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Read books online » Romance » Misery is my name by Emily Walton (great books for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «Misery is my name by Emily Walton (great books for teens TXT) 📖». Author Emily Walton

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chapter one

ok, Chess was AMAZINGLY fine.

not that he paid attention to me, that is.

why would he? I was a seventeen year- old that his mother and father decided to foster that had the often habit of cutting, who's favorite color was black, and had a bad temper and snappy attitude more often then not. HE was a blonde haired, green eyed, lively boy who was the basketball star 3 years running. tall, gorgeous, with an 6 pack he had no shame of showing around the house. he also had all the girls lined up at his feet- all but me, that is. I kept my distance. why would a jock like him want to hang out with a kid like me? who's parents left her in a subway when she was 6? who's never been to a foster home for more than 6 months- and that was only because the school was late in opening? I couldn't think of a reason.

"Izzy! time to get up!" Joathan threw my door open, way too happy for it to be six in the morning. I groaned, rolling over. I felt a snap as he flicked a towel at me and hit the tip squarely against my ass. I growled, jumping up." out." I hissed. he ran out the door, screaming "It's alive!" the whole way down the stairs. for an 18 year old, he sure was an idiot. well, not a complete idiot. he came in armed. true, with a towel, but still, if it wasn't for that he would have got smacked with a well aimed shoe.

I closed my door half way, still too tired to really pay attention to what I was doing. I slipped on a pair of jeans on the floor, and cursed loudly.

" hey now, no ugly language this early in the morning. that's for tonight." I growled, twirling on the floor. " I said to get the hell out, J-" I cut off as i saw the too tall figure in my door way. he turned my light on, momentarily blinding me. " well, I wouldn't know, since i'm not my brother, but i do beleive you now have a nice bruise on your ass." I growled, getting over the shock of the roman god- aka chess- actually talking to me. " well, i'll do what i planned on doing to him to you." with out looking down I picked up a van and hit him squarely between the eyes, sending him backwords. i shoved my door completely shut with my foot before scrambling up and locking it for good measure. a moment later, as i was pulling my shirt off, I heard the door rattle.

" go away!" I hollered, pulling my cami on, then my jacket. i thought they had left, until I was pulliing on my jeans and i heard the door open. I tuned around, hissing, expecting Jonathan, only to find chess, open mouthed. I scowled, quickly pulling my jeans up the rest of the way. i hadn't zipped my jacked up yet, so it still bared my skin tight blue cami.

" what do you want?" i hissed. he snapped his mouth shut, then, with a sly smile, he flung my shoe at me. I caught it before it could hit me in the face." nice catch." he said, leaning in my door way, eyes shamelessly roaming over me. i leaned on my hip, partly to show my annoyance, partly to hold them up, because i still hadn't zipped them up, or buttoned them. " do i have to ask again?" he smiled, finally meeting my eyes. "to return the bruise. but now i remember, you already have one." I scowled." you'll have another one if you dont' get out, NOW." he frowned, looking down once again. " why do you wear such baggy clothes?" i shook my head, zippig my jacket up, and going to stand in front of him, hand on the doorknob. I had to crane my neck to meet his eyes.

" out." my flat, clipped tone suprised him, i could tell. he stepped closer, and i emedieatly stiffened. " answer my question, and I just might." i narrowed my eyes, but before i could respond, jonathan called up the stairs " if you want a ride to the coffee shop, Get your asses down here!" i frowned, confused, and chess gave me a dazzling smile." mom didn't tell you? they went on a business trip and wont be home for another week." I crinkled my nose, and he laughed, then spun and jogged downstairs. I finished putting my pants on, slipped on some black toe socks, then my vans. i jogged downstairs, only to find it pouring outside. i should have saw it as an omen- hell, it was the first day of school, but i didn't . just a curse. every time i've started a new school, even in never rain arizona, it rained. i guess god thought it was funny, but i have no idea.

