Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » C.E.O by Danielle Martin (children's books read aloud .TXT) 📖

Book online «C.E.O by Danielle Martin (children's books read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Martin

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Chapter 1.

Its really not that bad. He shouldnt flip out. Not over something this little. Its no big deal. Jodiya chanted inside her head as she clutched the black heavy bag on her right shoulder, holding it close to her side as if someone was going to run up at any moment and snatch the bag away from her. The big rimmed sun glasses she wore sat at the edge of her nose which she pushed back up using the tip of her red manicured fingernail. Even though it was close to 7 p.m and the sun had already begun to set, she kept the sunglasses on because they were doing a good job at disguising her face. She even wore a darker shade of lipstick than her usual just to throw off her appearance. Looking down at the black bag, her palms began to sweat. Why am I doing this? Why am i trying to convince myself this nigga wont kill me dead if he finds out im here? I know how he is. I know what hes capable of...

Jodiya quickened her pace, suddenly getting the awkward feeling that someone was following her. Clutching the bag even tighter, her mind began to wonder on why did she agree to do this in the first place. There were so many good opportunities she left on the table. With a bachelor in computer science and an associate in business, she could have gone almost anywhere in the country. Why did she decide to end up in the rough streets of Baltimore, she would never understand. Currently she was smack dead in the middle of the hood, walking around in a black trench coat, white pants, sunglasses with a black bag strapped across her shoulders, and black stiletto heels looking like a damn fool. Whipping around the corner, Jodiya shot across the parking lot towards her car, her Mercedes finally in eye sight. She breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly beginning to feel like she had gotten away with murder. Getting out of here unnoticed was all that mattered at the moment. She bit her lip, still wondering why was she here willing to risk it all? Was it the $10,000 dollar bribe? Or was it something else? He's going to think I betrayed him. He's going to hurt me if he finds out. I can neverrrrrrrr let him find out.

As if right on que, her phone buzzed in her pocket almost causing her to jump out of her skin. She was too close to her car, the buzz against the cheek of her ass almost made her have a heart attack. Fishing the phone out of her pocket, she began to trot even faster wishing her paranoia hadnt caused her to park her car so far down the block. Without even checking the caller id, she swiped the green button for answer and pressed the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She sputtered into the phone half way out of breath.

"Jodiya....." She was greeted by a deep dark tone. His voice so chilling, it almost sent shock waves throughout her body.

She slowed down, knowing that the sound of her heels click clacking in the background would sound like shes in a rush. "Yes baby?" She tried to put on her sweet sexy voice hoping it would disguise the nervousness in her tone.

"Where you at?" He asked blankly, not returning the friendly vibe.

"On my way home baby." She dodged his question, hoping he would let her slide.

The phone went silent for a second. She heard him take a deep breath before coming back to the phone. "Jodiya, stop playing with me. I said where you at?" His voice became even more forceful. Jodiya began to picture the look he probably had on his face. He knows. Give it up now. You couldnt even leave the scene properly! Your a dead bitch!

"I was shopping babe." She said innocently, trying to sound as if she was taken aback by his aggressiveness. "I didnt see anything i liked so im on the way home."

"Oh." He smacked his lips, obviously challenging her. ''You think im a dumb nigga dont you? You was shopping? With what credit card? With what money? Cuz you left all that shit in the safe at the house."

Shutting her eyes closed, she wanted to slap herself upside the head for being such an idiot. She never went anywhere without her card or her money, but her dumb ass was so anxious to carry this black bag with her that she forgot to grab her real purse out the safe. "You know how I do. I always got emergeny cash somewhere." She lied. "Whats up though? You acting like you mad or like you know something. Is there something wrong?" She held her breath as she asked that question terrified of his answer, feeling like the result was either life or death.

He smacked his lips again, a habit of his that she always hated. "Jodiya, I know when you up to no good. Im ten steps ahead of you baby."

Her heart began to beat even faster. Holding the phone tight to her ear, she looked over her shoulder checking her surroundings, making sure no one was creeping up behind her or hiding behind the corner. She saw no one. There was not one person outside. Which was more terrifying because it meant no witnesses. "What are you talking bout?"

