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Book online «Encounter With Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings (Completed) by Regina Clarinda (grave mercy txt) 📖». Author Regina Clarinda

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people weren’t seen before; they just came into sight out of nowhere.

There were six men and six women, mostly middle-aged. Only one or two were young, but not so young. All of them dressed in black suits.

Like the musicians, these people too seemed jaded. And not only jaded, I also spotted a profound sorrow expressed in their faces.

They were walking around something. However I could not see what it was from here. They went around it slowly with flagging steps.

Each of them was holding a candle. It was a mini candle, like those candles on birthday cakes.

The candle was held firmly with both hands. Since the candle was tiny, it looked silly if they held it that way. As if it was something really precious.

All the candles were lit. However the flame was so small, it just slightly illuminated their hands and face. They constantly protected the candle with their hands to keep it from going out.

The light from the candles made no difference to this church. They burned too dim. The room was still dark.

This group of people was still walking around something. Once in a while they took a look at it.

I wondered why they were circling it around and around. What are they circling?

"My daughter, go over there and find out."

Jesus told me to take a closer look.

As I was walking toward them, all of a sudden I remembered something. The whole thing reminded me of something. It reminded me of a ritual practice performed by people of a certain religion. I often saw it in my home country.

When someone passes away, family members must perform this ritual. They circle the coffin several times as a sign of respect, before the coffin is closed and taken to the gravesite.

Nevertheless, I’d never found it being performed in any church, as it indeed contradicts Christianity. And this had me wondering, if that actually was a coffin they were circling. But on second thought, it seemed impossible that they would practice such a ritual in the church.

A sudden strange feeling hit me. I began to feel uneasy.

Something was not quite right. There was something eerie in the atmosphere that sent chills down my spine. An unusual, oppressive sense of darkness manifested in the air, notably surrounding those men and women.

I got frightened to go nearer.

"Be not afraid, for I am with you." Jesus reassured me, resting His hand on my shoulder.

All fear immediately disappeared. I felt at ease.

I went toward them to get a clearer view.

These people didn’t notice me even though I stood closely to them. Neither were they aware of Jesus’ presence. Everyone was looking down at their candle, busy keeping the dying flame lit, while walking around “something”.

Now I could see the “thing” clearly.

It was a coffin.

They really were circling a coffin! Hard to believe they practiced this ritual in their church.

A black coffin with gold trim was placed in the middle. It was a luxury, a fine quality coffin with a beautiful deep lustre. Both side panels were adorned with gold-coloured last supper engraving. The lid was opened.

A man’s body was lying stiff in it.

He was middle aged, dressed in a black suit with matching black shoes. Hair neatly combed back. By looking at his face I could tell he must have been an intelligent and a charismatic man when he was alive.

His hands embraced a bible laid on his chest. There were dozens of beautiful flowers placed along both sides of his body. I was amazed to see how gorgeous the flower decoration were for a coffin interior.

People still went around the coffin in listless steps. Everyone’s face looked exhausted, yet still managed to do it.

Morose tunes were still heard throughout the room. Now I know why they played such a sad song. They were grieving, as someone had died.

“Who is the deceased, Lord?”

"My daughter,” Jesus said, as He looked at the deceased sharply, “he is the pastor of this church.”

The answer surprised me.

"What you see there in the coffin, is the condition of his spirit. He is spiritually dead, although physically still alive and well.”

I was more surprised, and wondered why. I looked at Him waiting for His next words.

"He does not do My will,” Jesus said firmly. “He preaches, but he himself is not willing to practice what he preaches. This man lives in hypocrisy. His spirit has died. Truly I say to you, hypocrites are nothing more than dead people in My sight.”

Jesus paused, then pointed at the Bible the deceased embraced.

"As you can see, this dead man is embracing a Bible. My daughter, this man understands the Bible well. However, he refuses to be a doer of the Word. He continued to harden his heart to a state where his spirit eventually died. This man is a pretender and a fool."

"How terrifying," I muttered to myself. Hypocrisy indeed leads to fatal consequences.

Jesus looked at the late pastor with fury. "He is worldly-minded. This man has many desires and is being controlled by self-indulgence. I say unto you, those who love this world will eventually be overpowered by greed completely. A covetous leader will sacrifice others for the sake of achieving his own purpose and desires.

“He is supposedly feeding and taking care of My sheep. But instead, he oppresses them. He does not feed nor shepherd them as he should be. He leads them to serve his own being. This shepherd feeds himself and feeds not My sheep.”

I was sad when I heard it. I mused over it for a moment. Thinking about how so many lost souls would be lost forever, as churches don’t function as they should.

"True, My daughter," Jesus knew my thoughts, "many souls are perishing as a result of the lack of workers. I say unto you, behold, laborers become fewer as many of them are being kept busy to serve their pastor and their church."

