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to throw away the whole person we now are to make only an immaterial, invisible part of a person be immortal, and only this "invisible part of man" will have eternal life in Heaven. Those who are lost will lose the same thing that those who are saved will save-LIFE [their psukee]. Many are saying, "Not so Lord, they 'shall not lose it,' for the 'immaterial, invisible part of a man' shall have eternal life in Hell"; if this is not what they say, than what are they saying? It is LIFE that is being spoken of as being saved or lost, nothing more, not an immortal soul that can never lose its life being saved from eternal torment by God. There is not a word said about Hell or an immortal, immaterial, invisible part of a person. THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY CHRIST SHALL LOSE THE VERY THING THAT IS SAVED BY THOSE WHO DO OBEY HIM-LIFE; THE LOST SHALL DIE AND THE SAVED SHALL LIVE. "But the righteous shall go into eternal life" [Matthew 25:46]. "In Christ all shall be made alive" [1 Corinthians 15:22].
"He who loses his life [soul-psukee] shall find it." How could Christ have said it any clearer that the person that loses his life [soul-psukee], his earthly life because he is a Christian and will not deny Christ will find life at the judgment? If "lose his life" [soul-psukee] is to lose his life [soul-psukee] for being a Christian, them "lose his life [soul-psukee]" cannot be to have an everlasting life with torment that cannot be lost.
The same thing that is saved is the same thing that will be lost.
• The person who saves his life by denying Christ.
• Will lose the same thing, his life at the judgment.
o It is not the soul that is saved by denying Christ but life on earth.
o It is not the soul that will be lost at the judgment but life in Heaven.
• John 12:25 says the same, "He that loves his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it; and he that hates his life [soul-psukee] in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal."
When save and lose in Matthew 10:39 are applied to an immaterial soul that cannot die as it is used in today's theology it makes nonsense.
• To save ones soul means to save it from Hell-according to today's theology.
• To lose ones soul means to go to Hell forever according to today's theology. When "shall lose it" is made mean going to Hell then "lose his life [soul-psukee]" for Christ mean gong to Hell for Christ.
• “He that finds his soul [saves his soul-psukee from Hell according to today’s theology] shall lose it [shall lose his soul in Hell-losing one's soul in today's theology is to go to Hell] and he that loses his soul for my sake [he that goes to Hell for my sake] shall find it [shall save his soul from Hell]." Today's theology makes utter nonsense of the Bible.
Life and death and finding life and losing life are the same thing. Death and losing life are not an everlasting life of torment separated from God. (1) "He that finds his life shall lose it," by some kind of magic charm losing life is turns into eternal life in Hell that can never be lost. "Shall lose it (his life)" is made to mean an ETERNAL LIFE of torment in Hell. How could anyone know this? What dictionary is being used? How can losing life mean eternal life in Hell!!! (2) "He that loses his life for my sake shall find it." Losing the life of the body - being put to death for believing in Christ, also by some kind of magic is turned into eternal life for an "immaterial, invisible part of man" at death before the resurrection. Their magic makes the resurrection useless for they say eternal life is given to all at birth and none can lose it, therefore, Christ cannot give us life. He can only give a reward for being good and can only punish for being bad. TO MAKE PSUKEE BE AN "IMMATERIAL INVISIBLE, IMMORTAL PART OF MAN" THAT CANNOT DIE MAKES IT BE NONSENSE. No doctrine of the Bible is more plain than the loss of life in this passage is the lost of our earthly life because of being faithful to Christ, not eternal life with torment for the sinner; finding life is to find eternal life at the resurrection, and the person that saves his earthly life [psukee] by denying Christ will lose his life at the judgment.
"For whosoever would save his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life [soul-psukee] for my sake shall find it. For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world [become very rich in this life], and forfeit his life [soul-psukee]? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his life [soul-psukee]?" [Matthew 16:25-26 American Standard Version].
• Mark 8:35-36 "For whosoever would save his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life [soul-psukee] for my sake and the gospel's shall save it. For what do it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life [soul-psukee]? For what should a man give in exchange for his life [soul-psukee]?"
• Luke 9:24-25"For whosoever would save his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life [soul-psukee] for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lost of forfeit his own self?"
"He that finds his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it; and he that loses his life [soul-psukee] for my sake shall find it" [Matthew 19:39].
• Luke 17:33"Whosoever shall seek to gain his life [soul-psukee] shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life [soul-psukee] shall preserve it"
"He that loves his life [soul-psukee] loses it; and he that hates his life [soul-psukee] in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" [John 12:25].