"You know." He answered nochalantly. "I introduced you to the game. I begged you not to turn your back on me. But you did it anyways Jodiya, Im real dissappointed."

She shook her head trying to sort out how this man got on her trail so quickly, and how he was accurate enough to begin his interrogation before she could make her get away.

"Look Jodiya, just give it up. Tell me what the fuck you doing! Are you plotting or are you hoeing? Which one is it?"

She stopped in her tracks, propping her hands up on her hips. Maybe she was over exaggerating and he wasnt really on her trail. Maybe he was just policing being his usual possesive self. Whenever she left the house, he always questioned her about where she was going, who she was going with and how long she would be gone. Jodiya knew her only way out of this was to turn the table.

"I'm tired of you disrespecting me Karenzo! I'm supposed to be your woman! And you got the audacity to accuse me of plotting and hoeing around on you??? Are you crazy???"

"No are you crazy Jodiya???" He smacked his lips for the final time. He took an obvious deep breath before speaking. "You must be crazy walking down Elwood ave with heels on looking like a stripper hoe. But you not plotting and you not fucking off? And I dont know whats in the bag but the shit look like its finna make you fall the fuck over."

Her heart stopped and dropped into her stomach at that very moment, her hands becoming weak to the point her phone almost slipped out of her hand. She stopped suddenly her body beginning to feel frozen as if she couldnt move and her eyes wide as if she was a deer caught in head lights. She couldn't say anything. Couldnt even open her mouth to speak. He didn't say anything on the other line either. It was just a cold, eerily silence. No cars whizzing by, no children playing outside. No witnesses. Shit. I'm a dead bitch. She turned her head slowly to the left, terrified to look behind her to see if anyone was sneaking up. No one. She gripped the phone to her ear to prevent herself from showing her fear. What the fuck was I thinking. Its over. ''Where you at Karenzo?" She spoke just above a whisper, her voice shaky. Theres no telling what this man knew. "Did you have someone follow me?" She asked.

He laughed breaking his silence. ''Now come on Jodi baby. You know me better than that. You know how personal I can get. Why would I have someone follow you when im the closest person to you?" He laughed again, obviously taunting her. "And what you looking over your shoulder for? You think im just gonna sneak up behind you and whack you? I thought you never look back? I put that much fear in your heart?" He continued to laugh at her, almost forcing her into tears.

"FUCK YOU KARENZO! Your sick!!!" She burst out into the phone, feeling tormented by this devil. He was pure evil and she hated herself for ever doing buisness or doing anything with him for that matter. His spitefulness and controlling attitude is what drove her here today, and now she was stuck in a life or death situation, because leave it to this dude, he will literally kill about his self respect. She looked up. She was about 30 feet away from her car. She could make a run for it. But she had no idea where Karenzo was nor did she know how fast he could catch up to her. Obviously she wasnt here alone, and if she was going to make a getaway she had to think fast.

"I know what your thinking Jodiya. Your going to run aint you?"

"Thats what you want huh?" She looked up to the sky, hoping her mother would send down some kind of sign or a miracle. She always prayed to her gaurdian angel but never at a time like this.

"You know i'm not going to let you get away that easy. I don't know how fast you can run in them heels, but I can almost garuntee you I will make it to that pretty little benz long before you do."

Feeling like she heard enough, she snatched the phone away from her ear pressing the end button, hoping and praying that wasnt her very last time hanging up a phone. She knew all about Karenzo and his past. More than what he thought she knew. Which is what made crossing paths with him so much more terrifying. Theres no telling what he might do. Feeling like this was her only chance, she had to do what she had to do. And one thing was for sure, she defenitely wasnt going down without a fight. If only she could make it to her car in time, she had a 9 mm in her glove box that she was not afraid to use. She had to think fast. Obviously just standing here in shock wasnt doing anything. He could sneak up on her at any minute from any angle. She had no other choice but to make a run for it. Slowly, she took a deep breath counting to three slowly in her head. On three bitch you go. 1......2................3!!!!!! Moving fast, she quickly kicked both of her shoes off, both of them flying mid air as she took off running, wanting to close her eyes but she refused. She had too much to live for. She had to make it out of this alive.


Chapter 2.
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