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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sunā€¦.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, thereā€™s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. Itā€™s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.Itā€™s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in ā€œfairytale love story.ā€

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» A nightmare within a dream by Marwa Kodmany (top 50 books to read TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«A nightmare within a dream by Marwa Kodmany (top 50 books to read TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Marwa Kodmany

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The Nightmare:


I got to the kitchen early in the morning, I was very thirsty and a glass of water could do miracles, then I turned my head up, I saw him standing there in the kitchen, wearing a cooking apron that it looks small relatively to his giant body, carrying that huge knife of mine, as if it coalesced with his full-size hand, looking at me cheerfully. ā€œDarlinā€™ā€ he said. ā€œGood morning I made you a salad sunshine sit and enjoy your obedient chefā€ he smiled. That face was as familiar as my feelings towards him. I know it! I love this guy who ever he is I just enjoy that smile on that pretty face and I find it irresistible to stare at his blue navy eyes behind his glasses. He relates to me somehow, I can feel it. He sat me at the crossing chair then sat in front of me looking at me continuously. ā€œWhat do you prefer lemon or vinegar?ā€ he asked and picked a lemon and cut it without even look at it. I realized that he has already knew what I like and what I donā€™t, I have always loved lemon rather than vinegar, I would refer his question as to make a drama of spoiling me early in the morning. I felt sourness in my throught . ā€œI want chocolateā€ I said gazing at him, smiling, watching his every appealing detail. He nodded as if he would never care. I stood up and went to the fridge in the corner of the kitchen. I opened the fridge, it was full of things I like, all kinds of chocolate I dreamed of having in my fridge every time I want to sugar up. I picked the snickers and turned around to share it with him. He is just right in front of me, very close that I could hear every gasp he takes. ā€œI love youā€ he said, made me stuck to the wall. It is like a dream come true hearing him saying it .The snickers fell down and I got freezer and freezer , he smiled, Oh God this is a smirk not like the one innocent smile printed in my head, the more his eyes glowed the more I got paralyzed. His face was sharper; his black hair looks evilly attractive. I am cold and very heavy now. My heart beat is getting slower, I canā€™t even move my tongue. What happened?!!! I looked down; I found that old knife penetrating me, getting deeper as much as he pushes it through me, making a way in to every layer of my stomach, like a scalpel fixed to his large hand. OH! He has a ring, a wedding ring!!!! It canā€™t be!!! He is my husband!!! Iā€™m married to that guy who supposed to love me not to kill me but I wanted to tell him how much he means to me!!!!, I wanted to ask him why in hell he would grasp a knife and murder me, stab me!! I just couldnā€™t.Now; I can see blood getting out of my mouth by the red reflection in his glasses. Iā€™m capable feeling my hands or my legs. As he pulled out the knife I got more helpless, disabled and week. Iā€™m just listening to the only voice I can recognize, the very sluggish beating of my heart. I wished to cry, just one single tear would heal my wounds down there, and I just couldnā€™t!!.He used to be taller than me like 20 cm but now he is getting taller since Iā€™m getting down, actually Iā€™m technically dying. He went off, Panting, what is he looking for now?! Yes!! I see!! He wanted his lighter; he canā€™t even remember where he had put it! He managed to find it then; eventually he lighted his cigarette of glory, the cigarette of victory of something he had in mind for reasons I am not aware of, giving me a pitiful glimpse while I ā€˜m bleeding on my own next to the fridge, holding my last breath. He is blurring! No details. It is only signs couldnā€™t make me any worse than I would be. He just vanished so simply offering me a silly ending; stabbed by the man I loved. I was crawling for no reason but to resist death or maybe a night mare within a dreamā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. thenā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. I fainted









chapter 1: Mila

Chapter one:

ā€œMarliee ee , my Marlino!! Wake up!!ā€ said my little sister Mila teasing in my head. ā€œyeah ..yeahā€ I said putting the pillow over my head. I guess I had a bad nightmare, Iā€™m really tired. ā€œyou really wannaā€™ wake up! Today is the day. You have arrived yesterday sis. I really want to go shopping with you. I donā€™t have the right dress for tonight, itā€™s urgent!ā€ said Mila pulling off the pillow.

ā€œWhat tonight?ā€ I murmured.

ā€œI guess itā€™s about you going with me to the party which is thrown tonight in Ethanā€™s house!! Are you on drugs? You donā€™t remember!! The very reason you came here besides the muse for your book!  Ethan is my boyfriend! Itā€™s Ohio! Itā€™s Milaā€™s place. Mila is your sister!! You are Marline!!ā€ she said laughing at me.

