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Book online «Encounter With Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings (Completed) by Regina Clarinda (grave mercy txt) 📖». Author Regina Clarinda

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being preoccupied to serve their “dead” pastors without realizing how futile it is. And because of this, many souls are not harvested.

"Come, My daughter."

Swiftly the Lord took me out of church.

Jesus took me to a high cliff, located not far from the church.

When I looked down from the heights to view the church, I was surprised to find how isolated it was.

The church turned out to be located in the middle of a vast desert. It was the only building in the wilderness. There wasn’t any other building, or anything else there.

As far as the eye could see, only reddish yellow sand could be seen. The desert was dry and barren. I wondered why they built a church in a place like this.

I looked to Jesus, waiting for His words. But He did not say anything. He just gazed at the church far below. He gazed at the deacons and their dead pastor. I could see all of those people clearly, even though it was distant and they were inside the church building.

A moment later, Jesus raised His hands up high in the air.

My hands were also held up high in the air. He kept His gaze on the deacons in the church. I did the same. I kept my eyes on them too.

Then something happened.

All of a sudden there were water waves flowing from a distance. The waves were so high and huge like a sudden violent flood. They were heading this way!

From all directions the raging torrent of water came at full speed. Water was getting higher and higher as it was approaching.

This was worse than a flood. It was more like a tsunami!

Series of giant waves kept flowing at high speed, heading this way, heading toward the church! I heard the sound of waves rumbling loudly, like the sound of thunder in the sky. They were raging with enormous power.

I watched in horror as water was getting closer and closer to the church. Within seconds it almost reached the church.

But when water was about ten yards more to the church, suddenly it stopped flowing.

It stopped just like that. Water stopped flowing altogether. And became still.

This was miraculous. A greater power had stopped it from hitting the church just in time. Not even a single drop of water dripped out from its lot.

As a result of water flow stopped abruptly, walls of water were formed. These walls of water were encircling the church as water came from all directions.

From above, I saw the church had been entirely besieged by water. High walls of water, about 35-40 feet high or more, surrounded the building.

The situation became tense. However the people in the church were completely unaware of it. They were still busy circling their pastor. They paid no attention to anything else other than their pastor.

Anger started burning in me again. I turned to Jesus and saw His hands still raised up in the air.

Jesus looked at me and said, "My daughter, you see that water down there.” He paused for a second, then spoke again in a firm voice. “It is waiting for My command.”

His words made me startle. I looked down and saw the water still had not moved.

Now I knew why the flow had stopped. It was stopped by the power of God, and now it was waiting for His command to flow again. And I knew why His hands were still held up, because if He lowered them, this will give a sign to the water to flow again and hit the church.

I looked to Jesus and saw the blazing fury in His eyes. Then I began to shake again. The shaking became more and more vigorous as His anger mounted.

After a few seconds, I felt like I would explode - blown to pieces all over the place. There were heated pressures within me that tremendously attempted to break out in all directions.

The pressures were too powerful too bear, it was excruciating! I could not endure it any longer. I might explode any minute now!


I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could not help it. I had to scream in order to release all the pressures from within.

These fiery pressures were the wrath of God. If I didn’t scream, I might not be able to make it.

It felt like death. My capacity as a human being is limited. I could not contain the divine wrath in me. It was too great to be endured by any human!

I fell on the ground. I closed my eyes tightly, withstanding the fiery wrath and the shaking. But instead I began to have convulsions. At this point, I could not scream or move. I could only wait until God’s rage subsided.

Then I felt Jesus’ strong arms embrace me.

He laid His hand upon my head, absorbing all the heat and wrath out of me. In an instant they were gone completely, including the shaking.

Jesus blew on me and a gentle breeze entered through the crown of my head. It brought serenity and tranquility. I was refreshed straight away. My soul in perfect peace.

I looked to the church below and saw the high walls of water still surrounding it, waiting for a command. The great flood had not yet hit the church.

Jesus didn’t say anything. He gazed at the church for a while, then took me out of there.

Churches in God's Wrath

The Lord brought me to a breathtakingly high place in the sky.

Jesus pointed downwards. "Look down there, My daughter."

I looked down and saw the vast surface of the earth far below. It looked like the world atlas since the distance was so far away.

As I stared at the earth, all the church buildings began to appear more and more clearly.

There were millions of churches. Large and small churches, in villages, towns, and cities across the world. So many churches on our planet that they seemed countless. I could see every church clearly.