This was a different discourse than Matthew 5:29-30 above, but He was teaching the same thing. See the notes on the first occasion above. Matthew 18:9 "And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from you: it is good for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the hell [Greek-Gehenna] of fire." Mark 9:43, 45, 47 "And if your hand cause you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life maimed, rather then having your two hands to go into hell [Greek-Gehenna], into the unquenchable fire. And if your foot cause you to stumble, cut it off; it is good for you to enter into life halt, rather then having your two feet to be cast into hell [Greek-Gehenna]. And if your eye cause you to stumble, cast it out; it is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell [Greek-Gehenna] where their worm dies not, the fire is not quenched" "Where their worm dies not, the fire is not quenched" is in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48 in some translations. The footnote in the American Standard Version says, "Verses 44 and 46 (which are identical with verse 48) are omitted by the best ancient authorities." I AM AWARE OF NO ONE BELIEVES THE HUMAN BODY IS GOING TO BE CAST IN “HELL” AND BE TOREMTED, YET THIS PASSAGE ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY BEING CAST INTO THE VALLEY OF GEHENNA IS OFTEN USED TO PROVE THE “SOUL” WILL BE ETERNALITY TORMENTED. "Where their worm dies not, the fire is not quenched" is a direct quotation from Isaiah 66:23-24 where it is speaking of dead bodies on this earth being burned with fire and eaten by worms just as anything that was cast into Gehenna was burned with fire and eaten by worms. Gehenna, a place on this earth, has been changed to Hell, a place not on this earth; and no one can give a Bible passage that tells of a place called "Hell." “It is better for you to enter life crippled” [Mark 9:43], what “life” is Christ speaking of, this life “crippled,” or life in Heaven “crippled”? If Christ were speaking of Heaven, unless it is possible to be crippled with only one foot and one eye in Heaven this passage would make no sense. Do unconditional immoralists believe Christ is saying it is better for an immortal soul to enter life in Heaven a “crippled” soul; “it is good for you to enter into life halt, rather then having your two feet to be cast into hell [Greek-Gehenna]”? If Christ were speaking of immortal souls entering life in Heaven or being cast into Hell, would there be any way to say there will not be crippled souls in Heaven? These are symbolic words teaching that if there is anything in our lives that would be in the way of entering into the kingdom of Heaven we need to remove them; a person who uses drugs needs to repent, a person who is a thief needs to repent.

Gehenna is used two times in a sermon to the Scribes and Pharisees warning them of God's rejection of Israel. In Matthew 23 and 24 Christ speaks of the destruction of Israel. "All these things shall come upon this generation" [Matthew 23:36]. The context of these two uses of Gehenna are clearly an in time judgment of Israel, a judgment that has now passed, not of anything that will be after the judgment at the coming of Christ. THEY HAVE NO REFERENCE TO "HELL." The "damnation of Hell" as it is preached today did not come on that "generation," but the judgment and destruction of Israel did. "Damnation" is from krisis which means judgment, not damnation as it is mistranslated in the King James Version, the "judgment of Gehenna," not the "damnation of Hell."
ISRAEL THE WICKED HUSBANDMEN Matthew 21:33-46: Before looking at this use of Gehenna it may help understand it to first look at the parable of the wicked husbandman that comes just before it and is a part of the same sermon spoken to the Scribes and Pharisees. "When; therefore, the lord of the vineyard shall come, what will he do unto these husbandman? They say unto him, HE WILL MISERABLY DESTROY THESE MISERABLE MEN, AND WILL LET OUT THE VINEYARD UNTO OTHER HUSBANDMEN, who will render him the fruits in their seasons. Jesus said unto them, did you never read in the scriptures, the stone, which the builders rejected, the same was made the head of the corner; this was from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes? THEREFORE SAY I UNTO YOU, THE KINGDOM OF GOD SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU, AND SHALL BE GIVEN TO A NATION BRINGING FORTH THE FRUITS THEREOF. And he who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust. AND WHEN THE CHIEF PRIESTS AND PHARISEES HEARD HIS PARABLES, THEY UNDERSTOOD THAT HE WAS SPEAKING ABOUT THEM." How is it that today most do not understand these parables to be about Israel? Many parables deal with the rejection of Christ by Israel and its destruction. See chapter 8, part 1, and part 2.
[1] SON OF GEHENNA: Matthew 23:15 "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
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