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will be a chaos. THE RAPTURE IS INDEED AT HAND and the Bible says that those who are of the light will know the time at which it will happen:

I Thessalonians 5:2-6. For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.”

It is very clear that some of us will indeed know the moment of the rapture revealed by the Lord Himself, like he did to Noah: God revealed in advance the exact day when judgment would come upon the world in Noah’s day:

“For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.” Genesis 7:4.

God also revealed in advance the exact day when Nineveh would be destroyed through judgment:

“And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” Jonah 3:4.



Your brother and Servant of the Lord,

Augusto Quiala Maquengo, PhD.


PART 34: This message has two messages from CHRIST spoken to Sabrina for this letter. And included is a two-part letter from the LORD JESUS dictated to Susan.

In this letter the LORD gave a serious word to Sabrina about the chip which is the mark of the beast. In the letter to Susan from JESUS He implores the bride to be strong in this world. JESUS gives out a serious warning about the mark of the beast in this letter. In another section JESUS speaks on who the bride is to Him. Then JESUS speaks on the short time remaining and how important it is to come to HIM now without delay.


January 10th, 2011.

This message has two messages from CHRIST spoken to Sabrina for this letter. And included is a two-part letter from the LORD JESUS dictated to Susan. Also, a big “THANK YOU” to Higashi Nobuo for taking time to translate five of the LORD’s letters to Japanese, the new link is added below. Sabrina has included a link to a “left behind” letter and a Word doc is also available. Below there is a new link to a “Steps for Salvation” letter added. Our friend Jude from Philippines has added yet three more brochures and links so that anyone can print off and distribute to others in this format. Thank you and God bless Jude for your hard work!

Our friend Thom Hale created a youtube channel that includes the LORD’s letters in video format! We are very excited about this, as Thom has done an excellent work with some of the letters so far. They also include very nice songs. So a very special big THANK YOU THOM for this awesome work! You can subscribe here and then you will be notified when a video has been posted., I, Susan would like to add that I received word from the LORD that there would be new doors opening for HIS letters and amazingly after I received that word I received the email that Thom had created these youtube videos.

Because of the seriousness of the matter regarding the mark of the beast, we want to include for everyone some words given by the LORD that Sabrina received in answer to some questions about the mark, I, Sabrina translated it from Dutch into English, so forgive me if the grammar is not perfect.

What about those who don’t want the chip, but, are forced to get it? Babies, young children to teens whose parents make legal decisions for them, what becomes of them if they are held against their will? Will they go to hell or will they be spared?

“MY Blood is more powerful then satan’s plan with the chip. If somebody is not able to refuse the chip on his own voluntarily, and I see MY Blood in this person’s life, then MY Blood will wash away all of the chip’s effect. I still look at someone’s heart. I don’t send babies or young children to hell who have no idea of the chip implant in their body. It is the same as with conversion. From the moment the children know about their HEAVENLY FATHER and they can make a perfectly good choice for ME, then they are also able to make a choice for this chip. If the parents are responsible enough, they shall not allow this to be given to their children. If these children are still obligated and in the worst case bound, then I shall still look at their heart and save them if they cry out to ME and basically refuse it. I still look at someone’s heart. Every adult who takes this chip has knowledge of MY Book, MY Holy Word, and for such people everything is lost. Therefore it is important to be part of MY bride, to be ready for the rapture, then they shall never have to make this choice. The rapture is near, even she is delayed for a certain time. I look at someone’s heart and if someone surrenders to ME completely now, there is no problem. If these people wait until after the rapture, the chip implant will become a forced case and very few shall surrender their hearts to ME in such a way, so a forced chip loses it power because of MY Blood. Therefore it is important now to get ready for MY Coming. Behold, I am coming very soon, be ready. Your JESUS”

Below, there is a link titled: Warning: Mark of the Beast The mark is explained more in there + you can see scans, pictures, where it shows where the mark exactly is put in the hand. I, Sabrina, have this in a Word document, so mail me if you would like to have this to print out and give away.

Below that is another link: Serious Warning: Do Not Take the Chip where you can read what amazing info the LORD has shown to Susan.


Sunday, January 9, 2011 Letter dictated to Sabrina by JESUS:

“Write it down MY daughter, these are my words.

MY beloved church, how I love you. I love anyone in particular very much. I want to encourage those who donated their time and life for ME. I appreciate this very much and know that I am a GOD Who rewards to the extent to which he or she is seriously looking for ME. This is my justice. I will reward everyone for his or her loyalty to MY Heart and MY Word.

May I ask you for a little more patience? I, GOD have left you here on earth for still a very short time. The time is short. I know you have heard this many times, but know that I, GOD see everything here and work out everything. You see only the outward appearance. I see the whole world and everyone in particular. I see that many repent now and take MY words and warnings seriously. Hell is not a fantasy but a real, fair place for those who reject ME JESUS, for those who despise and reject MY HOLY SPIRIT.

Therefore, MY beloved church, MY beloved bride, be brave and strong for the time still to come. Be MY Light in this world, as the Light will soon disappear. MY bride will always see MY Light and radiate from ME, this is her mission in this world. She is MY testimony. Know that you always operate and are under MY protective Blood. Nothing can harm or hurt you. The enemy can only threaten and cry murder.

Many of MY children are not loved on this earth. They are a threat to the society. This society is run by the enemy. He will do everything to disable the bride. However MY Blood is so much stronger than the power and list of the enemy. Throw him out daily with your prayers MY people. Tell him that his power has been broken by MY precious Blood. This is something everyone who knows ME has to do everyday, especially at this time.

Darkness will come upon this planet. A thick deep depressing darkness that has never been known. Therefore, MY bride, protect yourself with MY precious Blood, it’s the only thing that can safeguard you from the evil one and his plans. I have shed MY Blood for all of you, it is up to you to use it, because MY Blood will never lose its power. Be brave and strong and pray for open eyes and ears, so you will not be surprised by this world.

This society is working to get everyone and everything under its control. This is a world system perfectly excogitated by the enemy and his troops. Many are under his influence. Many do not know ME and are widely used to bring his system in this world. It is a system of slavery. Pray for open eyes MY bride! Do not be surprised by this world and its influence. The number of the beast is now the order of the day.

I tell you, if someone takes this number, he or she cannot enter MY Kingdom. I have exceptions for the children, but if anyone knows of this number and ignores MY Word, there is no salvation for him or her. Warn the people MY bride! You know MY Word! Warn the people! Print out, give out, there is enough information available. Everyday, people are lost by this devil’s system. If you would read MY Words, these warnings were not needed, but still many ignore this part of MY Word, even those who know ME.

Therefore, MY beloved bride, notify the people. Notify your predecessors or pastors. Notify your neighbors, friends, acquaintances, relatives. For I tell you, this system will very soon find acceptance into this world, as it is already used now on a largescale field for experimentation. The grace of MY FATHER is great. HE does not want even one person to be lost. Still, thousands fall into hell everyday. It extends itself everyday. This was never meant to be MY children, never! I have accomplished the ultimate sacrifice for everyone in this world, for every person who is born into this world. Yet, most are living without their GOD, without their CREATOR on this earth, while everyone is aware of his or her CREATOR.

I am a righteous GOD. I have shed MY Blood, all MY precious Blood. The only Blood that can give you free access to MY Kingdom, as everything is subject to ME. Call upon MY Blood! It is still

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