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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » Belong by Nerdy Cat (best summer books TXT) 📖

Book online «Belong by Nerdy Cat (best summer books TXT) 📖». Author Nerdy Cat

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A Note

Hello everyone, 


This is just for those of you who might care. I wish for this to be the first book in a series of four. I plan for it to be pretty short. I wanted to basically introduce my characters, to show you who they are and what they do. Although I have wanted this to be an adventure story in which the couple, that I hope you'd ship, are going to save the world from an evil plot, I still wanted to show that they are humans. They have lives, flaws, and feelings. They suffer, and they have a hard life but they still make a choice. 


Liam and Emily, which are my main characters, have no superpowers. They are not choosen nor are they a God send, just people who were given knowledge in the time when ignorance is a bless. 


They become part of a war, one that has been going on for so long. It was away from the huan eyes, it should have never affected them. However, now this war is edging closely to the destruction of humanity. And they have to fight.


I would love to know what you think, and I absolutly respect criticism. 

This is my third time trying to write a novel, but this time I am taking it as a learning experience. So, I will really appreciate your help.


PS: Please excuse any spelling or writing mistakes, this is the first draft so it is uneditied. It will be subjected to various changes, so kindly bear with me <3


All the love in the world,

Nerdy Cat



Chapter One

I sat there watching as all those cars passed by. I sat there watching all of those people raced to get to a destination they know. Perhaps sitting there didn't help my questioning mind. How can you ultimatly know that you are headed to the right goal? How could you possibly know your way? I wonder if all the people think the same way or is it just me? 


My sigh was automatic and I coudn't just place the right reason for it. It was already 1.30 in the morning, and I have been sitting in this small coffee shop near my house for over three hours. The place in itself was very cozy, always gave me a sense of nostalgia in a way. Through the big glass window I could see the few people, who are yet to resort to their homes and the warmth of their beds, walking aound the streets. 


'Hamlet', a strange name for a coffee shop, but it was comforting all the same. It was pretty small, but very popular. The walls were fading rosy brown, and with the reflection of the warm orange light that illuminated the place a certain sense of comfort always engulfed me. I started coming here six months ago. I had just broken up with my long-term boyfriend, I had just moved out to live in an apartment of my own, I couldn't really find a stable job. So all in all, you could say it was a messed up phase of my life. I rememeber the first thing I had seen were the different paintings hanging on the walls. The most obvious being that of Shakespear, while the others were of different famous sites from around the world. 


I held my cup of coffee between my fingers, and I enhaled the smell. It was always comforting in a way; it gives me the sense the all will be well. I couldn't help my mind drifting to a memory that isn't very far. The memory of the last fight with my family, which its ugliness still hunts me until this very day. 


"I cannot believe that you are actually my daughter, so ungrateful, so cruel. I ask God every day what have I done in my 50 years of living to be punished by a daughter like you. Maybe you are but a test, a test for my patience and faith" 


Those were my mom's words, and just playing them in my head hurts deeply through my heart. She never knew, I assume, that she had always held the greatest kind of power over me. I could never look at myself the same way after that day. I became heavy with too many emotions, negative emotions, which kept and will keep, weighing me down. Sometimes it is even hard to breath, just like now. I felt it, that traitorous tear slipping from my eye. I saw it fall to the wooden table as I tried to put my head down slightly to avoid being seen. 


The place was empty but for 5 other guys, all sitting together. They didn't look older than twenty, but somehow they kind of looked alike. I mean they all had the same style, the ripped Jeans, black sweaters, messy hair, and the tattoes; there were a lot of tattoes. 


"Em...aren't you a bit later than usual today. You usually leave by ten or so?"


The ever caring Mark Harold asked. Mark is the current owner of Hamlet. He is 40 years old, married, and has two beautiful daughter. He amited to being a bit of a player but all with good intentions. He had this olive skin, and brightest green eyes I have ever seen. They looked like the grass when the light of the btight-midday sun falls upon it.

The first time I came here I sat by a table that was very close to the counter and that's how Mark and I started a sort of friendship. You know those kind of people you know for a quick laugh and short conversation,  but you'd never go out of your way to contact them? That was Mark and I. 


"Ah, well I'm feeling kind of rebillious today" 


I answered with a mocking mischievous smile. His statment has been true though. Since I moved here, and despite the complete freedom I enjoy, I seldom went home after eleven. It was one of the many rules that I had to follow back home. It took me around a month to actually manage to stay out late. I think when you do a certain action for so long it, somehow, it carves itself into your being. 


"Looking a bit off the mode today. Tough day at work?"


I shook my head slightly, and I knew that my whole face has changed. I try to control it I swear I do. I work every day on putting up a smile, and wearing those bright optimistic eyes. However, there is a certain point where your body can take no more. It becomes exhasuting to even put your daily smile. I wasn't about to have a heart-to-heart with Mark though. 


"I guess...I think I havent been sleeping very well"


I replied and messaged my temples with my fingertips. Lack of sleep had and will always work as a great excuse when you look like you're mourning the death of your dog, although you're just hit by unpleaseant emotions that you are not willing to share with the public. 

I think Mark was satisfied with my answer, because he nodded his head and gave me this sweet smile of his then walked away to the counter. 


October has always been a cold month around here, the wind is usually very strong and sends a shiver through your body. I knew since I was fifteen that I prefered the coldness of winter over any kind of warmth. Winter has always held a certain place in my heart. And somehow I find solace in the cold air of the winter, with its skies that are mostly condensed with clouds. 


I have felt it beofre hearing it, the door to the shop has been opened. I felt a gust of cold air ruffling my short hair, then I heard the sound of the door closing. My back was to it, so I turned my head slightly to see who came and it was him. Liam Watson. We were not friends, only aquaintances, one of his friends turned up to be my college in my not-so-newly found job. She is also the one who more or less introduced me to Hamlet. 


All I know about him is that he is a part of some big family that have all forms of power, basically money and autority. He, however, decided to kind of build his own empire. Well, at the moment he doesn't have an empire, but he has a company and it is fairing quite well. I think Diana, my colleague, told me that they do security softwares or something along those lines. We rarely talk and when we see each other, it is either a curt smile with a nod, or the short Hi, how are you? kind of conversation. 


His eyes fell on mine, and he walked straight to me, with the same curt smile. he extended his hand for a shake and I did the same. 

"Emily, how are you?"



Chapter Two

 Do you know this loud thud that resonates deep within your chest? I believe at that moment that was how I felt. People usually associate rapid heart beats with good feelings such as; adoration and love. However, the human heart can react the same way to various other emotions that are not necessarily good. I say fear is one of them, shock maybe and many more. I wish I could place the feeling I have at the moment which caused this resonating thud in my heart. 


I put on a smile, one that I have practiced for so long, and shook hands with him, "Liam, I'm good. What about you?" I think I was a little bit surprised to see him. I thought I wouldn't actually meet anyone that I know. He nodded his head, "I'm good, thank you" After his reply came the moment of absolute awkward silence. We were both just there looking at each other and none of us knew exactly how to end this situation. He gave the place a quick scan until his eyes fell on Mark; they both just greeted each other with a nod. 


I looked down, staring back at my cup of coffee. My connection to Liam is limited to 'Hamlet', because we both come here almost daily for a cup of coffee or just some relaxing time and of course Diana Marshall. You know what I have always found strange though? I have been coming

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