ā€œOH! God! It feels like I slept for eternity! I had a bad night mare! And,,,,errā€

ā€œStop!! Please get up! Everyone has nightmares. Donā€™t bore me with your dreams. Itā€™s real world here! I need your taste in clothes. We need to dress up elegantly,,,ā€

ā€œWhat time is it? Where the hell is my watch?ā€ I said when I was getting up from the bed. The first night for me in this bed and I had the worst night mare ever. I hated it already. I donā€™t know if I can fit in here!

ā€œItā€™s 9:30 Saturday morning, now go gussy up. We are going to have a blast like the old days. By the way breakfast is ready. You are my sis and I love youā€ she said kissing me on my cheek then she left room running and singing. ā€œGive me everything tonight! For all we know, we might not get tomorrow! Letā€™s do it tonightā€ She is so happy, singing Pitball in the morning!! How typical for me now!

As I got up, I checked myself in the mirror. Iā€™m so pale, weak and miserable. Why is that? Why I had a nightmare of a man killing me. Do I have a self-respect problem??

Mila is my younger sister. We are the only girls of Mr. and Mrs. Underwood. My mom died from cancer since I was 13,I cried a river for her but then I knew deep inside that she wanted me to be stronger in order to keep her family together. Mila was so young, about 7 years old and I had to take care of her because dad wasnā€™t there for us. He didnā€™t get married again and he couldnā€™t get over my mom. So messed up and drunk! He stopped drinking after a car accident he had. He went to a rehab institution.  Then he came back healthy, focus or thatā€™s what I thought he would be. Mila adores him. She doesnā€™t really remember mom. I and dad mean the world to her until the day when I moved out to New York. It was catastrophic, I wanted law studies so badly but I made up my mind and turned to English literature department in the NYU. I thought if I stayed in suburbs looking after my family I would never accomplished anything, maybe I acted selfish but being there wasnā€™t going to make it any better. Writing my diaries opened up a whole new world, letting me discover my talent. New York City was the experience that I would never forget. A sad love story and a bad job! That was my muse! Iā€™m writing my very first book after graduation. I had just started writing when my sister Mila called from Ohio where she lives with her roommate Jenna; telling me that Jenna has moved on to LA and she needed me so badly, later on! I found out that she was in love. Mila makes me look like a loner in comparison! She is too outgoing and loves hanging out, partying, having weird relationships with the wrong guys. She simply canā€™t hook up for a long time! She moved out here after dad marriage, she was frustrated and so disappointed. Our aunt Nina lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Mila found Ninaā€™s place the best way to run away. When she turned 18, she got a scholarship to study in Ohio University, business department. She is ok now, looks so pretty and fresh. On the phone, she told me about the super guy she is in love with now, Ethan. I canā€™t recall his last name but it sounded good to me that itā€™s been 7 months since she met him. Itā€™s a pretty long time considering her commitment issues.

We went shopping; eventually she bought a perfect dress and had her hair cut. Mila is a medium high, brunette, green- eyed girl with a lovely perfect body. We are not a like. People say that we have the same eyes. But all that I know is she can charm guys with her glowing details somehow that I canā€™t. They usually like me talking; my hair would do some tricks. But I really donā€™t care. Love at first sight means nothing; eyes and chemistry attraction are not enough for me. I guess a manā€™s way of thinking is just what would catch my attention.

ā€œHey!! Whatā€™s wrong with you today?? Are you going to stare at me all day long?!?ā€ said Mila and pushed me.

ā€œ heheh I missed you so much Mila! I really wanna go with you tonight but Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t make it! I donā€™t have a date and you know,,,ā€ I giggled with a very silly expression on my face.

ā€œShut up! Marline! You are my sis!! This guy is driving me mad! By the way he has a really handsome friend. Itā€™s a formal party. No dates recommended anyway!ā€ she said and entered her infinitive dream day of that man! Oh my God! Does she go through all this with every guy?? She even passed on the main subject of the conversation that Iā€™m her sister.

Iā€™m gonna choose any dress I can find in her closet, we have the same size thank God but first things first, I gotta take shower!.

 Abruptly, I felt something in my head. It was that guy! The man in my dream or my nightmare; I canā€™t decide, was obviously beautiful and I canā€™t keep myself from thinking about him. He was killing me! Oh God! Am I going out of my mind!!?


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