "That finds his life shall torment [apollumi] it" Matthew 10:39
• "One of these little one should torment [apollumi]" Matthew 18:14
• "If she torment [apollumi] one piece" Luke 15:14
• "Flood came and tormented [apollumi] them all" Luke 17:27
• "Torment [apollumi] not him with your meat" Romans 14:15
• "I will torment [apollumi] the wisdom of the wise" 1 Corinthians 1:19
• "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good, or to do harm? To save a life, or to torment [apollumi] it" [Luke 6:9]. In the parallel passage Mark used "kill," not apollumi. "To save a life, or to kill [apokteino]" [Mark 3:4]. Those who say to destroy means a lost of well being, not death, will have a little trouble saying Mark's "kill" does not mean death. Mark and Luke make destroy [apollumi] and kill [apokteino] both means the same thing, both means death; not eternal life with a lost of well being.
• Many more. See Wigram Englishman's Greek Concordance Page 74 for a long list of passages where destroy could not mean a lost of well being. Just as they only want death to be "separation" or "a lost of well being" part of the time [See chapter two, "Life or Death"]. Apollumi is only wanted to be "a lost of well being" or an eternal life of torment part of the time. Only when they need them to be translated separation and torment, only when it would destroy the immortal soul doctrine of it were not changed. As translated in the King James Version, both words destroy the doctrine of an immortal soul from birth. They must use their theology meaning to save it. Destroy does not mean to torment forever in any dictionary. Note: By "lost of well being" they really mean, "God will forever be tormenting them."
"Destroy both body and soul [psukee]" God will destroy both body and soul [psukee, life, living creature] just as certain as the garbage of Jerusalem was consumed by the fire. When Jesus says that God can destroy the body and soul in Gehenna, it is the whole being of man, not just his "well being." THERE IS NO GROUND FOR THE TRADITIONAL VIEW OF AN IMMORTAL SOUL THAT CANNOT BE DESTROYED IN THIS PASSAGE OR ANY OTHER PASSAGE, BUT THERE IS GROUND FOR THE WHOLE OF MAN, BODY AND SOUL [life-psukee], BEING DESTROYED IN THIS AND MANY OTHER PASSAGES.
JESUS USED BOTH KILL AND DESTROY, BUT SAID NOTHING ABOUT TORMENT. Theology must be used to make destroy mean torment for if the words kill and destroy is not changed to mean torment, there would be no living "souls" to be tormented in Hell, therefore, no Hell.
Christ speaks of being destroyed in Gehenna but never says anything about Gehenna being eternal or about torment in Gehenna, but those who change Gehenna into Hell add both eternal life and torment to Gehenna. To have the "Hell" that is taught today, Gehenna must first changed from a place of desertion to a place of torment, then it must be moved, them the place that have been changed and moved must be added to. Most who believes in Hell do not believe the flesh and blood "body" will be tormented, but, it is clear that whatever happens to the "body" also happens to the "soul." If one is killed, both are killed, if one is tormented, both are tormented. IF GOD IS ABLE TO KILL OR DESTROY BOTH BODY AND SOUL, NEITHER ONE COULD BE IMMORTAL.
FROM THE SAME LESSON (God is able to destroy) TO HIS DISCIPLES Lose his life [Greek soul-psukee] must be changed to mean an everlasting life of torment that can never be lost [Matthew 10:39].
"He who finds his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it." The person who saves his life [psukee] by denying Christ will lose his life at the judgment. He who finds his life is one who puts this life ahead of Christ, but he will "lose it" at the judgment, not have an everlasting life with torment. (1) "The wages of sin is death" [Romans 6:23] (2) "A certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fierceness of fire which shall devour the adversaries" [Hebrews 10:27]. (3) "The day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men" [2 Peter 3:7]. "And forfeit his life" [soul-psukee] [Mark 8:36]. "And lose himself" [Luke 9:25] Luke used the pronoun "himself" in the place of "psukee - life" that Matthew used making “life” [soul-psukee]“himself” be the same thing. It is the “life” of the person that will be lost or saved, not just an inter invisible part of the person that has no substance, not just something inside of a person that no one can tell us what it really is. The teaching today is that this no substance part of the person will not really be lost, but will just change its address to Heaven to Hell. Life [psukee] is the same word that is translated soul 58 times, and is the only word that is translated soul in the New Testament. An immortal soul had to be put in the Bible, but to do so, the translators had
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