Jesus pointed at the people around the coffin. “These people are the deacons in this church.”

The Lord stared at them piercingly.

"Little candles in their hands symbolize their good deeds. However they make sure every good deed they do is seen by their pastor, as they wish for compliments. A hunger for praise and acceptance controls their hearts.

"Therefore their candles are tiny and so is the flame. The light merely able to illuminate their faces. This symbolizes the good deeds they do are aimed to bring glory to themselves. I say to you, these people are hypocrites that still live in darkness."

"Idolatry is being practiced here," the Lord looked enraged, "yet these fools do not realize what they are doing. They worship their pastor whom has strayed from the Truth, even as they cover and justify his wicked, crafty doings. They know all about it yet do nothing about it."

Now I understood. The ritual these deacons were performing (circling the deceased repeatedly), symbolizes idolatry being practiced in the church. They merely wish to please and serve their pastor no matter how far he has strayed from the Truth.

A few adore their leaders too greatly - putting them first before God.

Jesus explained the meaning of a few things I saw in this church.

“My daughter,” He said, “the meaning of empty church is this: Christians still go to church, but they do not function as true Christians. Many Christians are not being the light of the world. They have become lovers of their own selves and are relentlessly pursuing self-comfort and happiness. These two things are excessively glorified in the last days.

"The meaning of the dark and squalid church is: the Church has lost its dignity and power, as a result of its disgraceful and shameful acts for the sake of wealth and glory.”

"It is the current condition of many churches, My daughter. In My sight their condition is like everything you see in here.”

Jesus didn’t say anything else. He stared at those people sharply. Fury was written all over His face.

Then He became more furious. His eyes flashed with fire. I’d never seen Him so enraged like this. Never with such fierce anger.

Wrath and Punishment Await

Then something happened.

A sudden strong wind blew from the front. So powerful that I almost fell backward!

I felt the wind enter my body. Then I started to shake.

The shaking started in my legs and slowly it spread over my entire body. My whole body was shaking violently and uncontrollably; even my teeth were grinding. Never had I experienced such violent shaking.

Jesus put His arm around my shoulder and said, “My daughter, be not afraid. The Holy Spirit is now preparing you, as shortly I will let you feel what I feel."

I just nodded even though I didn’t really know what He meant by that. The vigorous shaking had me unable to open my mouth to ask.

He pointed at the deacons and their lifeless pastor.

“I want you to know how great is My wrath against people like them.”

His eyes flashed with anger.

"Be prepared, My daughter. In a moment I will let My feelings be poured out into you. You will feel everything that I feel. You will know how great is My rage against people like them."

“Write down everything you experience in your book so people can be warned. So they will know that a heavy punishment is at hand. And so they will have the wisdom to discern between good and evil."

Strong wind blew once again, but this time it felt warm. It entered into my body as it did before. The wind turned into streams of water, flowing to and fro within me. It became warmer and warmer.

I stared at the deacons and their pastor in the coffin.

Then I felt something different. I felt an enormous amount of anger piling up in me. I could not help it; it just filled me up completely.

I became furious at them. I became immensely sickened by their behavior as they only paid attention to their dead pastor. I became so disgusted and outraged with their perverted ritual practice that had defiled this church.

The fury was so immense that it had me shaking even more. I was shaking uncontrollably while my teeth chattered.

For a second I thought that I would not be able to contain this divine wrath. The indignation of the Lord was terrifying. A tremendous heat was felt throughout my body as if there was a flaming fire burning me. I was afraid that I would scorch for real!

Jesus stood about six feet away from me. I wanted to tell Him how I could not bear to feel His wrath in me. But all I could do was look at Him, unable to say anything as my teeth chattered. It was nearly impossible to speak.

The Lord looked at me tenderly.

"Be not afraid. It only takes a moment.” He soothed me.

I nodded my head while trying to remain standing.

Jesus looked again at the small group. He looked at them with rage. I did the same thing. I looked at them with rage. It happened automatically. Anything He did, anything He felt, I automatically did and felt it too. And anything He thought about, also came across my mind. He had let me feel His feelings and know His thoughts.

And this is how He felt that I felt it as well:

My heart was burning with rage. Many spiritual leaders and their people have not been carrying out their duties and responsibilities as church leaders. They merely wish to satisfy their own desires. Therefore, the name of God has been defiled due to all the wickedness they do in their daily lives.

On the other hand, so many souls are going to perish. My heart was pierced with anguish when I thought about how billions of people are heading to everlasting fire. This is not something trivial. Eternal punishment is not trivial. Every second, all day long, in a never-ending time, they will be tormented forever.

Tears fell down my face. I cried and I cried in deep sorrow. Too many precious souls are heading to eternal fire without anyone stopping them. Whereas Christians are

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