" so it IS alive! amazing, I thought Chess was talking to himself again." Chess glared at his older brother as he smirked at me. i rolled my eyes. " i need coffee NOW." he nodded. " i know, i saw Chess's forehead." I glanced at him, and was suprised at the newly forming bruise suspiciously shaped like a shoe forming inbetween his eyes. I shurgged. he turned to him. " so, did you get a good look at 'er?" I threw the keys at him, making him flinch as i hit his temple, close anough to his eye to scare him. " alright, I can take a hint."

jonathan was actually more like a sibling than a my foster parents child. he made fun of me, harassed me, and joked with me, yet protected me. Chess was more of a model that liked to lounge on the couch with his shirt off if he wasn't in the basement lifting weights. so when he dropped us off at the coffee shop to catch the bus, I wasn't that suprised. I WAS suprised when Chess fallowed me into the shop and towards the register. he made it very clear that he did not like coffee. I ordered a mocha lattee with extra cream and chocolate. I was putting my money on the table when he pulled out a credit card and handed it to the cashier. I scowled at him, and he shrugged, ordering hot chocolate. he stopped the cashier before he left.

" send richie out, would you?" the boy nodded mutely, and a moment later a tall,brown haired boy that looked vaguely familiar showed up. it took me a moment to realize he was one of the boys i'd seen the numerous times i'd slipped outside un noticed by while they played Xbox or gamecube. chess waved a hand between us.

" izzy, this is Richie. Richie, this is my foster sister, Izzy." he shook my hand, slightly confused. i knew why. no one interduced friends to friends by therer nicknames, but Chess knew better than to call me by my real name- misery. " what's that short for?" I flinched, and Chess visably cringed, probably remembering the blody nose i'd given Jonathan for calling me by my real name. " it's misery, but everyone calles me Izzy if they know what's good for them." his eyes widened. Chess changed the subject as the mute boy came with our drinks and Chesses credit card.

" think you could give us a ride to school?" riche nodded, studying me more intently. I scowled back, and he grinned." sure, why not. give me thirty minutes." I turned and went back outside to stand under the pavelion, shaking my head.

school was utterly boring till lunch. it stopped raining, so i took my lunch outside, and, using the hem of my overly long jacket as a cushion on the wet ground, i sat under an old hickory, and turned on my Ipod. so i was completely taken off guard when a shadow fell on me. I jumped, and looked up to see chess looming over me. i took an ear-plug out. " yes?" I asked, annoyed. Richie appearead next to him. " well, we where going to sit here with you till the rest of our group came out." Chess said. i was about to say no, but richie shoved him down next to me, then sat on the other side of me. " and even after, because it's better over hear than near swooning girls." I rolled my eyes, putting my ear phone back in, only to have Richie pull the other one out and put it in his ear and grab my ipod boldly out of my pocket. I shot him a glare before taking the other ear plug out. he grinned, putting that one in his other ear." thanks." i shook my head, and ate a few of the doritos out of the bag i had taken from the cabniet at the house. without asking promission, Chess grabbed a handfull. I shook my head, and three boys appeared out of nowhere on the other side of him.they odded me an exknowlagement, and Chess interduced us around a mouthfull of doritos. the one closest to him was Greg, and he could be Richies twin. then there WAS the red headed twins, Darrek and Chase. they all found it funny that my name was Misery, and CHess lieterally had to restrain me from hitting them. I think he enjoyed that a little too much, though, because his arm lingered around my waist long after it should have.

after that thought i mentally kicked myself. he wasn't interested in me, he was just making sure i wasn't going to kill his friends. he'd seen me and Jonathan go at it plenty of times this summer, I didn't need to prove i could. suddenly Darrek stood in front of me. " alright, we have a test. well, everyone takes it, but we've been the only ones to pass it." I gave him a 'uh-uh, suuurrrre' look. " probably because you guys where the ones to make it up." he shrugged. " touché. each of us have a question. I'll start. do you do drugs?" i shook my head, and chase spoke up. "are you still a Virgin?" I shot him a vicious glare, but told the truth. " no." Chess'es eyes just about popped out of his head, and I snickered. " you didn't think i was THAT innocent, did you?" he shook his head, and Richie asked his question." so, who did you loos it to?" I snorted. " Neil Armstrong." he scowled, and I laughed bluntly." no, this fling i had with a guy named Leon. he was a senior when I was fourteen." I shrugged at his shocked expression. I turned to Chess, and he grinned. ' i know you'll like this one. what wouldyou choose as a weapon of murder?" I didn't even think about it."icicle." he gave me a look that said i needed to be in a looney bin. " think about it. hit them in the back of the head with it, there dead. no prints, because it would melt. and if you got it from outside, then they wouldn't be able to tace even where you got the water from. cold case."

"serial killer." he said, shaking his head. i grinned." remember, I live in YOUR house."

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