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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » first love by Randi Freeman (read out loud books txt) 📖

Book online «first love by Randi Freeman (read out loud books txt) 📖». Author Randi Freeman

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Jesica Davis. 16, brown hair, blue eyes, sophmore


Jason Micheals, 17, brown hair, brown eyes, junior

chapter 1 first day of school


** Jessica’s POV **


Finally, my sophomore year at Montgomery High School. I was the new girl this year because we moved after i lost one of my closes friends. And before my best friend died my father had died of a heart attack. My dad left us the house and his money. I went into my bathroom to take a hot bath before school. I must have been in there for a while because next thing I knew the water was cold. I was getting ready to get out when I heard a knock at the door. “yes?” i said, “honey you have to hurry up or you’re going to be late for school.” Ahhh my mother. I loved the sound of my mothers voice she has been there to support me every step of the way after my dad left. “Okay mom, I’m doing my hair and then I’ll be out”. I got out, blow dried my hair then curled it. I wrapped a towel aaround my body and went to go get some clothes. I walked over to my dresser and took out my purple tank top and skinny jeans. Both clung to my body tightly showing off my curves. Everyone says i have the perfect body. I'm 5'8, weigh 125, brown hair, and light blue eyes. After i was done getting ready, I grabbed my bag, went down stairs, kissed my mom goodbye, grabbed my car keys and took off to school. While I was outside I noticed the people from down the street were moving in next door because their old house had a wiring problem. I saw this guy who was really freaking hot! I realized I was standing in my driveway gawking at him and got in my car before he noticed me making a drool puddle in the middle of my driveway and drove off.



I got to school in my 1965 Shelby Mustang that my older brother got me for my birthday. I turned sixteen, five months ago. I got out of my car and EVERYONE stared at me. And I mean everyone. I got some jaw dropping looks from the guys and some hated looks from the girls but I didn’t care. I walked in the school with my head high. I walked to the office to get my locker number and combination and my schedule. I then went over to my locker to put all my school stuff in it. I put in my combination, opened my locker, and then it shut in my face. I looked to my side only to find one of my best friends, Abigail Heart. I hugged her so tight. We were going into our third year of being friends. “ABBY!!! I missed you so much! How was New York? Wait you’re not suppose to be back for another month”. Over the summer Abby went to New York for her dance tour. I was so proud and wanted to know all about it. She then stared at me with the saddest look I’ve ever seen. “Not so good Jess”. Tears formed in her eyes. What happened out there? “Our tour got stolen by some other dance team”. “Oh gosh, by who? What happened”. She explained to me how some of the girls didn’t show up for the tour so they didn’t have enough people to do the dance and they had to forfeit.

Abby and I walked to our first class, she had science and I had P.E. I’ve always loved running or working out. The only thing I hated about P.E. at this high school is the classes were mixed genders, boys and girls. I hated it because the guys always think they are better than us girls.  We played basketball today. The girls that didn't want to play got to walk the track upstairs and i was the only girl left. None of the guys wanted to be on my team so i was alone. During the whole period the guys would stare and try to touch me while I was going up against them. All these guys thinking girls are only good for their looks. It was outragious. That was about to change. The final score at the end of the class was 52- 35 and I won, go figure. After that class the point guard on the basketball team caught up to me, “you were really good today, what’s your name?”. I didn’t know this guy at all. “none of your business”. I hated jocks so much. They always think they can get whatever girl they want with those looks of theirs. But this jock, man was he hot. He had beautiful dark brown eyes, blond hair, tanned skin, and was probably like 6’3”. His eyebrows squinted together like I just broke his heart… wait I recognize this guy!


*Jason’s P.O.V*

When I got to school this morning there was another car parked in my parking space. It was a 1965 Shelby Mustang!!! I love those freaking cars! I parked in the one next to it and was getting out of my car to go yell at the guy who decided it would be funny to park in my spot then the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen got out. Every guy in the parking lot was staring at her and I felt jealous. But why? I don’t even know this girl. She grabbed her stuff so sexily and then walked into school with her hips swaying and her head up. Was this the new girl everyone was talking about? I needed to get to know this girl. Nobody has ever made me feel like this before.

I met up with the guys from the basketball team and headed to our first classes. Of course we all had P.E. and we were playing basketball today. I loved playing basketball in P.E. because nobody can beat us so it’s fun. We went into the changing room to change and when we got out guess who I saw… that girl from this morning! She was wearing basketball shorts, a tang top, high tops, and she had her hair pulled back into the most perfect pony tail. Coach blew his whistle which snapped me out of my thoughts and told us to get into teams and if we didn’t want to play then to walk around the gym. All the girls walked around the gym like usual. But behind Justin, my best friend, was that girl. There wasn’t enough people to play even games so I split everyone up and gave one extra player to the girl. Then she said something that surprised me, “no I want to play alone”. Wow. Look at her confidence. All the guys laughed but I agreed and we played. Coach threw the ball up and the 5foot girl got the ball before I did! She dribbled to the basket with the guys chasing her and she did a lay up. This girl keeps getting better and better. The clock had 30 seconds on the shot and this mystery girl had the ball. She was winning with a score of 50 – 35. I was covering her, but she went around me and shot like nothing was happening. This girl is amazing! The buzzer went of and she jumped up and down in excitement while the guys grunted. This small girl just kicked us guys’ asses. The bell rang and I caught up with her. “you were really good today, what’s your name? I just realized I didn’t even know her name. She studied me for a minute and answered, “none of your business”. Wow. That actually hurt. I think she noticed she hurt me and gave me an I’m sorry look. We looked into each others eyes and I fell for her. I don’t know who this girl is and I fell for her! I needed to find out who she is! I noticed her shirt was showing some boob. I looked down and didn’t realize I was staring until she turned around and walked off. Daaaamn she has a nice body! I wanna feel her.


*jessica's P.O.V.*

After P.E. i met up with Abby in the hallway by her locker. She seemed happy but before we went to first she was really upset. "what's up?". she looked at me confused when i asked that. "what do you mean?" "you're... happy?" she has a big smile on her face and told me she met some really hot guy named Auron in first. I told her about that guy from p.e. and told her how he looked at my breast with lust filled eyes. She laughed at me and said “girl you have never had a boyfriend and this guy likes you. Go for it girl before he isn’t available anymore. I can tell you like him”. She was right I did like him but I don’t know if I can love a jock after…….



My best friend Shayanne and I were going to a party with her boyfriend Derek. I went to the bathroom to get alcohol out of my shirt from some douche bag that thought I would sleep with him and when I told him no, my shirt gets soaked with alcohol. While I was in there I heard a scream coming from down the hall. I went to go check it out and saw Derek come out of a room with blood on his hands!... I ran into the room and saw Shayanne laying on the bed naked with her face bloody. I went to go grab her but noticed she was limp… she wasn't breathing… I sat there and cried until I was pulled out of the room by my brother. I didn’t even go to her funeral because I couldn’t stand seeing her like that again…

** end of flashback**


I sighed and looked at the clock and noticed I had a minute to get to my next class. I had history. great. That was sarcasm if you couldn’t notice. I walked down the hall and found my room. As soon as I walked in the class the bell rang. I noticed only one seat was open so I sat there.

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