I could not see other buildings or houses, but only churches were seen. And somehow I could see what went on in every church.

Many churches had the same conditions as the church I visited earlier.

From the outside they looked flawless while inside was dark and run-down. The pastor lying in the coffin, dead. And the deacons of the church walked around the coffin again and again. Each of them held a tiny candle. Their dim candles could not even light the room.

Nevertheless, not all churches in the world were like this. There were many good and righteous churches as well. They were clean and bright both inside and outside.

Every good church like this had seats inside and they were filled. Their pastor stood behind the pulpit delivering a sermon.

These churches functioned as they should be. However, the number of good churches were far fewer than the corrupted ones.

It was shocking to see how few the number of the righteous churches. I was going to ask Jesus about it when suddenly, I saw water waves coming in from a distance!

Huge, massive waves they were!

Floodwater gushing toward every church at high speed. They rumbled like the sound of mountains crumbling.

"Oh no, those churches will be swept away!" I squealed in horror.

Then a strange thing happened.

When in just a few more yards water would hit the churches, all of a sudden it stopped flowing.

It stopped altogether at the same time.

As a result, high walls of water were formed. They besieged every church. It was exactly like what happened to the first church.

Then I noticed that water only surrounded the churches with a coffin in it. I saw millions of high walls of water around the world, as there were millions of churches with a coffin in it.

Every corrupted church had been besieged by water while true churches were safe and fine.

A great power had held the water from flowing. It was God’s power that stopped the huge waves altogether.

The flood had stopped flowing now, but it was just waiting for God’s command to flow again.

God’s wrath was postponed as He is still waiting for the churches to turn from their wicked ways. If they humble themselves and seek God’s face, then He will forgive them. Our God is compassionate and merciful. He does not want anyone to perish.

Jesus spoke with a loud voice, “The truth has been revealed, wisdom has been given; he who has wisdom let him never throw it away.”

"My daughter,” He said, “I have shown you a lot of things today. Now it is time for you to go back. I will see you again tomorrow."

He embraced me lovingly.

Then I found myself back in my room. I glanced at the clock; it said 13:45. Nearly four hours I was with Jesus today.

I grabbed my pen and journal right away. And started to write down everything the Lord had shown me today.


Jesus saith unto them, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work. Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.”

(John 4:34-35 KJV)




Thursday, July 28th, 2011. At 8:30 pm.

So much housework to do today. From morning to evening, I couldn’t find the time to have a quiet time with God. I became sad as I thought I had missed my sweet Jesus’ visit.

But at the end of the day, God provided me the time to be alone.

It was never my husband’s thing to take the kids out at nights. But that night, he wanted to buy something at the supermarket and wanted to bring along the kids with him. And so he and my two small children went out. I chose to stay home.

I didn’t waste a single second. Right away I went to my room and knelt in His presence. I gave thanks and began to worship Jesus. I love Him with all my heart. Our Saviour is truly good, immeasurable is His love. There is nothing more that I want than to dwell in His love.

As I immersed myself in God’s presence, all at once my room became bright. That light came on again.

I saw Lord Jesus. He was standing in the middle of the room. This time He showed Himself to me in my room. He looked at me with His tender loving gaze.

"My Lord ..." I prostrated myself before Him.

Tears of joy were dripping down my face. Once again I was touched by His love. His presence brought joy and happiness that no words could describe.

"Come, My daughter."

Jesus took my hand and He held it tight. Straightaway my spirit went with Him into the spirit realm.

The Firm Rock

Jesus took me to a beach. There were lots of huge sturdy rocks by the water’s edge.

We sat on one smaller rock. I looked around and saw how stunning the beach was. But the waves were violent. They surged up onto the beach and then quickly flowed back out to sea.

There were more violent waves at the other end of the beach, where huge rocks stood firm. Waves over there could surge up to 30 feet high, and hit the rocks with great strength.

The sea did not rest, and the fierce wind blew ceaselessly. My hair fluttered in the wind. Waves kept crashing into rocks without mercy.

Jesus stared at the rocks, then turned to me and said, "My daughter, you are as firm as a rock.”

I looked at Jesus, confused.

"But Lord, I am weak and certainly not as firm as a rock."

"My daughter, I say to you, you are as firm as a rock."

I was deeply touched. A rock is symbolized in Christianity in a few different ways, but there is one in general. It basically represents the steadfastness of our faith in Christ.

I still felt that I did not deserve to receive such a statement.


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