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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Glad You Came by Imani Kateee (books suggested by bill gates .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Glad You Came by Imani Kateee (books suggested by bill gates .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Imani Kateee

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Chapter 1: Love at First Sight

Just another normal day at school. Maths ugh, Year 9 maths is too hard. And we shouldnā€™t even be doing work cause itā€™s 2 weeks until the end of term and end of the year. Weā€™re sitting in class just doing our work and this boy walks in. New boy ugh. Brown hair, hazel eyes and tall. Apparently his names Marcus. Heā€™s kinda cute, but all the girls were already obsessed. Two of them even dibbed him. But he wasnā€™t paying any attention to them. He was looking at me, why me? I looked up and he gave me a smile and a wink. I smiled back. Damn was that obvious I donā€™t like him. I was the only girl that hadnā€™t had an obsession with him. Like yeah, heā€™s cute, but Iā€™m with someone and obviously he doesnā€™t know that because he just laid eyes on us. Well me. Heā€™s all the girls were talking about for the rest of the day. I always got the question, ā€œSo do you like him?ā€ and I always had the same answer, ā€œNo, I mean heā€™s cute and all but heā€™s not for me.ā€ But then theyā€™d all say ā€œAre you serious? Heā€™s so right for you. Heā€™s tall and heā€™s extremely cute.ā€™ā€™ He didnā€™t seem like he was at all for me. But obviously he and everyone else thinks Iā€™m his type.

He came back today and spent the day at school with us. I got to talk to him for a bit and actually meet him but it didnā€™t go very well. It pretty much went something like this:



 Youā€™re Charlotte right?

 Yeah I am. And youā€™re Marcus right? Wait shit of course you are.

Haha yeah. You seem really sweet and Iā€™m probably about to ruin this but whatā€™s your Instagram?

******** haha. How come?

Iā€™ll text you tonight.


Well it was nice talking to you

Yeah you too


And that was it, although James saw the whole thing. If youā€™re confused, let me explain. James was my boyfriend at the time and he got jealous very easy. Every time he saw me talking and laughing with a boy, heā€™d give me some kind of death stare. It annoys me. A lot. Iā€™m thinking about breaking up with him, but I know Iā€™ll regret it. Anyways one of the boys, Brooklyn was giving Marcus the ropes on our school. Brooklyn and I are really good friends; weā€™ve been friends for 10 years. I met him first day of kindy. When he has girl troubles he comes to me and vice versa. He told me that Marcus asked about me, and this is how the conversation went:

M: So Charlotteā€™s kinda cute I think I like her

B: Uh oh no can do Mr. Small but feisty over there is with her

M: Shit really?

B:Yeah, but if you slide your way in there, youā€™ll become really good friends, and who knows, when they break up, maybe something might happen between you two.

M: Okay Iā€™ll try.

I was impressed with Brooklyn. Iā€™m not surprised that he blew it out though.

I kinda liked having another boy ā€œobsessingā€ over me. As Iā€™ve said heā€™s really sweet and super cute. Heā€™s growing on me a bit.




