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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Waiting for your Love by Shaniya Mack (best inspirational books txt) 📖

Book online «Waiting for your Love by Shaniya Mack (best inspirational books txt) 📖». Author Shaniya Mack

Chapter One

Lexi Wallcot (P.O.V)


There were many things that scared me still living at home with my parents at the age of forty, which was unlikely to occur but still it's pretty damn freaky. Snakes cockroaches lizards and yes working into a crowded classroom late. 

Stepping out from the state of the art glass entrance I was hit with a whiff of vehicle exhaust blended with food from the vending carts aross the city. Adjusting my bag strap I enjoyed the quiteness of my street lined with palm trees before I reached the heavy traffic.

One day I hope to blend in but for now I felt like an outsider, a small town girl in the big city. I tried not to walk around wide eyed and distracted but it was hard, there was so much to see and experience but I had only fifteen minutes on the clock.

And I absolutely hate been late

I hate when people turn around and stare which they always do when you enter a classroom after class has already started. That is why I frantically plotted the distance from the apartment I was sharing with Kevin my most dearest friend and the university.

One hour in traffic

Thirty minutes on foot

And I would have made it if I had not stayed up most of the night celebrating with Kevin my head still throbbing from the few glasses of wine I had drank greedliy celebrating my new found freedom.

"If you insist on moving half way across country at least stay with Kevin." my mom's voice flitering though my thoughts as I stopped in front the sicence building out of breath from half walking half running. Now its time to climb the steepest most inconvenient stairs.

Of course I had choosen to stay with Kevin who I left at home still nursing his hangover I guess he was coming to school today lucky he. 

Mr and Mrs Wallcott would not be happy to know that I was drinking and this made me extremly happy. 

But now I am regretting my little rebellion as I hurried through the humid heat wanting to throw up and into the airconditioned building. It was already twenty minutes past nine and my literature class was on the third floor. Why the hell did I choose literature?

Maybe the idea of dissecting another rat made me want to hurl up.

Yes that's another thing I am afarid of rats.

Racing up the stairs barrelling though the door hitting a brick wall stumbling backwards falling on my butt, my elbows throbbed from the voilent contact with the floor but I hardly felt the pain I was too preoccupied staring at the handsome boy in front of me. Jet black hair framed a breathtaking face, nicely etched mouth, straight nose and intensely green eyes made him 

Wow gorgerous

His eyes narrowing slightly 

I was staring thank god for the blanket of hair that covered my face a sheet of chest nut hair covering turtle dove eyes. My bag scattered across the floor spilling overpriced books and pens. My pens rolled everywhere a gift from Kevin. 

He held out his hand staring at me sucking air the air from my lungs. Wasn't it illegal to be this good looking?

The glint of his gold watch distracting me for a moment. 

"Are you alright?"

His voice smooth cultured my stomach fluttering my lips dry so I licked it before answering

"Yes I am"






Chapter Two

Damon Hamilton (P.O.V)


Professor Kenrick Weber is one pie hole

Going to his literature class was the last thing I wanted to do at nine in the morning. I didn't really need him nagging me about my phone. Stop texting while I am teaching Mr Hamilton, turn off your phone Mr Hamilton. His squeaky voice sickening and disgusting well only to my ears no one else seems to be complaining. 

And I didn't need his crap considering I was only going on two hours sleep maybe less. I could still taste the tequila the smell of whats her name cheap perfume. I really didn't even want to think about last night. 

I watched the door to literature class swing open as another student walked in chatting on her cellphone considering the consequences if I should skip class. When my phone buzz my best friend Justin mocking me with a text message.

You know how unhealthy it is to choose a class before noon. Screw Weber and meet me I have beer x box grand theft auto.

Justin made a tempting offer one had to decided upon quickly before Mr Weber arrived I was rather early for his class. 

Literature or grand theft auto it wasn't really a hard decision to make considering that I don't like the subject or the teacher but I loved playing video games. 

Mind made up I walked down the staircase responding to his text when the door flew in like a tornado my head jerking up when a little body ran into me.

It happened so quickly I did have time to respond blasted tequilas. I watched her fall not so elegantly on her behind her elbows connecting with the floor.

Ouch that got to hurt.

She didn't scream or cry like I thought she would I like that about her instantly. She just sat there staring at me though a sheet of chestnut hair the stands looked silky soft I wanted to touch them. The scent of berries and something musky filled me. I chuckled inwardly dropping my bag offering her a hand.




I forced myself to take a deep breath the air thickening around us as I took his hand his grip firm pulling me up. I pulled back my hand instantly once on my feet. A guy never touched me like that well excpeted for Kevin but he wasn't into me I was more like a sister he never had and I felt the same way and there was that one time that didn't count for shit. My senses scorched as I inhaled the sent of his colonge he stood to close much to close for comfort stepping back.

Anger suddenly rushed though me  pushing away panic looking down at my scattered items.

"Look at what you have done" pushing away the thick strands of hair covering my face

He arched his eyebrows gazing at me. 

Lexi girl you should have left it there.

He was fine in always, he was the kind of guy that could make girls do stupid things with those looks. Athlete body 6 ft tall I felt rather short in his presence.




Publication Date: 06-25-2016

All Rights Reserved

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