Chapter 2: The First Day


First Day of Year 10. And Marcusā€™ first day. Shit. I have no idea what could happen. We talked all holidays, off and on. But then there was also James to worry about. James asked me a lot ā€œWhy do you never talk to me anymore?ā€ and I said ā€˜Iā€™m always really busyā€™ but itā€™s kind of obvious that thatā€™s not the reason when the only two people online on skype at 4am are me and Marcus. Marcus and I texted a lot but then we started skyping and soon it became nearly every day. I saw him once over the holidays, we met up and walked around Newtown. It was quite fun actually but something happened and we agreed not to talk about it. I felt like and Marcus and I were good friends but that was just us two. What about school? Who knows what will happen. The boys and the girls donā€™t really hang out much anymore because of a sporting incident last year. We never really did hang out but then we were getting closer and then we decided to play Year 9 Boys vs Girls Basketball for knockout sport and thatā€™s when everything went downhill. We just havenā€™t really connected since then. We always fight and then we all get in trouble. But I donā€™t even really hang out with the girls much. I only really hang out with two or three of the boys and one girl thatā€™s not even in my core classes. Thank god my friends are in my elective classes. Hopefully Marcus is in my elective classes otherwise Iā€™m doomed for a friendship with him. See me and Brooklyn are such good friends because weā€™ve been in the same classes ever since the day we met, whereas James and me, are barely ever in the same classes so everyone thinks me and Brooklyn are dating because weā€™re so close. So my first class of year 10, Visual Arts. Perfect. Why you ask? Because No.1: Itā€™s my favourite class and No.2 itā€™s an elective class so I can find out if Marcus is in my elective classes. I didnā€™t get a chance to talk to anyone before classes because I was late for school. One of the joys of catching a bus; Iā€™m late for school twice a week on an average. So I walk in, and guess whoā€™s sitting in the normally vacant seat behind mine. Marcus. Ok then. I sit down and he taps me on the shoulder and says hey and stands up. I stood up too. And he gives me the biggest hug. Definitely what I needed right now. Ok so not so bad. I thought he wouldā€™ve given me a death stare and complained to Miss about where he was sitting. But no. So we start the class. We have to draw the first thing that comes to mind. For me, this is easy because Iā€™m a visual person, I can imagine things in the blink of an eye. A little while after I start my drawing I turn around and look at what Marcus was drawing. He drew the back of a girl, long dark brown hair wearing a hazel top. Then I realized. It was me, I have long brown hair and I chose to wear my favourite top, a hazel top with the words Bon Voyage written in the middle in beautiful handwriting. James gave me that top and I absolutely adored it. But when Marcus drew it, it looked even more amazing. I turned back around and continued with my work. Maybe I like him a little more.


When break came around after second period, me and Marcus walked out together. He asked me if I could sit with me, Brooklyn and Cassandra, who was Brooklynā€™s girlfriend. I said of course and James overheard me. He doesnā€™t sit with me; he sits with the rest of the boys. Thank god. Iā€™m starting to think about James not as my boyfriend, but maybe just a friend. I donā€™t know. I still have to pass Year 10 before I can think about anything else. I sit down with Marcus and I look behind me. Jamesā€™ group sits over the corridor to me. Marcus and I sit down and Brooklyn comes and sits next to me. Cassandra comes and legit lies all over Brooklyn. He gives me the KMS face. KMS= Kill My Self. We use that face for when our partners are being the most annoying little shits ever. So Marcus and I start talking about school stuff and about what it was like for him in Britain. Although he made it a not so boring conversation. He seems really shy around me but when heā€™s around Brooklyn and his other friends, heā€™s so confident and funny. He shouldnā€™t be nervous around me, like itā€™s me.

Chapter 3: A Lot Happened In The Past 8 Months


Letā€™s skip about 8 months into Year 10. James and I came to an end. He never actually told me why he ended it. Oh yeah, he ended it. Not me, him. By this time, Marcus and I were very good friends. But there was one thing in the way; The Newtown Incident. TNI was something that happened in the summer holidays. We went into Newtown and we were walking around. He then stopped me and pulled me aside and kissed me but it was extremely awkward as I didnā€™t really like him that way. We agreed to not talk about it but I still think about that day and I know that he still feels that way about me.  We were walking to class with Brooklyn and we came to a stop, Brooklyn told Marcus to keep going. Brooklyn said that he says a lot about me and lately heā€™s been trying to ask me out but he doesnā€™t know when to do it.  Like thatā€™s sweet, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™m ready yet because I only just got out of a relationship with James. Also I donā€™t know if James would be ok with it because even though Iā€™m not with him, he still gets jealous easily. Brooklyn and I keep walking and we catch up with Marcus. Marcusā€™ hand slips down near mine and he holds my hand. I donā€™t let go. We walk into Chemistry Theory and James and his ā€œgangā€ give us some looks; both good and bad. One of them asked me if we were dating and I just ignored him. I sat down in my usual spot and Marcus sat behind me. We start working and I donā€™t hear anything from Marcus until about 15 minutes before break. I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was Marcus. He was passing me a note. ā€˜You probably got the idea but, go out with me? Xxā€™ I didnā€™t know what to say. I wrote down ā€˜Of course Xā€™ I handed it back to him. I turned around and passed it back. He smiled and gave me the same wink he gave me when he laid

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